Replace Rocket and Tera with Rouille and Maud #88

glyph merged 67 commits from rouille_maud into main 2022-03-25 08:07:15 +00:00
8 changed files with 0 additions and 1656 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 07147f8a4f - Show all commits

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
secret_key = "VYVUDivXvu8g6llxeJd9F92pMfocml5xl/Jjv5Sk4yw="
disable_auth = false
standalone_mode = true
template_dir = "templates/"
disable_auth = true
template_dir = "templates/"

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
go slow and steady.
optimise for few dependencies and short compilation times.
we do not need to be super fast or feature-rich.
[ architecture ]
- use the one-file-per-route patten
[ rouille-specific ]
- logging
x flash message
- file upload
- auth
[ tasks ]
- write the settings route(s)
- scuttlebutt
- peers
x menu
- peers list
- invites
- profile
- private
x menu
x guide
x status
x scuttlebutt
x scuttlebutt menu
- configure_sbot
x template
x sbot_config data
- might need some thought...render elements or input data
- admin
x menu
x configure
x add
x delete
- auth
x change password
x form
x post
x reset password
x form
x post
x login
x form
x post
x logout
x get
[ flash messages ]
- for now, use simple redirects in the handlers
- then add flash messages later
- write getter, setter and unsetter for flash messages
- from rocket docs
- A “removal” cookie is a cookie that has the same name as the original cookie but has an empty value, a max-age of 0, and an expiration date far in the past.
- use Response::with_additional_header() method to set cookie

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
use peach_lib::{config_manager, dyndns_client};
use rocket::serde::Serialize;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ConfigureDNSContext {
pub external_domain: String,
pub dyndns_subdomain: String,
pub enable_dyndns: bool,
pub is_dyndns_online: bool,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub theme: Option<String>,
impl ConfigureDNSContext {
pub fn build() -> ConfigureDNSContext {
// TODO: replace `unwrap` with resilient error handling
let peach_config = config_manager::load_peach_config().unwrap();
let dyndns_fulldomain = peach_config.dyn_domain;
let is_dyndns_online = dyndns_client::is_dns_updater_online().unwrap();
let dyndns_subdomain =
ConfigureDNSContext {
external_domain: peach_config.external_domain,
enable_dyndns: peach_config.dyn_enabled,
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
theme: None,

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
//pub mod dns;
//pub mod network;
//pub mod scuttlebutt;

View File

@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
//! Data retrieval for the purpose of serving routes and hydrating
//! network-related HTML templates.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rocket::{form::FromForm, serde::Serialize, UriDisplayQuery};
use peach_network::{
network::{Scan, Status, Traffic},
use crate::{
monitor::{Alert, Data, Threshold},
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct AccessPoint {
pub detail: Option<Scan>,
pub signal: Option<i32>,
pub state: String,
pub fn ap_state() -> String {
match network::state(&*AP_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(state)) => state,
_ => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
#[derive(Debug, FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)]
pub struct Ssid {
pub ssid: String,
#[derive(Debug, FromForm)]
pub struct WiFi {
pub ssid: String,
pub pass: String,
fn convert_traffic(traffic: Traffic) -> Option<IfaceTraffic> {
// modify traffic values & assign measurement unit
// based on received and transmitted values
let (rx, rx_unit) = if traffic.received > 1_047_527_424 {
// convert to GB
(traffic.received / 1_073_741_824, "GB".to_string())
} else if traffic.received > 0 {
// otherwise, convert it to MB
((traffic.received / 1024) / 1024, "MB".to_string())
} else {
(0, "MB".to_string())
let (tx, tx_unit) = if traffic.transmitted > 1_047_527_424 {
// convert to GB
(traffic.transmitted / 1_073_741_824, "GB".to_string())
} else if traffic.transmitted > 0 {
((traffic.transmitted / 1024) / 1024, "MB".to_string())
} else {
(0, "MB".to_string())
Some(IfaceTraffic {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct IfaceTraffic {
pub rx: u64,
pub rx_unit: String,
pub tx: u64,
pub tx_unit: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkAlertContext {
pub alert: Alert,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub data_total: Option<Data>, // combined stored and current wifi traffic in bytes
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub threshold: Threshold,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub traffic: Option<IfaceTraffic>, // current wifi traffic in bytes (since boot)
impl NetworkAlertContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkAlertContext {
let alert = monitor::get_alerts().unwrap();
// stored wifi data values as bytes
let stored_traffic = monitor::get_data().unwrap();
let threshold = monitor::get_thresholds().unwrap();
let (traffic, data_total) = match network::traffic(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
// convert bytes to mb or gb and add appropriate units
Ok(Some(t)) => {
let current_traffic = t.received + t.transmitted;
let traffic = convert_traffic(t);
let total = + current_traffic;
let data_total = Data { total };
(traffic, Some(data_total))
_ => (None, None),
NetworkAlertContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkDetailContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub selected: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub saved_aps: Vec<String>,
pub wlan_ip: String,
pub wlan_networks: HashMap<String, AccessPoint>,
pub wlan_rssi: Option<String>,
pub wlan_ssid: String,
pub wlan_state: String,
pub wlan_status: Option<Status>,
pub wlan_traffic: Option<IfaceTraffic>,
impl NetworkDetailContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkDetailContext {
let wlan_ip = match network::ip(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(ip)) => ip,
_ => "x.x.x.x".to_string(),
// list of networks saved in wpa_supplicant.conf
let wlan_list = match network::saved_networks() {
Ok(Some(ssids)) => ssids,
_ => Vec::new(),
// list of networks saved in wpa_supplicant.conf
let saved_aps = wlan_list.clone();
let wlan_rssi = match network::rssi_percent(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(rssi) => rssi,
Err(_) => None,
// list of networks currently in range (online & accessible)
let wlan_scan = match network::available_networks(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(networks)) => networks,
_ => Vec::new(),
let wlan_ssid = match network::ssid(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(ssid)) => ssid,
_ => "Not connected".to_string(),
let wlan_state = match network::state(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(state)) => state,
_ => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let wlan_status = match network::status(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(status) => status,
// interface unavailable
_ => None,
let wlan_traffic = match network::traffic(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
// convert bytes to mb or gb and add appropriate units
Ok(Some(traffic)) => convert_traffic(traffic),
_ => None,
// create a hashmap to combine wlan_list & wlan_scan without repetition
let mut wlan_networks = HashMap::new();
for ap in wlan_scan {
let ssid = ap.ssid.clone();
let rssi = ap.signal_level.clone();
// parse the string to a signed integer (for math)
let rssi_parsed = rssi.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
// perform rssi (dBm) to quality (%) conversion
let quality_percent = 2 * (rssi_parsed + 100);
let ap_detail = AccessPoint {
detail: Some(ap),
state: "Available".to_string(),
signal: Some(quality_percent),
wlan_networks.insert(ssid, ap_detail);
for network in wlan_list {
// avoid repetition by checking that ssid is not already in list
if !wlan_networks.contains_key(&network) {
let ssid = network.clone();
let net_detail = AccessPoint {
detail: None,
state: "Not in range".to_string(),
signal: None,
wlan_networks.insert(ssid, net_detail);
NetworkDetailContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
selected: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkListContext {
pub ap_state: String,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub wlan_networks: HashMap<String, String>,
pub wlan_ssid: String,
impl NetworkListContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkListContext {
// list of networks saved in wpa_supplicant.conf
let wlan_list = match network::saved_networks() {
Ok(Some(ssids)) => ssids,
_ => Vec::new(),
// list of networks currently in range (online & accessible)
let wlan_scan = match network::available_networks(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(networks)) => networks,
_ => Vec::new(),
let wlan_ssid = match network::ssid(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(ssid)) => ssid,
_ => "Not connected".to_string(),
// create a hashmap to combine wlan_list & wlan_scan without repetition
let mut wlan_networks = HashMap::new();
for ap in wlan_scan {
wlan_networks.insert(ap.ssid, "Available".to_string());
for network in wlan_list {
// insert ssid (with state) only if it doesn't already exist
.or_insert_with(|| "Not in range".to_string());
let ap_state = match network::state(&*AP_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(state)) => state,
_ => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
NetworkListContext {
back: None,
flash_msg: None,
flash_name: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkStatusContext {
pub ap_ip: String,
pub ap_ssid: String,
pub ap_state: String,
pub ap_traffic: Option<IfaceTraffic>,
pub wlan_ip: String,
pub wlan_rssi: Option<String>,
pub wlan_ssid: String,
pub wlan_state: String,
pub wlan_status: Option<Status>,
pub wlan_traffic: Option<IfaceTraffic>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
// passing in the ssid of a chosen access point
pub selected: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub back: Option<String>,
impl NetworkStatusContext {
pub fn build() -> Self {
let ap_ip = match network::ip(&*AP_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(ip)) => ip,
_ => "x.x.x.x".to_string(),
let ap_ssid = match network::ssid(&*AP_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(ssid)) => ssid,
_ => "Not currently activated".to_string(),
let ap_state = match network::state(&*AP_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(state)) => state,
_ => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let ap_traffic = match network::traffic(&*AP_IFACE) {
// convert bytes to mb or gb and add appropriate units
Ok(Some(traffic)) => convert_traffic(traffic),
_ => None,
let wlan_ip = match network::ip(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(ip)) => ip,
_ => "x.x.x.x".to_string(),
let wlan_rssi = match network::rssi_percent(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(rssi) => rssi,
_ => None,
let wlan_ssid = match network::ssid(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(ssid)) => ssid,
_ => "Not connected".to_string(),
let wlan_state = match network::state(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(Some(state)) => state,
_ => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let wlan_status = match network::status(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
Ok(status) => status,
_ => None,
let wlan_traffic = match network::traffic(&*WLAN_IFACE) {
// convert bytes to mb or gb and add appropriate units
Ok(Some(traffic)) => convert_traffic(traffic),
_ => None,
NetworkStatusContext {
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
selected: None,
title: None,
back: None,

View File

@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use golgi::{api::friends::RelationshipQuery, blobs, messages::SsbMessageValue, Sbot};
use peach_lib::sbot::{SbotConfig, SbotStatus};
use rocket::{futures::TryStreamExt, serde::Serialize};
use crate::{error::PeachWebError, utils};
pub async fn init_sbot_with_config(
sbot_config: &Option<SbotConfig>,
) -> Result<Sbot, PeachWebError> {
// initialise sbot connection with ip:port and shscap from config file
let sbot_client = match sbot_config {
// TODO: panics if we pass `Some(conf.shscap)` as second arg
Some(conf) => {
let ip_port = conf.lis.clone();
Sbot::init(Some(ip_port), None).await?
None => Sbot::init(None, None).await?,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct StatusContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub theme: Option<String>,
pub sbot_config: Option<SbotConfig>,
pub sbot_status: Option<SbotStatus>,
// latest sequence number for the local log
pub latest_seq: Option<u64>,
impl StatusContext {
pub fn default() -> Self {
StatusContext {
back: Some("/".to_string()),
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: Some("Scuttlebutt Status".to_string()),
theme: None,
sbot_config: None,
sbot_status: None,
latest_seq: None,
pub async fn build() -> Result<Self, PeachWebError> {
let mut context = Self::default();
// retrieve current ui theme
context.theme = Some(utils::get_theme());
// retrieve go-sbot systemd process status
let sbot_status = SbotStatus::read()?;
// retrieve latest go-sbot configuration parameters
let sbot_config = SbotConfig::read().ok();
// we only want to try and interact with the sbot if it's active
if sbot_status.state == Some("active".to_string()) {
let mut sbot_client = init_sbot_with_config(&sbot_config).await?;
// retrieve the local id
let id = sbot_client.whoami().await?;
let history_stream = sbot_client.create_history_stream(id).await?;
let mut msgs: Vec<SsbMessageValue> = history_stream.try_collect().await?;
// reverse the list of messages so we can easily reference the latest one
// assign the sequence number of the latest msg
context.latest_seq = Some(msgs[0].sequence);
} else {
// the sbot is not currently active; return a helpful message
context.flash_name = Some("warning".to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some("The Sbot is currently inactive. As a result, status data cannot be retrieved. Visit the Scuttlebutt settings menu to start the Sbot and then try again".to_string());
context.sbot_config = sbot_config;
context.sbot_status = Some(sbot_status);
// peers who are blocked by the local account
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct BlocksContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub theme: Option<String>,
pub sbot_config: Option<SbotConfig>,
pub sbot_status: Option<SbotStatus>,
pub peers: Option<Vec<HashMap<String, String>>>,
impl BlocksContext {
pub fn default() -> Self {
BlocksContext {
back: Some("/scuttlebutt/peers".to_string()),
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: Some("Blocks".to_string()),
theme: None,
sbot_config: None,
sbot_status: None,
peers: None,
pub async fn build() -> Result<Self, PeachWebError> {
let mut context = Self::default();
// retrieve current ui theme
context.theme = Some(utils::get_theme());
// retrieve go-sbot systemd process status
let sbot_status = SbotStatus::read()?;
// we only want to try and interact with the sbot if it's active
if sbot_status.state == Some("active".to_string()) {
// retrieve latest go-sbot configuration parameters
let sbot_config = SbotConfig::read().ok();
let mut sbot_client = init_sbot_with_config(&sbot_config).await?;
let blocks = sbot_client.get_blocks().await?;
// we'll use this to store the profile info for each peer who follows us
let mut peer_info = Vec::new();
if !blocks.is_empty() {
for peer in blocks.iter() {
// trim whitespace (including newline characters) and
// remove the inverted-commas around the id
let key = peer.trim().replace('"', "");
// retrieve the profile info for the given peer
let mut info = sbot_client.get_profile_info(&key).await?;
// insert the public key of the peer into the info hashmap
info.insert("id".to_string(), key.to_string());
// we do not even attempt to find the blob for a blocked peer,
// since it may be vulgar to cause distress to the local peer.
info.insert("blob_exists".to_string(), "false".to_string());
// push profile info to peer_list vec
context.peers = Some(peer_info)
} else {
// the sbot is not currently active; return a helpful message
context.flash_name = Some("warning".to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some("The Sbot is currently inactive. As a result, peer data cannot be retrieved. Visit the Scuttlebutt settings menu to start the Sbot and then try again".to_string());
context.sbot_status = Some(sbot_status);
// peers who are followed by the local account
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct FollowsContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub theme: Option<String>,
pub sbot_config: Option<SbotConfig>,
pub sbot_status: Option<SbotStatus>,
pub peers: Option<Vec<HashMap<String, String>>>,
impl FollowsContext {
pub fn default() -> Self {
FollowsContext {
back: Some("/scuttlebutt/peers".to_string()),
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: Some("Follows".to_string()),
theme: None,
sbot_config: None,
sbot_status: None,
peers: None,
pub async fn build() -> Result<Self, PeachWebError> {
let mut context = Self::default();
// retrieve current ui theme
context.theme = Some(utils::get_theme());
// retrieve go-sbot systemd process status
let sbot_status = SbotStatus::read()?;
// we only want to try and interact with the sbot if it's active
if sbot_status.state == Some("active".to_string()) {
// retrieve latest go-sbot configuration parameters
let sbot_config = SbotConfig::read().ok();
let mut sbot_client = init_sbot_with_config(&sbot_config).await?;
let follows = sbot_client.get_follows().await?;
// we'll use this to store the profile info for each peer who follows us
let mut peer_info = Vec::new();
if !follows.is_empty() {
for peer in follows.iter() {
// trim whitespace (including newline characters) and
// remove the inverted-commas around the id
let key = peer.trim().replace('"', "");
// retrieve the profile info for the given peer
let mut info = sbot_client.get_profile_info(&key).await?;
// insert the public key of the peer into the info hashmap
info.insert("id".to_string(), key.to_string());
// retrieve the profile image blob id for the given peer
if let Some(blob_id) = info.get("image") {
// look-up the path for the image blob
if let Ok(blob_path) = blobs::get_blob_path(&blob_id) {
// insert the image blob path of the peer into the info hashmap
info.insert("blob_path".to_string(), blob_path.to_string());
// check if the blob is in the blobstore
// set a flag in the info hashmap
match utils::blob_is_stored_locally(&blob_path).await {
Ok(exists) if exists == true => {
info.insert("blob_exists".to_string(), "true".to_string())
_ => info.insert("blob_exists".to_string(), "false".to_string()),
// push profile info to peer_list vec
context.peers = Some(peer_info)
} else {
// the sbot is not currently active; return a helpful message
context.flash_name = Some("warning".to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some("The Sbot is currently inactive. As a result, peer data cannot be retrieved. Visit the Scuttlebutt settings menu to start the Sbot and then try again".to_string());
context.sbot_status = Some(sbot_status);
// peers who follow and are followed by the local account (friends)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct FriendsContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub theme: Option<String>,
pub sbot_config: Option<SbotConfig>,
pub sbot_status: Option<SbotStatus>,
pub peers: Option<Vec<HashMap<String, String>>>,
impl FriendsContext {
pub fn default() -> Self {
FriendsContext {
back: Some("/scuttlebutt/peers".to_string()),
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: Some("Friends".to_string()),
theme: None,
sbot_config: None,
sbot_status: None,
peers: None,
pub async fn build() -> Result<Self, PeachWebError> {
let mut context = Self::default();
// retrieve current ui theme
context.theme = Some(utils::get_theme());
// retrieve go-sbot systemd process status
let sbot_status = SbotStatus::read()?;
// we only want to try and interact with the sbot if it's active
if sbot_status.state == Some("active".to_string()) {
// retrieve latest go-sbot configuration parameters
let sbot_config = SbotConfig::read().ok();
let mut sbot_client = init_sbot_with_config(&sbot_config).await?;
let local_id = sbot_client.whoami().await?;
let follows = sbot_client.get_follows().await?;
// we'll use this to store the profile info for each peer who follows us
let mut peer_info = Vec::new();
if !follows.is_empty() {
for peer in follows.iter() {
// trim whitespace (including newline characters) and
// remove the inverted-commas around the id
let peer_id = peer.trim().replace('"', "");
// retrieve the profile info for the given peer
let mut info = sbot_client.get_profile_info(&peer_id).await?;
// insert the public key of the peer into the info hashmap
info.insert("id".to_string(), peer_id.to_string());
// retrieve the profile image blob id for the given peer
if let Some(blob_id) = info.get("image") {
// look-up the path for the image blob
if let Ok(blob_path) = blobs::get_blob_path(&blob_id) {
// insert the image blob path of the peer into the info hashmap
info.insert("blob_path".to_string(), blob_path.to_string());
// check if the blob is in the blobstore
// set a flag in the info hashmap
match utils::blob_is_stored_locally(&blob_path).await {
Ok(exists) if exists == true => {
info.insert("blob_exists".to_string(), "true".to_string())
_ => info.insert("blob_exists".to_string(), "false".to_string()),
// check if the peer follows us (making us friends)
let follow_query = RelationshipQuery {
source: peer_id.to_string(),
dest: local_id.clone(),
// query follow state
match sbot_client.friends_is_following(follow_query).await {
Ok(following) if following == "true" => {
// only push profile info to peer_list vec if they follow us
_ => (),
context.peers = Some(peer_info)
} else {
// the sbot is not currently active; return a helpful message
context.flash_name = Some("warning".to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some("The Sbot is currently inactive. As a result, peer data cannot be retrieved. Visit the Scuttlebutt settings menu to start the Sbot and then try again".to_string());
context.sbot_status = Some(sbot_status);
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ProfileContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub theme: Option<String>,
pub sbot_config: Option<SbotConfig>,
pub sbot_status: Option<SbotStatus>,
// is this the local profile or the profile of a peer?
pub is_local_profile: bool,
// an ssb_id which may or may not be the local public key
pub id: Option<String>,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub image: Option<String>,
// the path to the blob defined in the `image` field (aka the profile picture)
pub blob_path: Option<String>,
// whether or not the blob exists in the blobstore (ie. is saved on disk)
pub blob_exists: bool,
// relationship state (if the profile being viewed is not for the local public key)
pub following: Option<bool>,
pub blocking: Option<bool>,
impl ProfileContext {
pub fn default() -> Self {
ProfileContext {
back: Some("/".to_string()),
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: Some("Profile".to_string()),
theme: None,
sbot_config: None,
sbot_status: None,
is_local_profile: true,
id: None,
name: None,
description: None,
image: None,
blob_path: None,
blob_exists: false,
following: None,
blocking: None,
pub async fn build(ssb_id: Option<String>) -> Result<Self, PeachWebError> {
let mut context = Self::default();
// retrieve current ui theme
context.theme = Some(utils::get_theme());
// retrieve go-sbot systemd process status
let sbot_status = SbotStatus::read()?;
// retrieve latest go-sbot configuration parameters
let sbot_config = SbotConfig::read().ok();
let mut sbot_client = init_sbot_with_config(&sbot_config).await?;
let local_id = sbot_client.whoami().await?;
// if an ssb_id has been provided to the context builder, we assume that
// the profile info being retrieved is for a peer (ie. not for our local
// profile)
let id = if ssb_id.is_some() {
// we are not dealing with the local profile
context.is_local_profile = false;
// we're safe to unwrap here because we know it's `Some(id)`
let peer_id = ssb_id.unwrap();
// determine relationship between peer and local id
let follow_query = RelationshipQuery {
source: local_id.clone(),
dest: peer_id.clone(),
// query follow state
context.following = match sbot_client.friends_is_following(follow_query).await {
Ok(following) if following == "true" => Some(true),
Ok(following) if following == "false" => Some(false),
_ => None,
// TODO: i don't like that we have to instantiate the same query object
// twice. see if we can streamline this in golgi
let block_query = RelationshipQuery {
source: local_id.clone(),
dest: peer_id.clone(),
// query block state
context.blocking = match sbot_client.friends_is_blocking(block_query).await {
Ok(blocking) if blocking == "true" => Some(true),
Ok(blocking) if blocking == "false" => Some(false),
_ => None,
} else {
// if an ssb_id has not been provided, retrieve the local id using whoami
context.is_local_profile = true;
// retrieve the profile info for the given id
let info = sbot_client.get_profile_info(&id).await?;
// set each context field accordingly
for (key, val) in info {
match key.as_str() {
"name" => = Some(val),
"description" => context.description = Some(val),
"image" => context.image = Some(val),
_ => (),
// assign the ssb public key to the context
// (could be for the local profile or a peer) = Some(id);
// determine the path to the blob defined by the value of `context.image`
if let Some(ref blob_id) = context.image {
context.blob_path = match blobs::get_blob_path(&blob_id) {
Ok(path) => {
// if we get the path, check if the blob is in the blobstore.
// this allows us to default to a placeholder image in the template
if let Ok(exists) = utils::blob_is_stored_locally(&path).await {
context.blob_exists = exists
Err(_) => None,
context.sbot_status = Some(sbot_status);
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct PrivateContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub theme: Option<String>,
pub sbot_config: Option<SbotConfig>,
pub sbot_status: Option<SbotStatus>,
// local peer id (whoami)
pub id: Option<String>,
// id of the peer being messaged
pub recipient_id: Option<String>,
impl PrivateContext {
pub fn default() -> Self {
PrivateContext {
back: Some("/".to_string()),
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: Some("Private Messages".to_string()),
theme: None,
sbot_config: None,
sbot_status: None,
id: None,
recipient_id: None,
pub async fn build(recipient_id: Option<String>) -> Result<Self, PeachWebError> {
let mut context = Self::default();
// retrieve current ui theme
context.theme = Some(utils::get_theme());
// retrieve go-sbot systemd process status
let sbot_status = SbotStatus::read()?;
// retrieve latest go-sbot configuration parameters
let sbot_config = SbotConfig::read().ok();
let mut sbot_client = init_sbot_with_config(&sbot_config).await?;
context.recipient_id = recipient_id;
let local_id = sbot_client.whoami().await?; = Some(local_id);
context.sbot_status = Some(sbot_status);

View File

@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use rocket::http::{ContentType, Status};
use rocket::local::blocking::Client;
use rocket::{Build, Config, Rocket};
use super::init_rocket;
// define authentication mode
const DISABLE_AUTH: bool = true;
/// Wrapper around `init_rocket()` to simplify the process of invoking the application with the desired authentication status. This is particularly useful for testing purposes.
fn init_test_rocket(disable_auth: bool) -> Rocket<Build> {
// set authentication based on provided `disable_auth` value
Config::figment().merge(("disable_auth", disable_auth));
// helper function to test correct retrieval and content of a file
fn test_query_file<T>(path: &str, file: T, status: Status)
T: Into<Option<&'static str>>,
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).unwrap();
let response = client.get(path).dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), status);
let body_data = response.into_bytes();
if let Some(filename) = file.into() {
let expected_data = read_file_content(filename);
assert!(body_data.map_or(false, |s| s == expected_data));
// helper function to return the content of a file, given a path
fn read_file_content(path: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut fp = File::open(&path).expect(&format!("Can't open {}", path));
let mut file_content = vec![];
fp.read_to_end(&mut file_content)
.expect(&format!("Reading {} failed.", path));
fn index_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn help_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/help").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn login_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/login").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn logout_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/logout").dispatch();
// check for 303 status (redirect to "/login")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), None);
fn power_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/power").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Shutdown Device"));
NOTE: these tests are comment-out for the moment, due to the fact that they invoke system commands (resulting in a `sudo` password request during test execution). see if we can find a way to test the results without triggering the shutdown or restart.
fn reboot() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/power/reboot").dispatch();
// check for redirect
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
fn shutdown() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/power/shutdown").dispatch();
// check for redirect
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
fn block() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
fn blocks_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/scuttlebutt/blocks").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn follow() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
// ensure we redirect (303)
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
fn follows_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/scuttlebutt/follows").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn followers_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/scuttlebutt/followers").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn friends_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/scuttlebutt/friends").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn peers_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/scuttlebutt/peers").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Scuttlebutt Peers"));
fn private_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/scuttlebutt/private").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Private Messages"));
fn profile_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/scuttlebutt/profile").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
fn publish_post() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
.body("text='golden ripples in the meshwork'")
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
fn unfollow() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
fn admin_settings_menu_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/admin").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Administrator Settings"));
assert!(body.contains("Change Password"));
assert!(body.contains("Configure Admin"));
fn add_admin_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/admin/add").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Add Admin"));
assert!(body.contains("SSB ID"));
fn add_admin() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
// check for redirect
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
fn change_password_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/admin/change_password").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Change Password"));
assert!(body.contains("Current password"));
assert!(body.contains("New password"));
assert!(body.contains("New password duplicate"));
fn configure_admin_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/admin/configure").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Configure Admin"));
assert!(body.contains("Current Admins"));
assert!(body.contains("Add Admin"));
fn forgot_password_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/admin/forgot_password").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Send Password Reset"));
fn network_settings_menu_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Network Configuration"));
NOTE: these tests are commented-out for the moment, due to the fact that they
invoke system commands (resulting in a `sudo` password request during
test execution). see if we can find a way to test the results without
triggering the `systemctl` call.
fn deploy_ap() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network/ap/activate").dispatch();
// check for 303 status (redirect)
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), None);
fn deploy_client() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network/wifi/activate").dispatch();
// check for 303 status (redirect)
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), None);
fn dns_settings_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network/dns").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Configure DNS"));
assert!(body.contains("External Domain (optional)"));
assert!(body.contains("Enable Dynamic DNS"));
assert!(body.contains("Dynamic DNS Domain"));
fn list_aps_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network/wifi").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("WiFi Networks"));
assert!(body.contains("No saved or available networks found."));
// TODO: needs further testing once template has been refactored
fn ap_details_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network/wifi?ssid=Home").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
//let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
//assert!(body.contains("Network not found"));
fn add_ap_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network/wifi/add").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Add WiFi Network"));
fn add_ap_ssid_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Add WiFi Network"));
fn add_credentials() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
fn forget_wifi() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), None);
fn modify_password() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), None);
fn data_usage_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/network/wifi/usage").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Network Data Usage"));
assert!(body.contains("WARNING THRESHOLD"));
fn scuttlebutt_settings_menu_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/settings/scuttlebutt").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Scuttlebutt Settings"));
assert!(body.contains("Configure Sbot"));
fn status_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/status").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Device Status"));
fn network_status_html() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).expect("valid rocket instance");
let response = client.get("/status/network").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("Network Status"));
fn nested_file() {
fn icon_file() {
fn invalid_path() {
test_query_file("/thou_shalt_not_exist", None, Status::NotFound);
test_query_file("/thou_shalt_not_exist", None, Status::NotFound);
test_query_file("/thou/shalt/not/exist?a=b&c=d", None, Status::NotFound);
fn invalid_get_request() {
let client = Client::tracked(init_test_rocket(DISABLE_AUTH)).unwrap();
// try to get a path that doesn't exist
let res = client
assert_eq!(res.status(), Status::NotFound);
let body = res.into_string().unwrap();
assert!(body.contains("404: Page Not Found"));
assert!(body.contains("No PeachCloud resource exists for this URL."));