This is a fork of the [vmdb2 script]( for building a [debian image for raspberry pi](, which uses vmdb2 to build a disc image for PeachCloud for the Raspberry pi with all configuration and peach microservices pre-installed. This vmdb2 script runs: `python -i -n peach`, the python setup script from [peach-config]( ## Installing vmdb2 Run, ```shell sudo apt install -y dosfstools qemu-user-static binfmt-support time kpartx ``` This script requires the latest version of vmdb2 which is not currently available via apt. After installing the above, clone the vmdb2 repository and add it to your path. ```shell git clone cd vmdb2; ln -s vmdb2 /usr/local/bin/vmdb2 ``` ## To Build A New Image Run, ```shell make raspi_3.img ``` Theoretically, you could also use this script to build images for other pi versions, by running the same command with `raspi_0w.img` or `raspi_2.img` or `raspi_3.img` ## Installing The Image This image can then be flashed to an SD card using dd or etcher. ## Publishing The Image PeachCloud images are versioned and published for release at ## What's Different In This Fork? the only file that is edited from the original is ```raspi_master.yaml```