# dev diary ## 2018-03-29 @dinosaur - setup [ButtCloud.org](http://buttcloud.org) and various linked services (GitHub, Docker Cloud, Twitter, Gmail) - started [`buttcloud/meta`](https://github.com/buttcloud/meta) repo to store any meta information (including [these dev diary entries](https://github.com/buttcloud/meta/blob/master/diary.md)) - started [`buttcloud/butt-landing](https://github.com/buttcloud/butt-landing) to be a simple public landing page for pub servers - working towards a multi-service pub using Docker Compose, i realized `ssb-viewer` and `git-ssb-web` were non-trivial to install in typical environments - the plan is to use this as a simple secondary service to get a multi-service pub working, then later can focus on the other secondary services ## 2018-03-30 @dinosaur - made [Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/buttcloud/butt-landing) for `buttcloud/butt-landing` - extracted minimal peer server and client code from `scuttlebot` into [`buttcloud/butt-peer`](https://github.com/buttcloud/butt-peer) - added custom logging plugin which uses [`pino`](https://github.com/pinojs/pino), to try and have a consistent logging system across services - made [two Docker images](https://hub.docker.com/r/buttcloud/butt-peer), one for `butt-peer-server` and one for `butt-peer-client` - i combined them so i could use the client code in the server healthcheck ## 2018-04-03 @dinosaur - started `buttcloud/butt` as `docker-compose.yml` of peer server, landing server, and nginx proxy - update `butt-peer-server` and `butt-peer-client` to not use `node` user, easier to start with default `root` user - why? i ran into an error with volume data permissions, would rather punt to later - UPDATE: changed this back, got it working with `node` user, needed to create volume in `Dockerfile` then mount external volume at same path - update `butt-landing` to auto re-connect to sbot, so it doesn't error when sbot is not yet up - why? this is the recommended way to have docker services depend on each other, `docker-compose.yml` v3 not longer supports `depends_on: condition: healthy` - setup Docker Hub automated builds to build tagged images based on git version tags - match tag name: `/^v[0-9.]+$/`, docker tag is same ## 2018-04-04 @dinosaur - got minimal `buttcloud/butt` working! - iron out some kinks... ## 2018-04-08 @dinosaur - switch to focus on Docker Swarm - change to use Traefik instead of Nginx Proxy ## 2018-04-09 @dinosaur - keep trying to get the Swarm setup to work, grr...! ## 2018-04-13 @dinosaur - take a break from Swarm for meow - first pass at scaffolding [`buttcloud/buttcloud-provider`](https://github.com/buttcloud/buttcloud-provider) - have a working web server, browser app, and worker, but not yet complete to start feature development ## 2018-04-14 @dinosaur - more progress toward provider app scaffolding ![buttcloud diary](./images/2018-04-14-buttcloud-landing.jpg) ## 2018-04-15 to 2018-04-17 @dinosaur provider app has landed! ![provider app landing](./images/2018-04-17-buttcloud-landing.webm) - integrate `redux-bundler` - add emojis - found seamless background image to tile on landing page - start onboarding workflow - implement start step of onboarding - validate forms on client - validate service calls on server, show errors in form - show success or failure messages as snackbar - after form submission (which creates the user) - generate json web token that identifies user - send welcome email to next page of onboarding with token - emails are sent by queuing a delayed job to a worker (`node-resque`) - setup decent email templates with `mjml` - store user in local storage in case they refresh page before progressing - show help text on page - allow user to resend onboarding email ## 2018-04-18 @ahdinosaur back to the infra side, during breakfast this morning i figured out why `buttcloud/butt` was failing! i had a hunch that it had to do with the address that `sbot` was binding to. i configured `host` as `example_butt-peer-server`, since that's how the Docker service was to be identified within the Docker network. but still, the health checker inside the service couldn't find it. i changed this to `` and it works! did the same for the landing service. now the stack comes online, you can `curl -H "Host: example.butt.nz" localhost` and get the output from the landing page associated with `example.butt.nz` (proxied by `traefik`). next i added a [custom plugin to `butt-peer-server`](https://github.com/buttcloud/butt-peer/blob/3c4390907eebe18f98e5f5d9c839161b9d1e001e/server/plugins/address.js) that allows you to configure `externalHost`, in case it differs from `host`. this means we can bind to `host` (like ``) but advertise our public multiserver address as `example.butt.nz` (like for invites). then, on a whim from @mischa, i went [back to `buttcloud-provider` to swap `redux-form` for `final-form`](https://github.com/buttcloud/buttcloud-provider/pull/4), easy as. made up some issues, want to step back to think about the next steps from here. also made the ButtCloud logo! ![ButtCloud logo](./images/logo.png) ## 2018-04-19 @ahdinosaur - setup contributor license agreement: https://github.com/buttcloud/meta/issues/6 - setup kanbans - [dev](https://github.com/orgs/buttcloud/projects/1) - [ops](https://github.com/orgs/buttcloud/projects/2) - [biz](https://github.com/orgs/buttcloud/projects/3) ## 2018-04-26 @ahdinosaur - start to separate pub and hub stacks in swarm setup: https://github.com/buttcloud/butt/commit/426deb39b9880100fe82ba5960da3d43fe74c452 - worked on deploy for web app demo: https://github.com/buttcloud/buttcloud-provider/pull/9 - browser code is up at: (using netlify for free) - api server is up at (using heroku for free) ## 2018-04-27 @ahdinosaur - discovered and documented bug with `tinyify`: https://github.com/browserify/tinyify/issues/10 - add standard style setup to web app: https://github.com/buttcloud/buttcloud-provider/pull/10 ## 2018-04-30 @ahdinosaur - demo is now live! [demo.buttcloud.org](https://demo.buttcloud.org) :sheep: - renamed sub-projects to either `buttpub*` or `butthub*`, to standardize language: https://github.com/buttcloud/meta/issues/7 - setup continuous integration for `butthub-provider`: https://github.com/buttcloud/butthub-provider/pull/11 - setup ButtCloud account with OVH - apply for their startup support program (for maybe $1k cloud credit): https://www.ovh.com/world/dlp/ - play with `docker-machine` to create a local swarm across many machines - get the swarm scripts from `buttpub` working, now across multiple virtual machines ## 2018-05-01 @ahdinosaur started [`docker-up`](https://github.com/buttcloud/docker-up): opinionated glue to manage our Docker swarm ## 2018-05-02 @ahdinosaur continued with `docker-up` - ended up making a fun little continuable (`cb => {}`) based async flow control library in `./util/async.js`, maybe will publish as `flowstep` - realized that the Docker API doesn't handle the `docker stack *` functionality, that's implemented in the Docker CLI - i learned that a "stack" is really a set of networks, volumes, and services each with a label "com.docker.stack.namespace" to reference the stack name - have to decide whether - a) to continue using the Docker API and implement that functionality ourselves - b) to move to using the Docker CLI - for now, will go with option a) ! - reading the Docker CLI code, it's not scary or complex - this way we have more low-level control of the Docker Swarm - this way we can focus on exactly what we need for ButtCloud ## 2018-05-03 more `docker-up`, getting close to `v1`! :balloon: - add executable cli - clean up the api - fractal stacks! - top-level config is a stack, with stacks all the way down - each stack has services, networks, volumes, AND NESTED STACKS - each stack _may_ have a name to namespace associated services - pretty configurable logging next up (notes to self): - better cli (take in resource type) - use explicit docker version in api requests - add "com.docker.stack.namespace" label to be legit docker stack gotta work with @Mischa on another contract meow, then Art~Hack! ## 2018-05-04 @ahdinosaur - reviewed @austin's sweet pull request to `butthub-provider`: https://github.com/buttcloud/butthub-provider/pull/13 - completed the "next up" features for `docker-up` in [the previous entry](%p6giuIpqWY242inxUqUdMi1RqVKU0JCPZZWJYjL1i8Q=.sha256) ## 2018-05-07 @ahdinosaur - published `docker-up/util/async.js` as [`callstep`](https://github.com/ahdinosaur/callstep), wrote up a splash of documentation :walking_man: ## 2018-05-08 @ahdinosaur - `docker-up`: add basic integration and unit tests using `ava`, clean up log and config wrappers using composable callsteps: https://github.com/buttcloud/docker-up/commit/29655b561b781331fc4b3a2455ea15e7360bb111 - cc @ike - `butthub-provider`: look into adding integration tests using `codecept` - not ButtCloud, but got sponsored by TickTack to improve `ssb-pub`: https://github.com/ahdinosaur/ssb-pub/pull/10 ## 2018-05-09 @ahdinosaur - `butthub-provider`: end-to-end acceptance testing with codecept: https://github.com/buttcloud/butthub-provider/pull/14 ## 2018-05-10 @ahdinosaur - `butthub-provider`: battled some end-to-end testing dragons :dragon: : https://github.com/buttcloud/butthub-provider/pull/14 - integrated the entire web app stack (api server, asset server, worker, and mailer) in the codecept process - at the end of the tests, the process was hanging, who was still running? - with some help from `why-is-node-running` and heaps of reading dependency internals, started the journey to find every remaining handle, gotta catch 'em all! :racehorse: ## 2018-05-11 @ahdinosaur - `butthub-provider`: won the end-to-end test war: https://github.com/buttcloud/butthub-provider/pull/14 - cleaned up every last handle, so the test process cleanly exists meow - which means continuous integration now includes end-to-end server + browser tests! :raised_hands: - travis gives us a running postgres and redis database, how nice - `butthub-provider`: finish a boring dependency upgrade: https://github.com/buttcloud/butthub-provider/pull/12 - `docker-up`: https://github.com/buttcloud/docker-up/pull/4 - the plan was to add update for services, but along the way i realized many things were broken: - each resource uses a different identifier! - `down` should check if resource exists before `remove` - `up` returns output of inspect - [generic resource creator](https://github.com/buttcloud/docker-up/blob/55cb293d42e9ec8cf7d15394ad9115db2cb17f26/resources/generic.js) now takes: - `name` - `hasUpdate`: true for `service`, false otherwise - `idField`: network uses `Id, volume only has `Name`, service uses `ID` - `docker-up`: add continuous integration tests: https://github.com/buttcloud/docker-up/pull/5 :white_check_mark: - travis even gives us running docker to play with!