use std::convert::TryInto; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{thread, time}; use nest::{Error, Store, Value}; use probes::network; use serde_json::json; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt( name = "peach-monitor", about = "Monitor data usage and set alert flags" )] struct Opt { /// Run daemon #[structopt(short, long)] daemon: bool, /// Define network interface #[structopt(short, long, default_value = "wlan0")] iface: String, /// Save latest usage totals to file #[structopt(short, long)] save: bool, /// Define time interval for updating alert flags (seconds) #[structopt(short = "t", long, default_value = "60")] interval: u64, /// Update alert flags #[structopt(short, long)] update: bool, } /// Network traffic total (bytes) #[derive(Debug)] struct Traffic { total: u64, // bytes } impl Traffic { /// Retrieve latest statistics for traffic fn get(iface: &str) -> Option { let network = network::read().expect("IO error when executing network command"); for (interface, data) in network.interfaces { if interface == iface { let rx = data.received; let tx = data.transmitted; let total = rx + tx; let t = Traffic { total }; return Some(t); }; } None } } /// Warning and cutoff network traffic threshold (bytes) struct Threshold { warn: u64, // warning threshold (bytes) cut: u64, // cutoff threshold (bytes) } impl Threshold { /// Retrieve latest alert threshold from the data store fn get(store: &Store) -> Threshold { let mut threshold = Vec::new(); let warn_val = store .get(&["net", "notify", "warn"]) .unwrap_or(Value::Uint(0)); if let Value::Uint(val) = warn_val { threshold.push(val); }; let cut_val = store .get(&["net", "notify", "cut"]) .unwrap_or(Value::Uint(0)); if let Value::Uint(val) = cut_val { threshold.push(val); }; Threshold { warn: threshold[0], cut: threshold[1], } } } /// Convert a megabyte value to bytes fn to_bytes(val: u64) -> u64 { (val * 1024) * 1024 } /// Evaluate traffic values against alert thresholds and set flags fn set_alert_flags(store: &Store, threshold: &Threshold) -> Result<(), Error> { let stored_total = store.get(&["net", "traffic", "total"])?; if let Value::Uint(total) = stored_total { // total is in bytes while warn is in megabytes if total > to_bytes(threshold.warn) { store.set(&["net", "alert", "warn_alert"], &Value::Bool(true))?; } else { store.set(&["net", "alert", "warn_alert"], &Value::Bool(false))?; } if total > to_bytes(threshold.cut) { store.set(&["net", "alert", "cut_alert"], &Value::Bool(true))?; } else { store.set(&["net", "alert", "cut_alert"], &Value::Bool(false))?; } } Ok(()) } /// Calculate and store the latest network transmission totals fn update_transmission_totals(iface: &str, store: &Store) -> Result<(), Error> { // retrieve previous network traffic statistics let stored_total = match store.get(&["net", "traffic", "total"]) { Ok(total) => total, // return 0 if no value exists Err(_) => Value::Uint(u64::MIN), }; // retrieve latest network traffic statistics let traffic = Traffic::get(iface).expect("Error while retrieving network traffic statistics"); // store updated network traffic statistics (totals) if let Value::Uint(total) = stored_total { let updated_total = total +; let total_value = Value::Uint(updated_total); store.set(&["net", "traffic", "total"], &total_value)?; }; Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { // parse cli arguments let opt = Opt::from_args(); // define the path let path = xdg::BaseDirectories::new() .unwrap() .create_data_directory("peachcloud") .unwrap(); // define the schema let schema = json!({ "net": { "traffic": "json", "notify": "json", "alert": "json" } }) .try_into()?; // create the data store let store = Store::new(path, schema); // update network transmission totals if { update_transmission_totals(&opt.iface, &store).unwrap(); } // update alert flags if opt.update { // retrieve alert thresholds let threshold = Threshold::get(&store); // test transmission totals against alert thresholds and set flags set_alert_flags(&store, &threshold)?; } if opt.daemon { let running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let r = running.clone(); ctrlc::set_handler(move || {, Ordering::SeqCst); }) .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); let interval = time::Duration::from_secs(opt.interval); // run loop until SIGINT or SIGTERM is received while running.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { // retrieve alert thresholds let threshold = Threshold::get(&store); // test transmission totals against alert threshold and set flags set_alert_flags(&store, &threshold)?; thread::sleep(interval); } println!("Terminating gracefully..."); } Ok(()) }