mod error; use std::{ env, process, result::Result, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use embedded_graphics::coord::Coord; use embedded_graphics::fonts::{Font12x16, Font6x12, Font6x8, Font8x16}; use embedded_graphics::image::Image1BPP; use embedded_graphics::prelude::*; use hal::I2cdev; use jsonrpc_core::{types::error::Error, IoHandler, Params, Value}; use jsonrpc_http_server::{AccessControlAllowOrigin, DomainsValidation, ServerBuilder}; #[allow(unused_imports)] use jsonrpc_test as test; use linux_embedded_hal as hal; use log::{debug, error, info}; use serde::Deserialize; use snafu::{ensure, ResultExt}; use ssd1306::prelude::*; use ssd1306::Builder; use crate::error::{BoxError, I2CError, InvalidCoordinate, InvalidString, OledError}; //define the Graphic struct for receiving draw commands #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct Graphic { bytes: Vec, width: u32, height: u32, x_coord: i32, y_coord: i32, } //define the Msg struct for receiving write commands #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct Msg { x_coord: i32, y_coord: i32, string: String, font_size: String, } //definte the On struct for receiving power on/off commands #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct On { on: bool, } fn validate(m: &Msg) -> Result<(), OledError> { ensure!( m.string.len() <= 21, InvalidString { len: m.string.len() } ); ensure!( m.x_coord >= 0, InvalidCoordinate { coord: "x".to_string(), range: "0-128".to_string(), value: m.x_coord, } ); ensure!( m.x_coord < 129, InvalidCoordinate { coord: "x".to_string(), range: "0-128".to_string(), value: m.x_coord, } ); ensure!( m.y_coord >= 0, InvalidCoordinate { coord: "y".to_string(), range: "0-47".to_string(), value: m.y_coord, } ); ensure!( m.y_coord < 148, InvalidCoordinate { coord: "y".to_string(), range: "0-47".to_string(), value: m.y_coord, } ); Ok(()) } pub fn run() -> Result<(), BoxError> { info!("Starting up."); debug!("Creating interface for I2C device."); let i2c = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").context(I2CError)?; let mut disp: GraphicsMode<_> = Builder::new().connect_i2c(i2c).into(); info!("Initializing the display."); disp.init().unwrap_or_else(|_| { error!("Problem initializing the OLED display."); process::exit(1); }); debug!("Flushing the display."); disp.flush().unwrap_or_else(|_| { error!("Problem flushing the OLED display."); process::exit(1); }); let oled = Arc::new(Mutex::new(disp)); let oled_clone = Arc::clone(&oled); info!("Creating JSON-RPC I/O handler."); let mut io = IoHandler::default(); io.add_method("clear", move |_| { let mut oled = oled_clone.lock().unwrap(); info!("Clearing the display."); oled.clear(); info!("Flushing the display."); oled.flush().unwrap_or_else(|_| { error!("Problem flushing the OLED display."); process::exit(1); }); Ok(Value::String("success".into())) }); let oled_clone = Arc::clone(&oled); io.add_method("draw", move |params: Params| { let g: Result = params.parse(); let g: Graphic = g?; // TODO: add simple byte validation function let mut oled = oled_clone.lock().unwrap(); info!("Drawing image to the display."); let im = Image1BPP::new(&g.bytes, g.width, g.height).translate(Coord::new(g.x_coord, g.y_coord)); oled.draw(im.into_iter()); Ok(Value::String("success".into())) }); let oled_clone = Arc::clone(&oled); io.add_method("flush", move |_| { let mut oled = oled_clone.lock().unwrap(); info!("Flushing the display."); oled.flush().unwrap_or_else(|_| { error!("Problem flushing the OLED display."); process::exit(1); }); Ok(Value::String("success".into())) }); let oled_clone = Arc::clone(&oled); io.add_method("ping", |_| Ok(Value::String("success".to_string()))); io.add_method("power", move |params: Params| { let o: Result = params.parse(); let o: On = o?; let mut oled = oled_clone.lock().unwrap(); if o.on { info!("Turning the display on."); } else { info!("Turnin the display off."); } oled.display_on(o.on).unwrap_or_else(|_| { error!("Problem turning the display on."); process::exit(1); }); Ok(Value::String("success".into())) }); let oled_clone = Arc::clone(&oled); io.add_method("write", move |params: Params| { info!("Received a 'write' request."); let m: Result = params.parse(); let m: Msg = m?; validate(&m)?; let mut oled = oled_clone.lock().unwrap(); info!("Writing to the display."); if m.font_size == "6x8" { oled.draw( Font6x8::render_str(&m.string) .translate(Coord::new(m.x_coord, m.y_coord)) .into_iter(), ); } else if m.font_size == "6x12" { oled.draw( Font6x12::render_str(&m.string) .translate(Coord::new(m.x_coord, m.y_coord)) .into_iter(), ); } else if m.font_size == "8x16" { oled.draw( Font8x16::render_str(&m.string) .translate(Coord::new(m.x_coord, m.y_coord)) .into_iter(), ); } else if m.font_size == "12x16" { oled.draw( Font12x16::render_str(&m.string) .translate(Coord::new(m.x_coord, m.y_coord)) .into_iter(), ); } Ok(Value::String("success".into())) }); let http_server = env::var("PEACH_OLED_SERVER").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()); info!("Starting JSON-RPC server on {}.", http_server); let server = ServerBuilder::new(io) .cors(DomainsValidation::AllowOnly(vec![ AccessControlAllowOrigin::Null, ])) .start_http( &http_server .parse() .expect("Invalid HTTP address and port combination"), ) .expect("Unable to start RPC server"); info!("Listening for requests."); server.wait(); Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use hal::i2cdev::linux::LinuxI2CError; use jsonrpc_core::ErrorCode; //use nix::Error as NixError; use std::io::Error as IoError; use std::io::ErrorKind; // test to ensure correct success response #[test] fn rpc_success() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_success_response", |_| { Ok(Value::String("success".into())) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!(rpc.request("rpc_success_response", &()), r#""success""#); } // test to ensure correct internal error response #[test] fn rpc_internal_error() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_internal_error", |_| Err(Error::internal_error())); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_internal_error", &()), r#"{ "code": -32603, "message": "Internal error" }"# ); } // test to ensure correct I2CError error response (io::Error variant) #[test] fn rpc_i2c_io_error() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_i2c_io_error", |_| { let io_err = IoError::new(ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, "oh no!"); let source = LinuxI2CError::Io(io_err); Err(Error::from(OledError::I2CError { source })) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_i2c_io_error", &()), r#"{ "code": -32000, "message": "Failed to create interface for I2C device: oh no!" }"# ); } /* TODO: fix this test (update nix deps) // test to ensure correct I2CError error response (nix::Error variant) #[test] fn rpc_i2c_nix_error() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_i2c_nix_error", |_| { let nix_err = NixError::InvalidPath; let source = LinuxI2CError::Nix(nix_err); Err(Error::from(OledError::I2CError { source })) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_i2c_nix_error", &()), r#"{ "code": -32000, "message": "I2C device error: Invalid path" }"# ); } */ // test to ensure correct InvalidCoordinate error response #[test] fn rpc_invalid_coord() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_invalid_coord", |_| { Err(Error::from(OledError::InvalidCoordinate { coord: "x".to_string(), range: "0-128".to_string(), value: 321, })) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_invalid_coord", &()), r#"{ "code": -32001, "message": "Validation error: coordinate x out of range 0-128: 321" }"# ); } // test to ensure correct InvalidFontSize error response #[test] fn rpc_invalid_fontsize() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_invalid_fontsize", |_| { Err(Error::from(OledError::InvalidFontSize { font: "24x32".to_string(), })) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_invalid_fontsize", &()), r#"{ "code": -32002, "message": "Validation error: 24x32 is not an accepted font size. Use 6x8, 6x12, 8x16 or 12x16 instead" }"# ); } // test to ensure correct InvalidString error response #[test] fn rpc_invalid_string() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_invalid_string", |_| { Err(Error::from(OledError::InvalidString { len: 22 })) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_invalid_string", &()), r#"{ "code": -32003, "message": "Validation error: string length 22 out of range 0-21" }"# ); } // test to ensure correct invalid parameters error response #[test] fn rpc_invalid_params() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_invalid_params", |_| { let e = Error { code: ErrorCode::InvalidParams, message: String::from("invalid params"), data: Some(Value::String( "Invalid params: invalid type: null, expected struct Msg.".into(), )), }; Err(Error::from(OledError::MissingParameter { e })) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_invalid_params", &()), r#"{ "code": -32602, "message": "invalid params", "data": "Invalid params: invalid type: null, expected struct Msg." }"# ); } // test to ensure correct parse error response #[test] fn rpc_parse_error() { let rpc = { let mut io = IoHandler::new(); io.add_method("rpc_parse_error", |_| { let e = Error { code: ErrorCode::ParseError, message: String::from("Parse error"), data: None, }; Err(Error::from(OledError::ParseError { e })) }); test::Rpc::from(io) }; assert_eq!( rpc.request("rpc_parse_error", &()), r#"{ "code": -32700, "message": "Parse error" }"# ); } }