// TODO: // // This template and associated feature set requires vnstat_parse. // - https://crates.io/crates/vnstat_parse // // Use the PeachCloud config system to store warning and cutoff flags, // as well as the associated totals (thresholds): // // - DATA_WARNING_ENABLED // - DATA_WARNING_LIMIT // - DATA_CUTOFF_ENABLED // - DATA_CUTOFF_LIMIT use maud::{html, Markup, PreEscaped}; use peach_network::network; use rouille::Request; use vnstat_parse::Vnstat; use crate::{ templates, utils::{flash::FlashRequest, theme}, }; // ROUTE: /settings/network/wifi/usage fn render_data_usage_total_capsule() -> Markup { html! { div class="stack capsule" style="margin-left: 2rem; margin-right: 2rem;" { div class="flex-grid" { label id="dataTotal" class="label-large" title="Data download total in MB" { data_total.total / 1024 / 1024 | round } label class="label-small font-near-black" { "MB" } } label class="center-text label-small font-gray" { "USAGE TOTAL" } } } } fn render_warning_threshold_icon() -> Markup { // threshold.warn_flag let warning_enabled = true; let icon_class = match warning_enabled { true => "icon", false => "icon icon-inactive", }; html! { div class="card-container container" { div { img id="warnIcon" class=(icon_class) alt="Warning" title="Warning threshold" src="/icons/alert.svg"; } } } } fn render_warning_threshold_input() -> Markup { // TODO: source threshold.warn value and replace below html! { div { (PreEscaped("")) label id="warn" class="label-small font-near-black" { input id="warnInput" class="alert-input" name="warn" placeholder="0" type="text" title="Warning threshold value" value="{{ threshold.warn }}" { "MB" } } label class="label-small font-gray" for="warn" style="padding-top: 0.25rem;" { "WARNING THRESHOLD" } } } } fn render_warning_threshold_checkbox() -> Markup { let warning_enabled = true; html! { div { (PreEscaped("")) input id="warnCheck" name="warn_flag" title="Activate warning" type="checkbox" checked[warning_enabled]; } } } fn render_critical_threshold_icon() -> Markup { // threshold.cut_flag let cutoff_enabled = true; let icon_class = match cutoff_enabled { true => "icon", false => "icon icon-inactive", }; html! { div { img id="cutIcon" class=(icon_class) alt="Cutoff" title="Cutoff threshold" src="/icons/scissor.svg"; } } } fn render_critical_threshold_input() -> Markup { // TODO: source threshold.cut value and replace below html! { div { (PreEscaped("")) label id="cut" class="label-small font-near-black"> Markup { // threshold.cut_flag let cutoff_enabled = true; html! { div { (PreEscaped("")) input id="cutCheck" name="cut_flag" title="Activate cutoff" type="checkbox" checked[cutoff_enabled]; } } } fn render_buttons() -> Markup { html! { div id="buttonDiv" class="button-div" { input id="updateAlerts" class="button button-primary center" title="Update" type="submit" value="Update"; a id="resetTotal" class="button button-warning center" href="/settings/network/wifi/usage/reset" title="Reset stored usage total to zero" { "Reset" } a class="button button-secondary center" href="/settings/network" title="Cancel" { "Cancel" } } } } /// WiFi data usage form template builder. pub fn build_template(request: &Request) -> PreEscaped { let (flash_name, flash_msg) = request.retrieve_flash(); let wlan_data = Vnstat::get("wlan0"); // wlan_data.all_time_total // wlan_data.all_time_total_unit let form_template = html! { (PreEscaped("")) form id="wifiAlerts" action="/network/wifi/usage" class="card center" method="post" { (render_data_usage_total_capsule()) (render_warning_threshold_icon()) (render_warning_threshold_input()) (render_warning_threshold_checkbox()) (render_critical_threshold_icon()) (render_critical_threshold_input()) (render_critical_threshold_checkbox()) (render_buttons()) } @if let (Some(name), Some(msg)) = (flash_name, flash_msg) { (PreEscaped("")) (templates::flash::build_template(name, msg)) } }; }