
39 lines
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const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
let xdgConfigHome = process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME
let systemdUserHome = process.env.SYSTEMD_USER_HOME
if (xdgConfigHome == null) {
// Note: path.join() throws when arguments are null-ish.
xdgConfigHome = path.join(process.env.HOME, '.config')
if (systemdUserHome == null) {
systemdUserHome = path.join(xdgConfigHome, 'systemd', 'user')
const targetPath = path.join(systemdUserHome, 'oasis.service')
if (fs.existsSync(targetPath)) {
console.log('Cowardly refusing to overwrite file:', targetPath)
} else {
const sourcePath = path.join(__dirname, 'oasis.service')
fs.copyFileSync(sourcePath, targetPath)
execSync('systemctl', '--user', 'daemon-reload')
console.log('Service configuration has been installed to:', targetPath)
// Since this isn't in a post-install script we can just enable it.
execSync('systemctl', '--user', 'enable', 'oasis')
To start and open Oasis right now, run:
systemctl --user start oasis
xdg-open http://localhost:4515`)