
151 lines
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//! # peach-web
//! `peach-web` provides a web interface for monitoring and interacting with the
//! PeachCloud device. This allows administration of the single-board computer
//! (ie. Raspberry Pi) running PeachCloud, as well as the ssb-server and related
//! plugins.
//! ## Design
//! `peach-web` is written primarily in Rust and presents a web interface for
//! interacting with the device. The stack currently consists of Rocket (Rust
//! web framework), Tera (Rust template engine inspired by Jinja2 and the Django
//! template language), HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Additional functionality is
//! provided by JSON-RPC clients for the `peach-network` and `peach-stats`
//! microservices.
//! HTML is rendered server-side. Request handlers call JSON-RPC microservices
//! and serve HTML and assets. A JSON API is exposed for remote calls and
//! dynamic client-side content updates via vanilla JavaScript following
//! unobstructive design principles. A basic Websockets server is included,
//! though is not currently utilised. Each Tera template is passed a context
//! object. In the case of Rust, this object is a `struct` and must implement
//! `Serialize`. The fields of the context object are available in the context
//! of the template to be rendered.
#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]
pub mod error;
pub mod routes;
mod tests;
pub mod utils;
mod ws;
use std::{env, thread};
use log::{debug, error, info};
use rocket::{catchers, routes};
use rocket_contrib::templates::Template;
use crate::routes::authentication::*;
use crate::routes::device::*;
use crate::routes::helpers::*;
use crate::routes::index::*;
use crate::routes::ping::*;
use crate::routes::scuttlebutt::*;
use crate::routes::settings::admin::*;
use crate::routes::settings::dns::*;
use crate::routes::settings::network::*;
use crate::ws::*;
pub type BoxError = Box<dyn std::error::Error>;
// create rocket instance & mount web & json routes (makes testing easier)
fn rocket() -> rocket::Rocket {
add_credentials, // WEB ROUTE
connect_wifi, // WEB ROUTE
disconnect_wifi, // WEB ROUTE
deploy_ap, // WEB ROUTE
deploy_client, // WEB ROUTE
device_stats, // WEB ROUTE
files, // WEB ROUTE
forget_wifi, // WEB ROUTE
help, // WEB ROUTE
index, // WEB ROUTE
login, // WEB ROUTE
logout, // WEB ROUTE
messages, // WEB ROUTE
network_home, // WEB ROUTE
network_add_ssid, // WEB ROUTE
network_add_wifi, // WEB ROUTE
network_detail, // WEB ROUTE
peers, // WEB ROUTE
profile, // WEB ROUTE
reboot_cmd, // WEB ROUTE
shutdown_cmd, // WEB ROUTE
shutdown_menu, // WEB ROUTE
wifi_list, // WEB ROUTE
wifi_password, // WEB ROUTE
wifi_set_password, // WEB ROUTE
wifi_usage, // WEB ROUTE
wifi_usage_alerts, // WEB ROUTE
wifi_usage_reset, // WEB ROUTE
configure_dns, // WEB ROUTE
configure_dns_post, // WEB ROUTE
change_password, // WEB ROUTE
reset_password, // WEB ROUTE
reset_password_post, // WEB ROUTE
send_password_reset_page, // WEB ROUTE
send_password_reset_post, // WEB ROUTE
configure_admin, // WEB ROUTE
add_admin, // WEB ROUTE
add_admin_post, // WEB ROUTE
delete_admin_post, // WEB ROUTE
activate_ap, // JSON API
activate_client, // JSON API
add_wifi, // JSON API
connect_ap, // JSON API
disconnect_ap, // JSON API
forget_ap, // JSON API
modify_password, // JSON API
ping_pong, // JSON API
test_route, // JSON API
ping_network, // JSON API
ping_oled, // JSON API
ping_stats, // JSON API
reset_data_total, // JSON API
return_ip, // JSON API
return_rssi, // JSON API
return_ssid, // JSON API
return_state, // JSON API
return_status, // JSON API
reboot_device, // JSON API
scan_networks, // JSON API
shutdown_device, // JSON API
update_wifi_alerts, // JSON API
save_dns_configuration_endpoint, // JSON API
save_password_form_endpoint, // JSON API
reset_password_form_endpoint, // JSON API
.register(catchers![not_found, internal_error])
// launch the rocket server
pub fn run() -> Result<(), BoxError> {
info!("Starting up.");
// spawn a separate thread for rocket to prevent blocking websockets
thread::spawn(|| {
info!("Launching Rocket server.");
// NOTE: websockets are not currently in use (may be in the future)
let ws_addr = env::var("PEACH_WEB_WS").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
match websocket_server(ws_addr) {
Ok(_) => debug!("Websocket server terminated without error."),
Err(e) => error!("Error starting the websocket server: {}", e),