import email, getpass, imaplib, os detach_dir = '.' # directory where to save attachments (default: current) user = "" pwd = "hidden" # connecting to the gmail imap server m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("") m.login(user, pwd) # #"wgbot") # here you a can choose a mail box like INBOX instead"INBOX") # here you a can choose a mail box like INBOX instead # # use m.list() to get all the mailboxes # resp, items =, "ALL") # you could filter using the IMAP rules here (check items = items[0].split() # getting the mails id for emailid in items: resp, data = m.fetch(emailid, "(RFC822)") # fetching the mail, "`(RFC822)`" means "get the whole stuff", but you can ask for headers only, etc email_body = data[0][1] # getting the mail content mail = email.message_from_bytes(email_body) # parsing the mail content to get a mail object # Check if any attachments at all if mail.get_content_maintype() != 'multipart': continue print("[" + mail["From"] + "] :" + mail["Subject"]) # we use walk to create a generator so we can iterate on the parts and forget about the recursive headach for part in mail.walk(): # multipart are just containers, so we skip them if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue # is this part an attachment ? if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: continue # filename = part.get_filename() filename = mail["From"] + "_hw1answer" att_path = os.path.join(detach_dir, filename) # Check if its already there if not os.path.isfile(att_path): # finally write the stuff fp = open(att_path, 'wb') fp.write(part.get_payload(decode=True)) fp.close()