"use strict"; const path = require("path"); const envPaths = require("env-paths"); const fs = require("fs"); const debug = require("debug")("oasis"); const highlightJs = require("highlight.js"); const MarkdownIt = require("markdown-it"); const prettyMs = require("pretty-ms"); const { a, article, br, body, button, details, div, em, footer, form, h1, h2, head, header, hr, html, img, input, label, li, link, main, meta, nav, option, p, pre, progress, section, select, span, summary, textarea, title, ul, } = require("hyperaxe"); const lodash = require("lodash"); const markdown = require("./markdown"); const i18nBase = require("./i18n"); let selectedLanguage = "en"; let i18n = i18nBase[selectedLanguage]; exports.setLanguage = (language) => { selectedLanguage = language; i18n = Object.assign({}, i18nBase.en, i18nBase[language]); }; const markdownUrl = "https://commonmark.org/help/"; const doctypeString = ""; const THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH = 3; const toAttributes = (obj) => Object.entries(obj) .map(([key, val]) => `${key}=${val}`) .join(", "); // non-breaking space const nbsp = "\xa0"; const template = (titlePrefix, ...elements) => { const navLink = ({ href, emoji, text }) => li( a( { href, class: titlePrefix === text ? "current" : "" }, span({ class: "emoji" }, emoji), nbsp, text ) ); const customCSS = (filename) => { const customStyleFile = path.join( envPaths("oasis", { suffix: "" }).config, filename ); try { if (fs.existsSync(customStyleFile)) { return link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: filename }); } } catch (error) { return ""; } }; const nodes = html( { lang: "en" }, head( title(titlePrefix, " - Oasis"), link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "/theme.css" }), link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "/assets/style.css" }), link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "/assets/highlight.css" }), customCSS("/custom-style.css"), link({ rel: "icon", type: "image/svg+xml", href: "/assets/favicon.svg" }), meta({ charset: "utf-8" }), meta({ name: "description", content: i18n.oasisDescription, }), meta({ name: "viewport", content: toAttributes({ width: "device-width", "initial-scale": 1 }), }) ), body( nav( ul( navLink({ href: "/publish", emoji: "πŸ“", text: i18n.publish, }), navLink({ href: "/public/latest/extended", emoji: "πŸ—ΊοΈ", text: i18n.extended, }), navLink({ href: "/public/popular/day", emoji: "πŸ“£", text: i18n.popular, }), navLink({ href: "/public/latest", emoji: "πŸ‡", text: i18n.latest }), navLink({ href: "/public/latest/topics", emoji: "πŸ“–", text: i18n.topics, }), navLink({ href: "/public/latest/summaries", emoji: "πŸ—’οΈ", text: i18n.summaries, }), navLink({ href: "/public/latest/threads", emoji: "🧡", text: i18n.threads, }), navLink({ href: "/profile", emoji: "🐱", text: i18n.profile }), navLink({ href: "/mentions", emoji: "πŸ’¬", text: i18n.mentions }), navLink({ href: "/inbox", emoji: "βœ‰οΈ", text: i18n.private }), navLink({ href: "/search", emoji: "πŸ”", text: i18n.search }), navLink({ href: "/imageSearch", emoji: "πŸ–ΌοΈ", text: i18n.imageSearch, }), navLink({ href: "/settings", emoji: "βš™", text: i18n.settings }) ) ), main({ id: "content" }, elements) ) ); const result = doctypeString + nodes.outerHTML; return result; }; const thread = (messages) => { // this first loop is preprocessing to enable auto-expansion of forks when a // message in the fork is linked to let lookingForTarget = true; let shallowest = Infinity; for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const msg = messages[i]; const depth = lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.depth", 0); if (lookingForTarget) { const isThreadTarget = Boolean( lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.target", false) ); if (isThreadTarget) { lookingForTarget = false; } } else { if (depth < shallowest) { lodash.set(msg, "value.meta.thread.ancestorOfTarget", true); shallowest = depth; } } } const msgList = []; for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { const j = i + 1; const currentMsg = messages[i]; const nextMsg = messages[j]; const depth = (msg) => { // will be undefined when checking depth(nextMsg) when currentMsg is the // last message in the thread if (msg === undefined) return 0; return lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.depth", 0); }; msgList.push(post({ msg: currentMsg }).outerHTML); if (depth(currentMsg) < depth(nextMsg)) { const isAncestor = Boolean( lodash.get(currentMsg, "value.meta.thread.ancestorOfTarget", false) ); const isBlocked = Boolean(nextMsg.value.meta.blocking); msgList.push(`
`); const nextAuthor = lodash.get(nextMsg, "value.meta.author.name"); const nextSnippet = postSnippet( lodash.has(nextMsg, "value.content.contentWarning") ? lodash.get(nextMsg, "value.content.contentWarning") : lodash.get(nextMsg, "value.content.text") ); msgList.push( summary( isBlocked ? i18n.relationshipBlockingPost : `${nextAuthor}: ${nextSnippet}` ).outerHTML ); } else if (depth(currentMsg) > depth(nextMsg)) { // getting more shallow const diffDepth = depth(currentMsg) - depth(nextMsg); const shallowList = []; for (let d = 0; d < diffDepth; d++) { // on the way up it might go several depths at once shallowList.push("
"); } msgList.push(shallowList); } } const htmlStrings = lodash.flatten(msgList); return div( {}, { class: "thread-container", innerHTML: htmlStrings.join("") } ); }; const postSnippet = (text) => { const max = 40; text = text.trim().split("\n", 3).join("\n"); // this is taken directly from patchwork. i'm not entirely sure what this // regex is doing text = text.replace(/_|`|\*|#|^\[@.*?]|\[|]|\(\S*?\)/g, "").trim(); text = text.replace(/:$/, ""); text = text.trim().split("\n", 1)[0].trim(); if (text.length > max) { text = text.substring(0, max - 1) + "…"; } return text; }; /** * Render a section containing a link that takes users to the context for a * thread preview. * * @param {Array} thread with SSB message objects * @param {Boolean} isComment true if this is shown in the context of a comment * instead of a post */ const continueThreadComponent = (thread, isComment) => { const encoded = { next: encodeURIComponent(thread[THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH + 1].key), parent: encodeURIComponent(thread[0].key), }; const left = thread.length - (THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH + 1); let continueLink; if (isComment == false) { continueLink = `/thread/${encoded.parent}#${encoded.next}`; return a( { href: continueLink }, `continue reading ${left} more comment${left === 1 ? "" : "s"}` ); } else { continueLink = `/thread/${encoded.parent}`; return a({ href: continueLink }, "read the rest of the thread"); } }; /** * Render an aside with a preview of comments on a message * * For posts, up to three comments are shown, for comments, up to 3 messages * directly following this one in the thread are displayed. If there are more * messages in the thread, a link is rendered that links to the rest of the * context. * * @param {Object} post for which to display the aside */ const postAside = ({ key, value }) => { const thread = value.meta.thread; if (thread == null) return null; const isComment = value.meta.postType === "comment"; let postsToShow; if (isComment) { const commentPosition = thread.findIndex((msg) => msg.key === key); postsToShow = thread.slice( commentPosition + 1, Math.min(commentPosition + (THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH + 1), thread.length) ); } else { postsToShow = thread.slice( 1, Math.min(thread.length, THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH + 1) ); } const fragments = postsToShow.map((p) => post({ msg: p })); if (thread.length > THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH + 1) { fragments.push(section(continueThreadComponent(thread, isComment))); } return div({ class: "indent" }, fragments); }; const post = ({ msg, aside = false }) => { const encoded = { key: encodeURIComponent(msg.key), author: encodeURIComponent(msg.value.author), parent: encodeURIComponent(msg.value.content.root), }; const url = { author: `/author/${encoded.author}`, likeForm: `/like/${encoded.key}`, link: `/thread/${encoded.key}#${encoded.key}`, parent: `/thread/${encoded.parent}#${encoded.parent}`, avatar: msg.value.meta.author.avatar.url, json: `/json/${encoded.key}`, subtopic: `/subtopic/${encoded.key}`, comment: `/comment/${encoded.key}`, }; const isPrivate = Boolean(msg.value.meta.private); const isBlocked = Boolean(msg.value.meta.blocking); const isRoot = msg.value.content.root == null; const isFork = msg.value.meta.postType === "subtopic"; const hasContentWarning = typeof msg.value.content.contentWarning === "string"; const isThreadTarget = Boolean( lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.target", false) ); const { name } = msg.value.meta.author; const ts_received = msg.value.meta.timestamp.received; const timeAgo = ts_received.since.replace("~", ""); const timeAbsolute = ts_received.iso8601.split(".")[0].replace("T", " "); const markdownContent = markdown( msg.value.content.text, msg.value.content.mentions ); const likeButton = msg.value.meta.voted ? { value: 0, class: "liked" } : { value: 1, class: null }; const likeCount = msg.value.meta.votes.length; const maxLikedNameLength = 16; const maxLikedNames = 16; const likedByNames = msg.value.meta.votes .slice(0, maxLikedNames) .map((person) => person.name) .map((name) => name.slice(0, maxLikedNameLength)) .join(", "); const additionalLikesMessage = likeCount > maxLikedNames ? `+${likeCount - maxLikedNames} more` : ``; const likedByMessage = likeCount > 0 ? `Liked by ${likedByNames} ${additionalLikesMessage}` : null; const messageClasses = ["post"]; const recps = []; const addRecps = (recpsInfo) => { recpsInfo.forEach(function (recp) { recps.push( a( { href: `/author/${encodeURIComponent(recp.feedId)}` }, img({ class: "avatar", src: recp.avatarUrl, alt: "" }) ) ); }); }; if (isPrivate) { messageClasses.push("private"); addRecps(msg.value.meta.recpsInfo); } if (isThreadTarget) { messageClasses.push("thread-target"); } // TODO: Refactor to stop using strings and use constants/symbols. const postOptions = { post: null, comment: i18n.commentDescription({ parentUrl: url.parent }), subtopic: i18n.subtopicDescription({ parentUrl: url.parent }), mystery: i18n.mysteryDescription, }; const emptyContent = "


\n"; const articleElement = markdownContent === emptyContent ? article( { class: "content" }, pre({ innerHTML: highlightJs.highlight( "json", JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2) ).value, }) ) : article({ class: "content", innerHTML: markdownContent }); if (isBlocked) { messageClasses.push("blocked"); return section( { id: msg.key, class: messageClasses.join(" "), }, i18n.relationshipBlockingPost ); } const articleContent = hasContentWarning ? details(summary(msg.value.content.contentWarning), articleElement) : articleElement; const fragment = section( { id: msg.key, class: messageClasses.join(" "), }, header( div( span( { class: "author" }, a( { href: url.author }, img({ class: "avatar", src: url.avatar, alt: "" }), name ) ), span({ class: "author-action" }, postOptions[msg.value.meta.postType]), span( { class: "time", title: timeAbsolute, }, isPrivate ? "πŸ”’" : null, isPrivate ? recps : null, a({ href: url.link }, nbsp, timeAgo) ) ) ), articleContent, // HACK: centered-footer // // Here we create an empty div with an anchor tag that can be linked to. // In our CSS we ensure that this gets centered on the screen when we // link to this anchor tag. // // This is used for redirecting users after they like a post, when we // want the like button that they just clicked to remain close-ish to // where it was before they clicked the button. div({ id: `centered-footer-${encoded.key}`, class: "centered-footer" }), footer( div( form( { action: url.likeForm, method: "post" }, button( { name: "voteValue", type: "submit", value: likeButton.value, class: likeButton.class, title: likedByMessage, }, `❀ ${likeCount}` ) ), a({ href: url.comment }, i18n.comment), isPrivate || isRoot || isFork ? null : a({ href: url.subtopic }, nbsp, i18n.subtopic), a({ href: url.json }, nbsp, i18n.json) ), br() ) ); const threadSeparator = [div({ class: "text-browser" }, hr(), br())]; if (aside) { return [fragment, postAside(msg), isRoot ? threadSeparator : null]; } else { return fragment; } }; exports.editProfileView = ({ name, description }) => template( i18n.editProfile, section( h1(i18n.editProfile), p(i18n.editProfileDescription), form( { action: "/profile/edit", method: "POST", enctype: "multipart/form-data", }, label( i18n.profileImage, input({ type: "file", name: "image", accept: "image/*" }) ), label(i18n.profileName, input({ name: "name", value: name })), label( i18n.profileDescription, textarea( { autofocus: true, name: "description", }, description ) ), button( { type: "submit", }, i18n.submit ) ) ) ); /** * @param {{avatarUrl: string, description: string, feedId: string, messages: any[], name: string, relationship: object, firstPost: object, lastPost: object}} input */ exports.authorView = ({ avatarUrl, description, feedId, messages, firstPost, lastPost, name, relationship, }) => { const mention = `[@${name}](${feedId})`; const markdownMention = highlightJs.highlight("markdown", mention).value; const contactForms = []; const addForm = ({ action }) => contactForms.push( form( { action: `/${action}/${encodeURIComponent(feedId)}`, method: "post", }, button( { type: "submit", }, i18n[action] ) ) ); if (relationship.me === false) { if (relationship.following) { addForm({ action: "unfollow" }); } else if (relationship.blocking) { addForm({ action: "unblock" }); } else { addForm({ action: "follow" }); addForm({ action: "block" }); } } const relationshipText = (() => { if (relationship.me === true) { return i18n.relationshipYou; } else if ( relationship.following === true && relationship.blocking === false ) { return i18n.relationshipFollowing; } else if ( relationship.following === false && relationship.blocking === true ) { return i18n.relationshipBlocking; } else if ( relationship.following === false && relationship.blocking === false ) { return i18n.relationshipNone; } else if ( relationship.following === true && relationship.blocking === true ) { return i18n.relationshipConflict; } else { throw new Error(`Unknown relationship ${JSON.stringify(relationship)}`); } })(); const prefix = section( { class: "message" }, div( { class: "profile" }, img({ class: "avatar", src: avatarUrl }), h1(name) ), pre({ class: "md-mention", innerHTML: markdownMention, }), description !== "" ? article({ innerHTML: markdown(description) }) : null, footer( div( a({ href: `/likes/${encodeURIComponent(feedId)}` }, i18n.viewLikes), span(nbsp, relationshipText), ...contactForms, relationship.me ? a({ href: `/profile/edit` }, nbsp, i18n.editProfile) : null ), br() ) ); const linkUrl = relationship.me ? "/profile/" : `/author/${encodeURIComponent(feedId)}/`; let items = messages.map((msg) => post({ msg })); if (items.length === 0) { if (lastPost === undefined) { items.push(section(div(span(i18n.feedEmpty)))); } else { items.push( section( div( span(i18n.feedRangeEmpty), a({ href: `${linkUrl}` }, i18n.seeFullFeed) ) ) ); } } else { const highestSeqNum = messages[0].value.sequence; const lowestSeqNum = messages[messages.length - 1].value.sequence; let newerPostsLink; if (lastPost !== undefined && highestSeqNum < lastPost.value.sequence) newerPostsLink = a( { href: `${linkUrl}?gt=${highestSeqNum}` }, i18n.newerPosts ); else newerPostsLink = span(i18n.newerPosts, { title: i18n.noNewerPosts }); let olderPostsLink; if (lowestSeqNum > firstPost.value.sequence) olderPostsLink = a( { href: `${linkUrl}?lt=${lowestSeqNum}` }, i18n.olderPosts ); else olderPostsLink = span(i18n.olderPosts, { title: i18n.beginningOfFeed }); const pagination = section( { class: "message" }, footer(div(newerPostsLink, olderPostsLink), br()) ); items.unshift(pagination); items.push(pagination); } return template(i18n.profile, prefix, items); }; exports.previewCommentView = async ({ previewData, messages, myFeedId, parentMessage, contentWarning, }) => { const publishAction = `/comment/${encodeURIComponent(messages[0].key)}`; const preview = generatePreview({ previewData, contentWarning, action: publishAction, }); return exports.commentView( { messages, myFeedId, parentMessage }, preview, previewData.text, contentWarning ); }; exports.commentView = async ( { messages, myFeedId, parentMessage }, preview, text, contentWarning ) => { let markdownMention; const messageElements = await Promise.all( messages.reverse().map((message) => { debug("%O", message); const authorName = message.value.meta.author.name; const authorFeedId = message.value.author; if (authorFeedId !== myFeedId) { if (message.key === parentMessage.key) { const x = `[@${authorName}](${authorFeedId})\n\n`; markdownMention = x; } } return post({ msg: message }); }) ); const action = `/comment/preview/${encodeURIComponent(messages[0].key)}`; const method = "post"; const isPrivate = parentMessage.value.meta.private; const authorName = parentMessage.value.meta.author.name; const publicOrPrivate = isPrivate ? i18n.commentPrivate : i18n.commentPublic; const maybeSubtopicText = isPrivate ? [null] : i18n.commentWarning; return template( i18n.commentTitle({ authorName }), div({ class: "thread-container" }, messageElements), preview !== undefined ? preview : "", p( ...i18n.commentLabel({ publicOrPrivate, markdownUrl }), ...maybeSubtopicText ), form( { action, method, enctype: "multipart/form-data" }, textarea( { autofocus: true, required: true, name: "text", }, text ? text : isPrivate ? null : markdownMention ), label( i18n.contentWarningLabel, input({ name: "contentWarning", type: "text", class: "contentWarning", value: contentWarning ? contentWarning : "", placeholder: i18n.contentWarningPlaceholder, }) ), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.preview), label({ class: "file-button", for: "blob" }, i18n.attachFiles), input({ type: "file", id: "blob", name: "blob" }) ) ); }; exports.mentionsView = ({ messages }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewTitle: i18n.mentions, viewDescription: i18n.mentionsDescription, }); }; exports.privateView = ({ messages }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewTitle: i18n.private, viewDescription: i18n.privateDescription, }); }; exports.publishCustomView = async () => { const action = "/publish/custom"; const method = "post"; return template( i18n.publishCustom, section( h1(i18n.publishCustom), p(i18n.publishCustomDescription), form( { action, method }, textarea( { autofocus: true, required: true, name: "text", }, "{\n", ' "type": "test",\n', ' "hello": "world"\n', "}" ), button( { type: "submit", }, i18n.submit ) ) ), p(i18n.publishBasicInfo({ href: "/publish" })) ); }; exports.threadView = ({ messages }) => { const rootMessage = messages[0]; const rootAuthorName = rootMessage.value.meta.author.name; const rootSnippet = postSnippet( lodash.get(rootMessage, "value.content.text", i18n.mysteryDescription) ); return template([`@${rootAuthorName}: `, rootSnippet], thread(messages)); }; // this view is only used for the /settings/readme page. // To fix style glitches it uses the default MarkdownIt and not ssb-markdown. const md = new MarkdownIt(); exports.markdownView = ({ text }) => { const rawHtml = md.render(text); return template( postSnippet(text), section({ class: "message" }, { innerHTML: rawHtml }) ); }; exports.publishView = (preview, text, contentWarning) => { return template( i18n.publish, section( h1(i18n.publish), form( { action: "/publish/preview", method: "post", enctype: "multipart/form-data", }, label( i18n.publishLabel({ markdownUrl, linkTarget: "_blank" }), textarea({ required: true, name: "text" }, text ? text : "") ), label( i18n.contentWarningLabel, input({ name: "contentWarning", type: "text", class: "contentWarning", value: contentWarning ? contentWarning : "", placeholder: i18n.contentWarningPlaceholder, }) ), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.preview), label({ class: "file-button", for: "blob" }, i18n.attachFiles), input({ type: "file", id: "blob", name: "blob" }) ) ), preview ? preview : "", p(i18n.publishCustomInfo({ href: "/publish/custom" })) ); }; const generatePreview = ({ previewData, contentWarning, action }) => { const { authorMeta, text, mentions } = previewData; // craft message that looks like it came from the db // cb: this kinda fragile imo? this is for getting a proper post styling ya? const msg = { key: "%non-existent.preview", value: { author: authorMeta.id, // sequence: -1, content: { type: "post", text: text, }, timestamp: Date.now(), meta: { isPrivate: true, votes: [], author: { name: authorMeta.name, avatar: { url: `/image/64/${encodeURIComponent(authorMeta.image)}`, }, }, }, }, }; if (contentWarning) msg.value.content.contentWarning = contentWarning; const ts = new Date(msg.value.timestamp); lodash.set(msg, "value.meta.timestamp.received.iso8601", ts.toISOString()); const ago = Date.now() - Number(ts); const prettyAgo = prettyMs(ago, { compact: true }); lodash.set(msg, "value.meta.timestamp.received.since", prettyAgo); return div( Object.keys(mentions).length === 0 ? "" : section( { class: "mention-suggestions" }, h2(i18n.mentionsMatching), Object.keys(mentions).map((name) => { let matches = mentions[name]; return div( matches.map((m) => { let relationship = { emoji: "", desc: "" }; if (m.rel.followsMe && m.rel.following) { // mutuals get the handshake emoji relationship.emoji = "🀝"; relationship.desc = i18n.relationshipMutuals; } else if (m.rel.following) { // if we're following that's an eyes emoji relationship.emoji = "πŸ‘€"; relationship.desc = i18n.relationshipFollowing; } else if (m.rel.followsMe) { // follower has waving-hand emoji relationship.emoji = "πŸ‘‹"; relationship.desc = i18n.relationshipTheyFollow; } else { // no relationship has question mark emoji relationship.emoji = "❓"; relationship.desc = i18n.relationshipNotFollowing; } return div( { class: "mentions-container" }, a( { class: "mentions-image", href: `/author/${encodeURIComponent(m.feed)}`, }, img({ src: `/image/64/${encodeURIComponent(m.img)}` }) ), a( { class: "mentions-name", href: `/author/${encodeURIComponent(m.feed)}`, }, m.name ), div( { class: "emo-rel" }, span( { class: "emoji", title: relationship.desc }, relationship.emoji ), span( { class: "mentions-listing" }, `[@${m.name}](${m.feed})` ) ) ); }) ); }) ), section( { class: "post-preview" }, post({ msg }), // doesn't need blobs, preview adds them to the text form( { action, method: "post" }, input({ name: "contentWarning", type: "hidden", value: contentWarning, }), input({ name: "text", type: "hidden", value: text, }), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.publish) ) ) ); }; exports.previewView = ({ previewData, contentWarning }) => { const publishAction = "/publish"; const preview = generatePreview({ previewData, contentWarning, action: publishAction, }); return exports.publishView(preview, previewData.text, contentWarning); }; /** * @param {{status: object, peers: any[], theme: string, themeNames: string[], version: string }} input */ exports.settingsView = ({ peers, theme, themeNames, version }) => { const startButton = form( { action: "/settings/conn/start", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.startNetworking) ); const restartButton = form( { action: "/settings/conn/restart", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.restartNetworking) ); const stopButton = form( { action: "/settings/conn/stop", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.stopNetworking) ); const syncButton = form( { action: "/settings/conn/sync", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.sync) ); const connButtons = div({ class: "form-button-group" }, [ startButton, restartButton, stopButton, syncButton, ]); const peerList = (peers || []) .filter(([, data]) => data.state === "connected") .map(([, data]) => { return li( a( { href: `/author/${encodeURIComponent(data.key)}` }, data.name || data.host || data.key ) ); }); const themeElements = themeNames.map((cur) => { const isCurrentTheme = cur === theme; if (isCurrentTheme) { return option({ value: cur, selected: true }, cur); } else { return option({ value: cur }, cur); } }); const base16 = [ // '00', removed because this is the background "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "0A", "0B", "0C", "0D", "0E", "0F", ]; const base16Elements = base16.map((base) => div({ class: `theme-preview theme-preview-${base}`, }) ); const languageOption = (longName, shortName) => shortName === selectedLanguage ? option({ value: shortName, selected: true }, longName) : option({ value: shortName }, longName); const rebuildButton = form( { action: "/settings/rebuild", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.rebuildName) ); return template( i18n.settings, section( { class: "message" }, h1(i18n.settings), p(i18n.settingsIntro({ readmeUrl: "/settings/readme", version })), h2(i18n.peerConnections), p(i18n.connectionsIntro), peerList.length > 0 ? ul(peerList) : i18n.noConnections, p(i18n.connectionActionIntro), connButtons, h2(i18n.invites), p(i18n.invitesDescription), form( { action: "/settings/invite/accept", method: "post" }, input({ name: "invite", type: "text" }), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.acceptInvite) ), h2(i18n.theme), p(i18n.themeIntro), form( { action: "/theme.css", method: "post" }, select({ name: "theme" }, ...themeElements), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.setTheme) ), base16Elements, h2(i18n.language), p(i18n.languageDescription), form( { action: "/language", method: "post" }, select({ name: "language" }, [ // Languages are sorted alphabetically by their 'long name'. /* spell-checker:disable */ languageOption("Deutsch", "de"), languageOption("English", "en"), languageOption("EspaΓ±ol", "es"), languageOption("FranΓ§ais", "fr"), languageOption("Italiano", "it"), /* spell-checker:enable */ ]), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.setLanguage) ), h2(i18n.indexes), p(i18n.indexesDescription), rebuildButton ) ); }; /** @param {{ viewTitle: string, viewDescription: string }} input */ const viewInfoBox = ({ viewTitle = null, viewDescription = null }) => { if (!viewTitle && !viewDescription) { return null; } return section( { class: "viewInfo" }, viewTitle ? h1(viewTitle) : null, viewDescription ? em(viewDescription) : null ); }; exports.likesView = async ({ messages, feed, name }) => { const authorLink = a( { href: `/author/${encodeURIComponent(feed)}` }, "@" + name ); return template( ["@", name, i18n.likedBy], viewInfoBox({ viewTitle: span(authorLink, i18n.likedBy), // TODO: i18n viewDescription: "List of messages liked by this author.", }), messages.map((msg) => post({ msg })) ); }; const messageListView = ({ messages, viewTitle = null, viewDescription = null, viewElements = null, // If `aside = true`, it will show a few comments in the thread. aside = null, }) => { return template( viewTitle, section(h1(viewTitle), p(viewDescription), viewElements), messages.map((msg) => post({ msg, aside })) ); }; exports.popularView = ({ messages, prefix }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewElements: prefix, viewTitle: i18n.popular, viewDescription: i18n.popularDescription, }); }; exports.extendedView = ({ messages }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewTitle: i18n.extended, viewDescription: i18n.extendedDescription, }); }; exports.latestView = ({ messages }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewTitle: i18n.latest, viewDescription: i18n.latestDescription, }); }; exports.topicsView = ({ messages }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewTitle: i18n.topics, viewDescription: i18n.topicsDescription, }); }; exports.summaryView = ({ messages }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewTitle: i18n.summaries, viewDescription: i18n.summariesDescription, aside: true, }); }; exports.threadsView = ({ messages }) => { return messageListView({ messages, viewTitle: i18n.threads, viewDescription: i18n.threadsDescription, aside: true, }); }; exports.previewSubtopicView = async ({ previewData, messages, myFeedId, contentWarning, }) => { const publishAction = `/subtopic/${encodeURIComponent(messages[0].key)}`; const preview = generatePreview({ previewData, contentWarning, action: publishAction, }); return exports.subtopicView( { messages, myFeedId }, preview, previewData.text, contentWarning ); }; exports.subtopicView = async ( { messages, myFeedId }, preview, text, contentWarning ) => { const subtopicForm = `/subtopic/preview/${encodeURIComponent( messages[messages.length - 1].key )}`; let markdownMention; const messageElements = await Promise.all( messages.reverse().map((message) => { debug("%O", message); const authorName = message.value.meta.author.name; const authorFeedId = message.value.author; if (authorFeedId !== myFeedId) { if (message.key === messages[0].key) { const x = `[@${authorName}](${authorFeedId})\n\n`; markdownMention = x; } } return post({ msg: message }); }) ); const authorName = messages[messages.length - 1].value.meta.author.name; return template( i18n.subtopicTitle({ authorName }), div({ class: "thread-container" }, messageElements), preview !== undefined ? preview : "", p(i18n.subtopicLabel({ markdownUrl })), form( { action: subtopicForm, method: "post", enctype: "multipart/form-data" }, textarea( { autofocus: true, required: true, name: "text", }, text ? text : markdownMention ), label( i18n.contentWarningLabel, input({ name: "contentWarning", type: "text", class: "contentWarning", value: contentWarning ? contentWarning : "", placeholder: i18n.contentWarningPlaceholder, }) ), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.preview), label({ class: "file-button", for: "blob" }, i18n.attachFiles), input({ type: "file", id: "blob", name: "blob" }) ) ); }; exports.searchView = ({ messages, query }) => { const searchInput = input({ name: "query", required: false, type: "search", value: query, }); // - Minimum length of 3 because otherwise SSB-Search hangs forever. :) // https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-search/issues/8 // - Using `setAttribute()` because HyperScript (the HyperAxe dependency has // a bug where the `minlength` property is being ignored. No idea why. // https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript/issues/91 searchInput.setAttribute("minlength", 3); return template( i18n.search, section( h1(i18n.search), form( { action: "/search", method: "get" }, label(i18n.searchLabel, searchInput), button( { type: "submit", }, i18n.submit ) ) ), messages.map((msg) => post({ msg })) ); }; const imageResult = ({ id, infos }) => { const encodedBlobId = encodeURIComponent(id); // only rendering the first message result so far // todo: render links to the others as well const info = infos[0]; const encodedMsgId = encodeURIComponent(info.msg); return div( { class: "image-result", }, [ a( { href: `/blob/${encodedBlobId}`, }, img({ src: `/image/256/${encodedBlobId}` }) ), a( { href: `/thread/${encodedMsgId}#${encodedMsgId}`, class: "result-text", }, info.name ), ] ); }; exports.imageSearchView = ({ blobs, query }) => { const searchInput = input({ name: "query", required: false, type: "search", value: query, }); // - Minimum length of 3 because otherwise SSB-Search hangs forever. :) // https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-search/issues/8 // - Using `setAttribute()` because HyperScript (the HyperAxe dependency has // a bug where the `minlength` property is being ignored. No idea why. // https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript/issues/91 searchInput.setAttribute("minlength", 3); return template( i18n.imageSearch, section( h1(i18n.imageSearch), form( { action: "/imageSearch", method: "get" }, label(i18n.imageSearchLabel, searchInput), button( { type: "submit", }, i18n.submit ) ) ), div( { class: "image-search-grid", }, Object.keys(blobs) // todo: add pagination .slice(0, 30) .map((blobId) => imageResult({ id: blobId, infos: blobs[blobId] })) ) ); }; exports.hashtagView = ({ messages, hashtag }) => { return template( `#${hashtag}`, section(h1(`#${hashtag}`), p(i18n.hashtagDescription)), messages.map((msg) => post({ msg })) ); }; /** @param {{percent: number}} input */ exports.indexingView = ({ percent }) => { // TODO: i18n const message = `Oasis has only processed ${percent}% of the messages and needs to catch up. This page will refresh every 10 seconds. Thanks for your patience! ❀`; const nodes = html( { lang: "en" }, head( title("Oasis"), link({ rel: "icon", type: "image/svg+xml", href: "/assets/favicon.svg" }), meta({ charset: "utf-8" }), meta({ name: "description", content: i18n.oasisDescription, }), meta({ name: "viewport", content: toAttributes({ width: "device-width", "initial-scale": 1 }), }), meta({ "http-equiv": "refresh", content: 10 }) ), body( main( { id: "content" }, p(message), progress({ value: percent, max: 100 }) ) ) ); const result = doctypeString + nodes.outerHTML; return result; };