use telegram_bot::*; use telegram_bot::{Api, Message, SendMessage, MessageKind, UpdateKind}; use std::result::Result; use futures::StreamExt; extern crate pnet; use pnet::datalink; use pnet::ipnetwork; use std::process::Command; pub struct TStruct { api: Api, log_id: i64, chat_id: ChatId } impl TStruct { pub fn new(api: Api, log_id: i64) -> Self { Self { api, log_id, chat_id: ChatId::new(log_id) } } pub fn test(&self) { println!("++ calling test function: {}", self.log_id); } pub async fn log(&self, msg: &str) -> Result<(), telegram_bot::Error> { println!("++ attempting to log {}", msg); let s:SendMessage = SendMessage::new(&self.chat_id, msg); self.api.send(s).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn poll(&self) -> Result<(), telegram_bot::Error>{ // Fetch new updates via long poll method let mut stream =; while let Some(update) = { // If the received update contains a new message... let update = update?; if let UpdateKind::Message(message) = update.kind { if let MessageKind::Text { ref data, .. } = message.kind { // Print received text message to stdout. println!("<{}>: {}", &message.from.first_name, data); println!("user id: {}", &; let command = data.as_str(); if command == "ip" { self.log_ip().await?; } else if command == "public" { self.log("++ attempting to get public ip").await?; let public_ip = self.public_ip().await; self.log(&format!("++ public ip: {}", public_ip)).await? } else { // unknown command self.api.send(message.text_reply(format!( "unknown command '{}'", data ))) .await?; } } } } Ok(()) } pub async fn log_ip(&self) -> Result<(), telegram_bot::Error> { let ifaces= ["eth0", "wlan0"]; self.log("++ attemping to get ip address").await?; for iface in datalink::interfaces() { if ifaces.contains(& { println!("{}: {:?}", &, iface); // loop through ips for ip in iface.ips { match ip { ipnetwork::IpNetwork::V4(ipNetwork) => { println!("ip: {:?}", ipNetwork.ip()); let log_msg = &format!("++ {} ip: {}", &, ipNetwork.ip()); println!("{}", log_msg); self.log(log_msg).await?; } _ => { println!("no match"); } } } } } Ok(()) } pub async fn public_ip(&self) -> String { let output = Command::new("/usr/bin/curl") .arg("") .output().expect("failed to get public IP"); let command_output = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).expect("Incorrect format"); command_output.to_string() } }