diff --git a/raspi_master.yaml b/raspi_master.yaml index 75cd71f..5c6c348 100644 --- a/raspi_master.yaml +++ b/raspi_master.yaml @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ steps: - chroot: / shell: | - apt-get update + apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change unless: rootfs_unpacked - apt: install @@ -142,15 +142,25 @@ steps: - gnupg2 tag: / + - shell: | + # because the linux kernel updates its vesrion + # we need to make sure that we keep config.txt_i2c in sync with this + # e.g. kernel=vmlinuz-4.19.0-18-arm64 + # this copy command helps us see what the linux kernel version is (TODO: better way to do this) + cp "${ROOT?}/boot/firmware/config.txt" /srv/peachcloud/automation/peach-img-builder/peach-img-kernel-config.log + root-fs: / + - chroot: / shell: | pip3 install setuptools echo "deb http://apt.peachcloud.org/ buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/peach.list wget -O /tmp/pubkey.gpg http://apt.peachcloud.org/pubkey.gpg apt-key add /tmp/pubkey.gpg - apt-get update + apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change apt-get install -y peach-config RUST_LOG=info /usr/bin/peach-config setup -i -n -d + # set default password for peach-web to peachcloud + RUST_LOG=info /usr/bin/peach-config changepassword -p peachcloud # lastly log which versions of microservices were installed and copy the provenance to the host machine - chroot: / diff --git a/templates/release_index.html b/templates/release_index.html index f250724..1e23c4c 100644 --- a/templates/release_index.html +++ b/templates/release_index.html @@ -27,14 +27,8 @@

PeachCloud Package Builds

The above image contains the following packages: