**peach-web** provides a web interface for the PeachCloud device. It serves static assets and exposes a JSON API for programmatic interactions.
Initial development is focused on administration of the device itself, beginning with networking functionality, with SSB-related administration to be integrated at a later stage.
The peach-web stack currently consists of [Rocket](https://rocket.rs/) (Rust web framework), [Tera](http://tera.netlify.com/) (Rust template engine), HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Other deployment modes are `dev` and `prod`. Read the [Rocket Environment Configurations docs](https://rocket.rs/v0.5-rc/guide/configuration/#environment-variables) for further information.
Authentication is disabled in `development` mode and enabled by default when running the application in `production` mode. It can be disabled by setting the `ROCKET_DISABLE_AUTH` environment variable to `true`:
A `systemd` service file and Debian maintainer scripts are included in the `debian` directory, allowing `peach-web` to be easily bundled as a Debian package (`.deb`). The `cargo-deb` [crate](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-deb) can be used to achieve this.
Install `cargo-deb`:
`cargo install cargo-deb`
Move into the repo:
`cd peach-web`
Build the package:
`cargo deb`
The output will be written to `target/debian/peach-web_0.3.0_arm64.deb` (or similar).
`peach-web` is built on the Rocket webserver and Tera templating engine. It presents a web interface for interacting with the device. HTML is rendered server-side. Request handlers call JSON-RPC microservices and serve HTML and assets. A JSON API is exposed for remote calls and dynamic client-side content updates (via plain JavaScript following unobstructive design principles). Each Tera template is passed a context object. In the case of Rust, this object is a `struct` and must implement `Serialize`. The fields of the context object are available in the context of the template to be rendered.