
451 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-07-28 20:49:01 +00:00
'use strict'
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
const lodash = require('lodash')
const pull = require('pull-stream')
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
const prettyMs = require('pretty-ms')
const debug = require('debug')('oasis:model-post')
const cooler = require('./lib/cooler')
const configure = require('./lib/configure')
const markdown = require('./lib/markdown')
const { isMsg } = require('ssb-ref')
const getMessages = async ({ myFeedId, customOptions, ssb, query }) => {
const options = configure({ query, index: 'DTA' }, customOptions)
const source = await cooler.read(
ssb.backlinks.read, options
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pull.filter((msg) =>
typeof msg.value.content !== 'string' &&
msg.value.content.type === 'post' &&
msg.value.author !== myFeedId
pull.collect((err, collectedMessages) => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(transform(ssb, collectedMessages, myFeedId))
const transform = (ssb, messages, myFeedId) =>
Promise.all(messages.map(async (msg) => {
debug('transforming %s', msg.key)
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
if (msg == null) {
return null
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
lodash.set(msg, 'value.meta.md.block', () =>
markdown(msg.value.content.text, msg.value.content.mentions)
const filterQuery = {
$filter: {
dest: msg.key
const referenceStream = await cooler.read(ssb.backlinks.read, {
query: [filterQuery],
index: 'DTA', // use asserted timestamps
private: true,
meta: true
const rawVotes = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pull.filter((ref) => typeof ref.value.content !== 'string' &&
ref.value.content.type === 'vote' &&
ref.value.content.vote &&
typeof ref.value.content.vote.value === 'number' &&
ref.value.content.vote.value >= 0 &&
ref.value.content.vote.link === msg.key),
pull.collect((err, collectedMessages) => {
if (err) {
} else {
// { @key: 1, @key2: 0, @key3: 1 }
// only one vote per person!
const reducedVotes = rawVotes.reduce((acc, vote) => {
acc[vote.value.author] = vote.value.content.vote.value
return acc
}, {})
// gets *only* the people who voted 1
// [ @key, @key, @key ]
const voters = Object
.filter(([key, value]) => value === 1)
.map(([key]) => key)
const pendingName = cooler.get(
ssb.about.socialValue, {
key: 'name',
dest: msg.value.author
const pendingAvatarMsg = cooler.get(
ssb.about.socialValue, {
key: 'image',
dest: msg.value.author
const pending = [pendingName, pendingAvatarMsg]
const [name, avatarMsg] = await Promise.all(pending)
2019-07-03 18:03:10 +00:00
const nullImage = `&${'0'.repeat(43)}=.sha256`
const avatarId = avatarMsg != null && typeof avatarMsg.link === 'string'
? avatarMsg.link || nullImage
: avatarMsg || nullImage
const avatarUrl = `/image/32/${encodeURIComponent(avatarId)}`
const ts = new Date(msg.value.timestamp)
let isoTs
try {
isoTs = ts.toISOString()
} catch (e) {
// Just in case it's an invalid date. :(
const receivedTs = new Date(msg.timestamp)
isoTs = receivedTs.toISOString()
lodash.set(msg, 'value.meta.timestamp.received.iso8601', isoTs)
const ago = Date.now() - Number(ts)
const prettyAgo = prettyMs(ago, { compact: true })
lodash.set(msg, 'value.meta.timestamp.received.since', prettyAgo)
lodash.set(msg, 'value.meta.author.name', name)
lodash.set(msg, 'value.meta.author.avatar', {
id: avatarId,
url: avatarUrl
lodash.set(msg, 'value.meta.votes', voters)
lodash.set(msg, 'value.meta.voted', voters.includes(myFeedId))
return msg
const post = {
fromFeed: async (feedId, customOptions = {}) => {
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
2019-07-03 17:53:11 +00:00
const whoami = await cooler.get(ssb.whoami)
const myFeedId = whoami.id
const options = configure({ id: feedId }, customOptions)
const source = await cooler.read(
const messages = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
pull.filter((msg) => typeof msg.value.content !== 'string' &&
msg.value.content.type === 'post'),
2019-07-26 17:51:10 +00:00
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
pull.collect((err, collectedMessages) => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(transform(ssb, collectedMessages, myFeedId))
2019-07-26 17:06:47 +00:00
return messages
mentionsMe: async (customOptions = {}) => {
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
const whoami = await cooler.get(ssb.whoami)
const myFeedId = whoami.id
const query = [{
$filter: {
dest: myFeedId
const messages = await getMessages({ myFeedId, customOptions, ssb, query })
return messages
fromHashtag: async (hashtag, customOptions = {}) => {
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
2019-07-03 17:53:11 +00:00
const whoami = await cooler.get(ssb.whoami)
const myFeedId = whoami.id
const query = [{
$filter: {
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
dest: `#${hashtag}`
const messages = await getMessages({ myFeedId, customOptions, ssb, query })
return messages
latest: async (customOptions = {}) => {
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
2019-07-03 17:53:11 +00:00
const whoami = await cooler.get(ssb.whoami)
const myFeedId = whoami.id
const options = configure({
type: 'post',
2019-07-26 17:51:10 +00:00
limit: 60
}, customOptions)
const source = await cooler.read(
const messages = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pull.filter((message) => // avoid private messages (!)
typeof message.value.content !== 'string'
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
pull.collect((err, collectedMessages) => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(transform(ssb, collectedMessages, myFeedId))
return messages
fromThread: async (msgId, customOptions) => {
debug('thread: %s', msgId)
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
2019-07-03 17:53:11 +00:00
const whoami = await cooler.get(ssb.whoami)
const myFeedId = whoami.id
const options = configure({ id: msgId }, customOptions)
const rawMsg = await cooler.get(ssb.get, options)
debug('got raw message')
const parents = []
const getRootAncestor = (msg) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (msg.key == null) {
debug('something is very wrong, we used `{ meta: true }`')
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
} else {
debug('getting root ancestor of %s', msg.key)
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
if (typeof msg.value.content === 'string') {
debug('private message')
// Private message we can't decrypt, stop looking for parents.
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
if (typeof msg.value.content.fork === 'string' && isMsg(msg.value.content.fork)) {
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
debug('fork, get the parent')
try {
// It's a message reply, get the parent!
cooler.get(ssb.get, {
id: msg.value.content.fork,
meta: true,
private: true
}).then((fork) => {
} catch (e) {
} else if (typeof msg.value.content.root === 'string' && isMsg(msg.value.content.root)) {
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
debug('thread reply: %s', msg.value.content.root)
try {
// It's a thread reply, get the parent!
cooler.get(ssb.get, {
id: msg.value.content.root,
meta: true,
private: true
}).then((root) => {
} catch (e) {
} else {
debug('got root ancestor')
const getReplies = (key) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
const filterQuery = {
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
$filter: {
dest: key
cooler.read(ssb.backlinks.read, {
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
query: [filterQuery],
index: 'DTA' // use asserted timestamps
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
}).then((referenceStream) => {
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
pull.filter((msg) => {
const isPost = lodash.get(msg, 'value.content.type') === 'post'
if (isPost === false) {
return false
const root = lodash.get(msg, 'value.content.root')
const fork = lodash.get(msg, 'value.content.fork')
if (root !== key && fork !== key) {
// mention
return false
if (fork === key) {
// not a reply to this post
// it's a reply *to a reply* of this post
return false
return true
pull.collect((err, messages) => {
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(messages || undefined)
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/flat
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
const flattenDeep = (arr1) => arr1.reduce(
(acc, val) => (Array.isArray(val)
? acc.concat(flattenDeep(val))
: acc.concat(val)
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
const getDeepReplies = (key) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
const oneDeeper = async (replyKey, depth) => {
const replies = await getReplies(replyKey)
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
debug('replies', replies.map((m) => m.key))
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
debug('found %s replies for %s', replies.length, replyKey)
if (replies.length === 0) {
return replies
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
return Promise.all(replies.map(async (reply) => {
const deeperReplies = await oneDeeper(reply.key, depth + 1)
lodash.set(reply, 'value.meta.thread.depth', depth)
return [reply, deeperReplies]
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
oneDeeper(key, 1).then((nested) => {
const nestedReplies = [...nested]
const deepReplies = flattenDeep(nestedReplies)
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
debug('about to get root ancestor')
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
const rootAncestor = await getRootAncestor(rawMsg)
debug('got root ancestors')
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
const deepReplies = await getDeepReplies(rootAncestor.key)
debug('got deep replies')
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
2019-08-15 01:10:22 +00:00
const allMessages = [rootAncestor, ...deepReplies].map((message) => {
const isThreadTarget = message.key === msgId
lodash.set(message, 'value.meta.thread.target', isThreadTarget)
return message
2019-07-03 17:53:11 +00:00
const transformed = await transform(ssb, allMessages, myFeedId)
2019-06-28 20:55:05 +00:00
return transformed
get: async (msgId, customOptions) => {
debug('get: %s', msgId)
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
const whoami = await cooler.get(ssb.whoami)
const myFeedId = whoami.id
const options = configure({ id: msgId }, customOptions)
const rawMsg = await cooler.get(ssb.get, options)
debug('got raw message')
const transformed = await transform(ssb, [rawMsg], myFeedId)
debug('transformed: %O', transformed)
return transformed[0]
publish: async (options) => {
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
const body = { type: 'post', ...options }
debug('Published: %O', body)
return cooler.get(ssb.publish, body)
reply: async ({ parent, message }) => {
message.root = parent
message.branch = parent
return post.publish(message)
replyAll: async ({ parent, message }) => {
message.root = lodash.get(parent, 'value.content.root', parent.key)
message.branch = await post.branch({ root: parent.key })
return post.publish(message)
branch: async ({ root }) => {
const ssb = await cooler.connect()
const keys = await cooler.get(ssb.tangle.branch, root)
return Promise.all(keys
.map((key) => post.get(key))
.filter((message) => lodash.get(message, 'value.content.type') === 'post')
module.exports = post