mod change_password; mod constants; mod error; mod generate_manifest; mod publish_address; mod set_permissions; mod setup_networking; mod setup_peach; mod setup_peach_deb; mod status; mod update; mod utils; mod wait_for_sbot; use clap::arg_enum; use log::error; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt( name = "peach-config", about = "a CLI tool for updating, installing and configuring PeachCloud" )] struct Opt { //#[structopt(short, long)] //verbose: bool, // SUBCOMMANDS #[structopt(subcommand)] commands: Option, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "peach-config", about = "about")] enum PeachConfig { /// Prints json manifest of peach configurations #[structopt(name = "manifest")] Manifest, /// Idempotent setup of PeachCloud #[structopt(name = "setup")] Setup(SetupOpts), /// Updates all PeachCloud microservices #[structopt(name = "update")] Update(UpdateOpts), /// Changes the password for the peach-web interface #[structopt(name = "change-password")] ChangePassword(ChangePasswordOpts), /// Updates file permissions on PeachCloud device #[structopt(name = "permissions")] SetPermissions, /// Returns sbot id if sbot is running #[structopt(name = "whoami")] WhoAmI, /// Publish domain and port. /// It takes an address argument of the form host:port #[structopt(name = "publish-address")] PublishAddress(PublishAddressOpts), /// Wait for a successful connection to sbot #[structopt(name = "wait-for-sbot")] WaitForSbot, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] struct SetupOpts { /// Setup i2c configurations #[structopt(short, long)] i2c: bool, /// Optionally select which model of real-time-clock is being used, /// {ds1307, ds3231} #[structopt(short, long)] rtc: Option, /// Run peach-config in non-interactive mode #[structopt(short, long)] no_input: bool, /// Use the default en_US.UTF-8 locale for compatability #[structopt(short, long)] default_locale: bool, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] pub struct UpdateOpts { /// Only update other microservices and not peach-config #[structopt(short, long)] microservices: bool, /// Only update peach-config and not other microservices #[structopt(short, long = "--self")] self_only: bool, /// List microservices which are available for updating #[structopt(short, long)] list: bool, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] pub struct ChangePasswordOpts { /// Optional argument to specify password as CLI argument /// if not specified, this command asks for user input for the passwords #[structopt(short, long)] password: Option, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] pub struct PublishAddressOpts { /// Specify address in the form domain:port #[structopt(short, long)] address: String, } arg_enum! { /// enum options for real-time clock choices #[derive(Debug)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum RtcOption { DS1307, DS3231 } } async fn run() { // initialize the logger env_logger::init(); // parse cli arguments let opt = Opt::from_args(); // switch based on subcommand if let Some(subcommand) = opt.commands { match subcommand { PeachConfig::Setup(cfg) => { match setup_peach::setup_peach(cfg.no_input, cfg.default_locale, cfg.i2c, cfg.rtc) { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("peach-config encountered an error: {}", err) } } } PeachConfig::Manifest => match generate_manifest::generate_manifest() { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!( "peach-config encountered an error generating manifest: {}", err ) } }, PeachConfig::Update(opts) => match update::update(opts) { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("peach-config encountered an error during update: {}", err) } }, PeachConfig::ChangePassword(opts) => { match change_password::set_peach_web_password(opts) { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!( "peach-config encountered an error during password update: {}", err ) } } } PeachConfig::SetPermissions => match set_permissions::set_permissions() { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!( "peach-config ecountered an error updating file permissions: {}", err ) } }, PeachConfig::WhoAmI => match status::whoami().await { Ok(sbot_id) => { println!("{:?}", sbot_id); {} } Err(err) => { error!("sbot whoami encountered an error: {}", err) } }, PeachConfig::PublishAddress(opts) => { match publish_address::publish_address(opts.address).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!( "peach-config encountered an error during publish address: {}", err ) } } } PeachConfig::WaitForSbot => match wait_for_sbot::wait_for_sbot().await { Ok(sbot_id) => { println!("connected with sbot and found sbot_id: {:?}", sbot_id) } Err(err) => { error!("peach-config did not successfully connect to sbot: {}", err) } }, } } } // Enable an async main function and execute the `run()` function, // catching any errors and printing them to `stderr` before exiting the // process. #[async_std::main] async fn main() { run().await; }