"use strict"; const { a, article, button, details, div, footer, form, header, img, section, span, summary, pre } = require("hyperaxe"); const highlightJs = require("highlight.js"); const lodash = require("lodash"); module.exports = ({ msg }) => { const encoded = { key: encodeURIComponent(msg.key), author: encodeURIComponent(msg.value.author), parent: encodeURIComponent(msg.value.content.root) }; const url = { author: `/author/${encoded.author}`, likeForm: `/like/${encoded.key}`, link: `/thread/${encoded.key}#${encoded.key}`, parent: `/thread/${encoded.parent}#${encoded.parent}`, avatar: msg.value.meta.author.avatar.url, json: `/json/${encoded.key}`, reply: `/reply/${encoded.key}`, comment: `/comment/${encoded.key}` }; const isPrivate = Boolean(msg.value.meta.private); const isRoot = msg.value.content.root == null; const isThreadTarget = Boolean( lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.target", false) ); // TODO: I think this is actually true for both replies and comments. const isReply = Boolean(lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.reply", false)); const { name } = msg.value.meta.author; const timeAgo = msg.value.meta.timestamp.received.since.replace("~", ""); const depth = lodash.get(msg, "value.meta.thread.depth", 0); const markdownContent = msg.value.meta.md.block(); const hasContentWarning = typeof msg.value.content.contentWarning === "string"; const likeButton = msg.value.meta.voted ? { value: 0, class: "liked" } : { value: 1, class: null }; const likeCount = msg.value.meta.votes.length; const messageClasses = []; if (isPrivate) { messageClasses.push("private"); } if (isThreadTarget) { messageClasses.push("thread-target"); } if (isReply) { // True for comments too, I think messageClasses.push("reply"); } const isFork = msg.value.meta.postType === "reply"; const postOptions = { post: null, comment: ["commented on ", a({ href: url.parent }, " thread")], reply: ["replied to ", a({ href: url.parent }, " message")], mystery: "posted a mysterious message" }; const emptyContent = "


\n"; const articleElement = markdownContent === emptyContent ? article( { class: "content" }, pre({ innerHTML: highlightJs.highlight( "json", JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2) ).value }) ) : article({ class: "content", innerHTML: markdownContent }); const articleContent = hasContentWarning ? details(summary(msg.value.content.contentWarning), articleElement) : articleElement; const fragment = section( { id: msg.key, class: messageClasses.join(" "), style: `margin-left: ${depth}rem;` }, header( span( { class: "author" }, a( { href: url.author }, img({ class: "avatar", src: url.avatar, alt: "" }), name ), postOptions[msg.value.meta.postType] ), span( { class: "time" }, isPrivate ? "🔒" : null, a({ href: url.link }, timeAgo) ) ), articleContent, // HACK: centered-footer // // Here we create an empty div with an anchor tag that can be linked to. // In our CSS we ensure that this gets centered on the screen when we // link to this anchor tag. // // This is used for redirecting users after they like a post, when we // want the like button that they just clicked to remain close-ish to // where it was before they clicked the button. div({ id: `centered-footer-${encoded.key}`, class: "centered-footer" }), footer( form( { action: url.likeForm, method: "post" }, button( { name: "voteValue", type: "submit", value: likeButton.value, class: likeButton.class }, `❤ ${likeCount}` ) ), a({ href: url.comment }, "comment"), isPrivate || isRoot || isFork ? null : a({ href: url.reply }, "reply"), a({ href: url.json }, "json") ) ); return fragment; };