# peach-jsonrpc-server A JSON-RPC server for the PeachCloud system which exposes an API over HTTP. Currently includes peach-stats capability (system statistics). ## JSON-RPC API | Method | Description | Returns | | --- | --- | --- | | `cpu_stats` | CPU statistics | `user`, `system`, `nice`, `idle` | | `cpu_stats_percent` | CPU statistics as percentages | `user`, `system`, `nice`, `idle` | | `disk_usage` | Disk usage statistics (array of disks) | `filesystem`, `one_k_blocks`, `one_k_blocks_used`, `one_k_blocks_free`, `used_percentage`, `mountpoint` | | `load_average` | Load average statistics | `one`, `five`, `fifteen` | | `mem_stats` | Memory statistics | `total`, `free`, `used` | | `ping` | Microservice status | `success` if running | | `uptime` | System uptime | `secs` | ## Environment The JSON-RPC HTTP server is currently hardcoded to run on "". Address and port configuration settings will later be exposed via CLI arguments and possibly an environment variable. Logging is made available with `env_logger`: `export RUST_LOG=info` Other logging levels include `debug`, `warn` and `error`. ## Setup Clone the peach-workspace repo: `git clone https://git.coopcloud.tech/PeachCloud/peach-workspace` Move into the repo peaach-jsonrpc-server directory and compile a release build: `cd peach-jsonrpc-server` `cargo build --release` Run the binary: `./peach-workspace/target/release/peach-jsonrpc-server` ## Debian Packaging TODO. ## Example Usage **Get CPU Statistics** With microservice running, open a second terminal window and use `curl` to call server methods: `curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "cpu_stats", "id":1 }'` Server responds with: `{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"{\"user\":4661083,\"system\":1240371,\"idle\":326838290,\"nice\":0}","id":1}` **Get System Uptime** With microservice running, open a second terminal window and use `curl` to call server methods: `curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "uptime", "id":1 }'` Server responds with: `{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"{\"secs\":840968}","id":1}` ### Licensing AGPL-3.0