"use strict"; const debug = require("debug")("oasis"); const ssbMarkdown = require("ssb-markdown"); const highlightJs = require("highlight.js"); const { a, article, body, button, details, div, em, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, head, header, html, img, input, label, li, link, main, meta, nav, option, p, pre, progress, section, select, span, strong, summary, textarea, title, ul } = require("hyperaxe"); const lodash = require("lodash"); const markdown = require("./markdown"); const i18nBase = require("./i18n"); let i18n = null; let selectedLanguage = null; exports.setLanguage = language => { selectedLanguage = language; i18n = Object.assign({}, i18nBase.en, i18nBase[language]); }; const markdownUrl = "https://commonmark.org/help/"; const doctypeString = ""; const toAttributes = obj => Object.entries(obj) .map(([key, val]) => `${key}=${val}`) .join(", "); const template = (...elements) => { const nodes = html( { lang: "en" }, head( title("Oasis"), link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "/theme.css" }), link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "/assets/style.css" }), link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "/assets/highlight.css" }), link({ rel: "icon", type: "image/svg+xml", href: "/assets/favicon.svg" }), meta({ charset: "utf-8" }), meta({ name: "description", content: i18n.oasisDescription }), meta({ name: "viewport", content: toAttributes({ width: "device-width", "initial-scale": 1 }) }) ), body( nav( ul( li(a({ href: "/public/latest/extended" }, `πŸ—ΊοΈ ${i18n.extended}`)), li(a({ href: "/" }, `πŸ“£ ${i18n.popular}`)), li(a({ href: "/public/latest" }, `πŸ‡ ${i18n.latest}`)), li(a({ href: "/public/latest/topics" }, `πŸ“– ${i18n.topics}`)), li(a({ href: "/profile" }, `🐱 ${i18n.profile}`)), li(a({ href: "/mentions" }, `πŸ’¬ ${i18n.mentions}`)), li(a({ href: "/inbox" }, `βœ‰οΈ ${i18n.private}`)), li(a({ href: "/search" }, `πŸ” ${i18n.search}`)), li(a({ href: "/meta" }, `βš™ ${i18n.settings}`)) ) ), main({ id: "content" }, elements) ) ); const result = doctypeString + nodes.outerHTML; return result; }; const post = ({ msg }) => { const encoded = { key: encodeURIComponent(msg.key), author: encodeURIComponent(msg.value.author), parent: encodeURIComponent(msg.value.content.root) }; const url = { author: `/author/${encoded.author}`, likeForm: `/like/${encoded.key}`, link: `/thread/${encoded.key}#${encoded.key}`, parent: `/thread/${encoded.parent}#${encoded.parent}`, avatar: msg.value.meta.author.avatar.url, json: `/json/${encoded.key}`, reply: `/reply/${encoded.key}`, comment: `/comment/${encoded.key}` }; const isPrivate = Boolean(msg.value.meta.private); const isRoot = msg.value.content.root == null; const isThreadTarget = Boolean( lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.target", false) ); // TODO: I think this is actually true for both replies and comments. const isReply = Boolean(lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.reply", false)); const { name } = msg.value.meta.author; const timeAgo = msg.value.meta.timestamp.received.since.replace("~", ""); const depth = lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.depth", 0); const markdownContent = markdown( msg.value.content.text, msg.value.content.mentions ); const hasContentWarning = typeof msg.value.content.contentWarning === "string"; const likeButton = msg.value.meta.voted ? { value: 0, class: "liked" } : { value: 1, class: null }; const likeCount = msg.value.meta.votes.length; const messageClasses = []; if (isPrivate) { messageClasses.push("private"); } if (isThreadTarget) { messageClasses.push("thread-target"); } if (isReply) { // True for comments too, I think messageClasses.push("reply"); } const isFork = msg.value.meta.postType === "reply"; // TODO: Refactor to stop using strings and use constants/symbols. const postOptions = { post: null, comment: i18n.commentDescription({ parentUrl: url.parent }), reply: i18n.replyDescription({ parentUrl: url.parent }), mystery: i18n.mysteryDescription }; const emptyContent = "


\n"; const articleElement = markdownContent === emptyContent ? article( { class: "content" }, pre({ innerHTML: highlightJs.highlight( "json", JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2) ).value }) ) : article({ class: "content", innerHTML: markdownContent }); const articleContent = hasContentWarning ? details(summary(msg.value.content.contentWarning), articleElement) : articleElement; const fragment = section( { id: msg.key, class: messageClasses.join(" "), style: `margin-left: ${depth}rem;` }, header( span( { class: "author" }, a( { href: url.author }, img({ class: "avatar", src: url.avatar, alt: "" }), name ), postOptions[msg.value.meta.postType] ), span( { class: "time" }, isPrivate ? "πŸ”’" : null, a({ href: url.link }, timeAgo) ) ), articleContent, // HACK: centered-footer // // Here we create an empty div with an anchor tag that can be linked to. // In our CSS we ensure that this gets centered on the screen when we // link to this anchor tag. // // This is used for redirecting users after they like a post, when we // want the like button that they just clicked to remain close-ish to // where it was before they clicked the button. div({ id: `centered-footer-${encoded.key}`, class: "centered-footer" }), footer( form( { action: url.likeForm, method: "post" }, button( { name: "voteValue", type: "submit", value: likeButton.value, class: likeButton.class }, `❀ ${likeCount}` ) ), a({ href: url.comment }, i18n.comment), isPrivate || isRoot || isFork ? null : a({ href: url.reply }, i18n.reply), a({ href: url.json }, i18n.json) ) ); return fragment; }; exports.authorView = ({ avatarUrl, description, feedId, messages, name, relationship }) => { const mention = `[@${name}](${feedId})`; const markdownMention = highlightJs.highlight("markdown", mention).value; const areFollowing = relationship !== null && relationship.following === true && relationship.blocking === false; const contactFormType = areFollowing ? i18n.unfollow : i18n.follow; const contactForm = relationship === null ? null // We're on our own profile! : form( { action: `/${contactFormType}/${encodeURIComponent(feedId)}`, method: "post" }, button( { type: "submit" }, contactFormType ) ); const relationshipText = (() => { if (relationship === null) { return i18n.relationshipYou; } else if ( relationship.following === true && relationship.blocking === false ) { return i18n.relationshipFollowing; } else if ( relationship.following === false && relationship.blocking === true ) { return i18n.relationshipBlocking; } else if ( relationship.following === false && relationship.blocking === false ) { return i18n.relationshipNone; } else if ( relationship.following === true && relationship.blocking === true ) { return i18n.relationshipConflict; } else { throw new Error(`Unknown relationship ${JSON.stringify(relationship)}`); } })(); const prefix = section( { class: "message" }, header( { class: "profile" }, img({ class: "avatar", src: avatarUrl }), h1(name) ), pre({ class: "md-mention", innerHTML: markdownMention }), description !== "" ? article({ innerHTML: markdown(description) }) : null, footer( a({ href: `/likes/${encodeURIComponent(feedId)}` }, i18n.viewLikes), span(relationshipText), contactForm ) ); return template( prefix, messages.map(msg => post({ msg })) ); }; exports.commentView = async ({ messages, myFeedId, parentMessage }) => { let markdownMention; const messageElements = await Promise.all( messages.reverse().map(message => { debug("%O", message); const authorName = message.value.meta.author.name; const authorFeedId = message.value.author; if (authorFeedId !== myFeedId) { if (message.key === parentMessage.key) { const x = `[@${authorName}](${authorFeedId})\n\n`; markdownMention = x; } } return post({ msg: message }); }) ); const action = `/comment/${encodeURIComponent(messages[0].key)}`; const method = "post"; const isPrivate = parentMessage.value.meta.private; const publicOrPrivate = isPrivate ? "private" : "public"; const maybeReplyText = isPrivate ? [null] : i18n.commentWarning; return template( messageElements, p( ...i18n.commentLabel({ publicOrPrivate, markdownUrl }), ...maybeReplyText ), form( { action, method }, textarea( { autofocus: true, required: true, name: "text" }, markdownMention ), button( { type: "submit" }, i18n.comment ) ) ); }; exports.listView = ({ messages }) => template(messages.map(msg => post({ msg }))); exports.markdownView = ({ text }) => { const rawHtml = ssbMarkdown.block(text); return template(section({ class: "message" }, { innerHTML: rawHtml })); }; exports.metaView = ({ status, peers, theme, themeNames }) => { const max = status.sync.since; const progressElements = Object.entries(status.sync.plugins).map(e => { const [key, val] = e; const id = `progress-${key}`; return div(label({ for: id }, key), progress({ id, value: val, max }, val)); }); const startButton = form( { action: "/meta/conn/start", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.startNetworking) ); const restartButton = form( { action: "/meta/conn/restart", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.restartNetworking) ); const stopButton = form( { action: "/meta/conn/stop", method: "post" }, button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.stopNetworking) ); const connButtons = div({ class: "form-button-group" }, [ startButton, restartButton, stopButton ]); const peerList = (peers || []).map(([, data]) => { return li( a( { href: `/author/${encodeURIComponent(data.key)}` }, data.name || data.host || data.key ) ); }); const themeElements = themeNames.map(cur => { const isCurrentTheme = cur === theme; if (isCurrentTheme) { return option({ value: cur, selected: true }, cur); } else { return option({ value: cur }, cur); } }); const base16 = [ // '00', removed because this is the background "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "0A", "0B", "0C", "0D", "0E", "0F" ]; const base16Elements = base16.map(base => div({ style: { "background-color": `var(--base${base})`, width: `${(1 / base16.length) * 100}%`, height: "1em", "margin-top": "1em", display: "inline-block" } }) ); const languageOption = (shortName, longName) => shortName === selectedLanguage ? option({ value: shortName, selected: true }, longName) : option({ value: shortName }, longName); return template( section( { class: "message" }, h1(i18n.settings), p(i18n.settingsIntro({ readmeUrl: "/meta/readme" })), h2(i18n.theme), p(i18n.themeIntro), form( { action: "/theme.css", method: "post" }, select({ name: "theme" }, ...themeElements), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.setTheme) ), base16Elements, h2(i18n.language), p(i18n.languageDescription), form( { action: "/language", method: "post" }, select({ name: "language" }, [ languageOption("en", "English"), languageOption("es", "EspaΓ±ol") ]), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.setLanguage) ), h2(i18n.status), h3(i18n.peerConnections), p(i18n.connectionsIntro), peerList.length > 0 ? ul(peerList) : i18n.noConnections, p(i18n.connectionActionIntro), connButtons, h3(i18n.indexes), progressElements ) ); }; exports.publicView = ({ messages, prefix = null, viewTitle = null, viewDescription = null }) => { const publishForm = "/publish/"; let viewInfoBox = null; if (viewTitle || viewDescription) { viewInfoBox = section( { class: "viewInfo" }, viewTitle ? h1(viewTitle) : null, viewDescription ? em(viewDescription) : null ); } return template( viewInfoBox, prefix, section( header(strong(i18n.publish)), form( { action: publishForm, method: "post" }, label( { for: "text" }, i18n.newMessageLabel({ markdownUrl, linkTarget: "_blank" }) ), textarea({ required: true, name: "text" }), button({ type: "submit" }, i18n.submit) ) ), messages.map(msg => post({ msg })) ); }; exports.popularView = ({ messages, prefix = null }) => { return this.publicView({ messages, prefix, viewTitle: i18n.popular, viewDescription: i18n.popularDescription }); }; exports.extendedView = ({ messages, prefix = null }) => { return this.publicView({ messages, prefix, viewTitle: i18n.extended, viewDescription: i18n.extendedDescription }); }; exports.latestView = ({ messages, prefix = null }) => { return this.publicView({ messages, prefix, viewTitle: i18n.latest, viewDescription: i18n.latestDescription }); }; exports.topicsView = ({ messages, prefix = null }) => { return this.publicView({ messages, prefix, viewTitle: i18n.topics, viewDescription: i18n.topicsDescription }); }; exports.replyView = async ({ messages, myFeedId }) => { const replyForm = `/reply/${encodeURIComponent( messages[messages.length - 1].key )}`; let markdownMention; const messageElements = await Promise.all( messages.reverse().map(message => { debug("%O", message); const authorName = message.value.meta.author.name; const authorFeedId = message.value.author; if (authorFeedId !== myFeedId) { if (message.key === messages[0].key) { const x = `[@${authorName}](${authorFeedId})\n\n`; markdownMention = x; } } return post({ msg: message }); }) ); return template( messageElements, p(i18n.replyLabel({ markdownUrl })), form( { action: replyForm, method: "post" }, textarea( { autofocus: true, required: true, name: "text" }, markdownMention ), button( { type: "submit" }, i18n.reply ) ) ); }; exports.searchView = ({ messages, query }) => { const searchInput = input({ name: "query", required: false, type: "search", value: query }); // - Minimum length of 3 because otherwise SSB-Search hangs forever. :) // https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-search/issues/8 // - Using `setAttribute()` because HyperScript (the HyperAxe dependency has // a bug where the `minlength` property is being ignored. No idea why. // https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript/issues/91 searchInput.setAttribute("minlength", 3); return template( section( form( { action: "/search", method: "get" }, header(strong(i18n.search)), label({ for: "query" }, i18n.searchLabel), searchInput, button( { type: "submit" }, i18n.submit ) ) ), messages.map(msg => post({ msg })) ); };