# go-sbotcli-rs Rust wrapper around the Go `sbotcli` ScuttleButt tool ([cryptoscope/ssb](https://github.com/cryptoscope/ssb)), allowing interaction with a `gosbot` instance. ## Example ```rust use go_sbotcli_rs::{Sbot, SbotCliError}; fn example() -> Result<(), SbotCliError> { // uses default paths for `sbotcli` and `go-sbot` working directory let sbot = Sbot::init(None, None)?; let id = "@p13zSAiOpguI9nsawkGijsnMfWmFd5rlUNpzekEE+vI=.ed25519"; let follow_ref = sbot.follow(id)?; let block_ref = sbot.block(id)?; let invite_code = sbot.create_invite()?; Ok(()) } ``` ## Documentation Use `cargo doc` to generate and serve the Rust documentation for this library: ```bash git clone https://git.coopcloud.tech/PeachCloud/go-sbotcli-rs.git cd peach-sbotcli cargo doc --no-deps --open ``` ## License LGPL-3.0