
891 lines
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//! Build context objects for inclusion in Tera templates.
//! Each context object is represented by a struct which implements a build
//! method. Context objects provide the means by which application and device
//! state are made available for rendering in the templates.
// Context object struct names:
// DeviceContext
// ErrorContext
// FlashContext
// HelpContext
// HomeContext
// LoginContext
// MessageContext
// NetworkContext
// NetworkAddContext
// NetworkAlertContext
// NetworkDetailContext
// NetworkListContext
// PeerContext
// ProfileContext
// ShutdownContext
use std::collections::HashMap;
use serde::Serialize;
use peach_lib::config_manager::load_peach_config;
use peach_lib::dyndns_client;
use peach_lib::dyndns_client::{get_dyndns_subdomain, is_dns_updater_online};
use peach_lib::network_client;
use peach_lib::network_client::{AccessPoint, Networks, Scan};
use peach_lib::oled_client;
use peach_lib::sbot_client;
use peach_lib::stats_client;
use peach_lib::stats_client::{CpuStatPercentages, DiskUsage, LoadAverage, MemStat, Traffic};
use crate::monitor;
use crate::monitor::{Alert, Data, Threshold};
// used in /device for system statistics
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct DeviceContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub cpu_stat_percent: Option<CpuStatPercentages>,
pub disk_stats: Vec<DiskUsage>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub load_average: Option<LoadAverage>,
pub mem_stats: Option<MemStat>,
pub network_ping: String,
pub oled_ping: String,
pub stats_ping: String,
pub dyndns_enabled: bool,
pub dyndns_is_online: bool,
pub config_is_valid: bool,
pub sbot_is_online: bool,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub uptime: Option<i32>,
impl DeviceContext {
pub fn build() -> DeviceContext {
// convert result to Option<CpuStatPercentages>, discard any error
let cpu_stat_percent = stats_client::cpu_stats_percent().ok();
let load_average = stats_client::load_average().ok();
let mem_stats = stats_client::mem_stats().ok();
let network_ping = match network_client::ping() {
Ok(_) => "ONLINE".to_string(),
Err(_) => "OFFLINE".to_string(),
let oled_ping = match oled_client::ping() {
Ok(_) => "ONLINE".to_string(),
Err(_) => "OFFLINE".to_string(),
let stats_ping = match stats_client::ping() {
Ok(_) => "ONLINE".to_string(),
Err(_) => "OFFLINE".to_string(),
let uptime = match stats_client::uptime() {
Ok(mins) => mins,
Err(_) => "Unavailable".to_string(),
// serialize disk usage data into Vec<DiskUsage>
let disk_usage_stats = match stats_client::disk_usage() {
Ok(disks) => {
let partitions: Vec<DiskUsage> = serde_json::from_str(disks.as_str())
.expect("Failed to deserialize disk_usage response");
Err(_) => Vec::new(),
let mut disk_stats = Vec::new();
// select only the partition we're interested in: /dev/mmcblk0p2 ("/")
for disk in disk_usage_stats {
if disk.mountpoint == "/" {
// parse the uptime string to a signed integer (for math)
let uptime_parsed = uptime.parse::<i32>().ok();
// dyndns_is_online & config_is_valid
let dyndns_enabled: bool;
let dyndns_is_online: bool;
let config_is_valid: bool;
let load_peach_config_result = load_peach_config();
match load_peach_config_result {
Ok(peach_config) => {
dyndns_enabled = peach_config.dyn_enabled;
config_is_valid = true;
if dyndns_enabled {
let is_dyndns_online_result = dyndns_client::is_dns_updater_online();
match is_dyndns_online_result {
Ok(is_online) => {
dyndns_is_online = is_online;
Err(_err) => {
dyndns_is_online = false;
} else {
dyndns_is_online = false;
Err(_err) => {
dyndns_enabled = false;
dyndns_is_online = false;
config_is_valid = false;
// test if go-sbot is running
let sbot_is_online: bool;
let sbot_is_online_result = sbot_client::is_sbot_online();
match sbot_is_online_result {
Ok(val) => {
sbot_is_online = val;
Err(_err) => {
sbot_is_online = false;
DeviceContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
uptime: uptime_parsed,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ErrorContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl ErrorContext {
pub fn build() -> ErrorContext {
ErrorContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct FlashContext {
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct HelpContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl HelpContext {
pub fn build() -> HelpContext {
HelpContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct HomeContext {
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl HomeContext {
pub fn build() -> HomeContext {
HomeContext {
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct LoginContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl LoginContext {
pub fn build() -> LoginContext {
LoginContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct MessageContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl MessageContext {
pub fn build() -> MessageContext {
MessageContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ConfigureDNSContext {
pub external_domain: String,
pub dyndns_subdomain: String,
pub enable_dyndns: bool,
pub is_dyndns_online: bool,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
impl ConfigureDNSContext {
pub fn build() -> ConfigureDNSContext {
let peach_config = load_peach_config().unwrap();
let dyndns_fulldomain = peach_config.dyn_domain;
let is_dyndns_online = is_dns_updater_online().unwrap();
let dyndns_subdomain =
ConfigureDNSContext {
external_domain: peach_config.external_domain,
enable_dyndns: peach_config.dyn_enabled,
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ChangePasswordContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
impl ChangePasswordContext {
pub fn build() -> ChangePasswordContext {
ChangePasswordContext {
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ConfigureAdminContext {
pub ssb_admin_ids: Vec<String>,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
impl ConfigureAdminContext {
pub fn build() -> ConfigureAdminContext {
let peach_config = load_peach_config().unwrap();
let ssb_admin_ids = peach_config.ssb_admin_ids;
ConfigureAdminContext {
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct AddAdminContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
impl AddAdminContext {
pub fn build() -> AddAdminContext {
AddAdminContext {
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ResetPasswordContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
impl ResetPasswordContext {
pub fn build() -> ResetPasswordContext {
ResetPasswordContext {
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct SendPasswordResetContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
impl SendPasswordResetContext {
pub fn build() -> SendPasswordResetContext {
SendPasswordResetContext {
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkContext {
pub ap_ip: String,
pub ap_ssid: String,
pub ap_state: String,
pub ap_traffic: Option<Traffic>,
pub wlan_ip: String,
pub wlan_rssi: Option<String>,
pub wlan_scan: Option<Vec<Scan>>,
pub wlan_ssid: String,
pub wlan_state: String,
pub wlan_status: String,
pub wlan_traffic: Option<Traffic>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
// allows for passing in the ssid of a chosen access point
// this is used in the network_detail template
pub selected: Option<String>,
// page title for header in navbar
pub title: Option<String>,
// url for back-arrow link
pub back: Option<String>,
impl NetworkContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkContext {
let ap_ip = match network_client::ip("ap0") {
Ok(ip) => ip,
Err(_) => "x.x.x.x".to_string(),
let ap_ssid = match network_client::ssid("ap0") {
Ok(ssid) => ssid,
Err(_) => "Not currently activated".to_string(),
let ap_state = match network_client::state("ap0") {
Ok(state) => state,
Err(_) => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let ap_traffic = match network_client::traffic("ap0") {
Ok(traffic) => {
let mut t = traffic;
// modify traffic values & assign measurement unit
// based on received and transmitted values
// if received > 999 MB, convert it to GB
if t.received > 1_047_527_424 {
t.received /= 1_073_741_824;
t.rx_unit = Some("GB".to_string());
} else if t.received > 0 {
// otherwise, convert it to MB
t.received = (t.received / 1024) / 1024;
t.rx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
} else {
t.received = 0;
t.rx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
if t.transmitted > 1_047_527_424 {
t.transmitted /= 1_073_741_824;
t.tx_unit = Some("GB".to_string());
} else if t.transmitted > 0 {
t.transmitted = (t.transmitted / 1024) / 1024;
t.tx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
} else {
t.transmitted = 0;
t.tx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
Err(_) => None,
let wlan_ip = match network_client::ip("wlan0") {
Ok(ip) => ip,
Err(_) => "x.x.x.x".to_string(),
let wlan_rssi = match network_client::rssi_percent("wlan0") {
Ok(rssi) => Some(rssi),
Err(_) => None,
let wlan_scan = match network_client::available_networks("wlan0") {
Ok(networks) => {
let scan: Vec<Scan> = serde_json::from_str(networks.as_str())
.expect("Failed to deserialize scan_networks response");
Err(_) => None,
let wlan_ssid = match network_client::ssid("wlan0") {
Ok(ssid) => ssid,
Err(_) => "Not connected".to_string(),
let wlan_state = match network_client::state("wlan0") {
Ok(state) => state,
Err(_) => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let wlan_status = match network_client::status("wlan0") {
Ok(status) => status,
Err(_) => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let wlan_traffic = match network_client::traffic("wlan0") {
Ok(traffic) => {
let mut t = traffic;
// modify traffic values & assign measurement unit
// based on received and transmitted values
// if received > 999 MB, convert it to GB
if t.received > 1_047_527_424 {
t.received /= 1_073_741_824;
t.rx_unit = Some("GB".to_string());
} else if t.received > 0 {
// otherwise, convert it to MB
t.received = (t.received / 1024) / 1024;
t.rx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
} else {
t.received = 0;
t.rx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
if t.transmitted > 1_047_527_424 {
t.transmitted /= 1_073_741_824;
t.tx_unit = Some("GB".to_string());
} else if t.transmitted > 0 {
t.transmitted = (t.transmitted / 1024) / 1024;
t.tx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
} else {
t.transmitted = 0;
t.tx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
Err(_) => None,
NetworkContext {
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
selected: None,
title: None,
back: None,
// used in /network/wifi/add?<ssid>
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkAddContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub selected: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl NetworkAddContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkAddContext {
NetworkAddContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
selected: None,
title: None,
// used in /network/wifi/alert for traffic alerts
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkAlertContext {
pub alert: Alert,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub data_total: Data, // combined stored and current wifi traffic in bytes
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub threshold: Threshold,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub traffic: Traffic, // current wifi traffic in bytes (since boot)
impl NetworkAlertContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkAlertContext {
let alert = monitor::get_alerts().unwrap();
// stored wifi data values as bytes
let stored_traffic = monitor::get_data().unwrap();
let threshold = monitor::get_thresholds().unwrap();
// current wifi traffic values as bytes
let traffic = match network_client::traffic("wlan0") {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => Traffic {
received: 0,
transmitted: 0,
rx_unit: None,
tx_unit: None,
let current_traffic = traffic.received + traffic.transmitted;
let total = + current_traffic;
let data_total = Data { total };
NetworkAlertContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkDetailContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub saved_aps: Vec<Networks>,
pub selected: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub wlan_ip: String,
pub wlan_networks: HashMap<String, AccessPoint>,
pub wlan_rssi: Option<String>,
pub wlan_ssid: String,
pub wlan_state: String,
pub wlan_status: String,
pub wlan_traffic: Option<Traffic>,
impl NetworkDetailContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkDetailContext {
let wlan_ip = match network_client::ip("wlan0") {
Ok(ip) => ip,
Err(_) => "x.x.x.x".to_string(),
// list of networks saved in wpa_supplicant.conf
let wlan_list = match network_client::saved_networks() {
Ok(ssids) => {
let networks: Vec<Networks> = serde_json::from_str(ssids.as_str())
.expect("Failed to deserialize scan_list response");
Err(_) => Vec::new(),
// list of networks saved in wpa_supplicant.conf
// HACK: we're running the same function twice (wlan_list)
// see if we can implement clone for Vec<Networks> instead
let saved_aps = match network_client::saved_networks() {
Ok(ssids) => {
let networks: Vec<Networks> = serde_json::from_str(ssids.as_str())
.expect("Failed to deserialize scan_list response");
Err(_) => Vec::new(),
let wlan_rssi = match network_client::rssi_percent("wlan0") {
Ok(rssi) => Some(rssi),
Err(_) => None,
// list of networks currently in range (online & accessible)
let wlan_scan = match network_client::available_networks("wlan0") {
Ok(networks) => {
let scan: Vec<Scan> = serde_json::from_str(networks.as_str())
.expect("Failed to deserialize scan_networks response");
Err(_) => Vec::new(),
let wlan_ssid = match network_client::ssid("wlan0") {
Ok(ssid) => ssid,
Err(_) => "Not connected".to_string(),
let wlan_state = match network_client::state("wlan0") {
Ok(state) => state,
Err(_) => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let wlan_status = match network_client::status("wlan0") {
Ok(status) => status,
Err(_) => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
let wlan_traffic = match network_client::traffic("wlan0") {
Ok(traffic) => {
let mut t = traffic;
// modify traffic values & assign measurement unit
// based on received and transmitted values
// if received > 999 MB, convert it to GB
if t.received > 1_047_527_424 {
t.received /= 1_073_741_824;
t.rx_unit = Some("GB".to_string());
} else if t.received > 0 {
// otherwise, convert it to MB
t.received = (t.received / 1024) / 1024;
t.rx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
} else {
t.received = 0;
t.rx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
if t.transmitted > 1_047_527_424 {
t.transmitted /= 1_073_741_824;
t.tx_unit = Some("GB".to_string());
} else if t.transmitted > 0 {
t.transmitted = (t.transmitted / 1024) / 1024;
t.tx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
} else {
t.transmitted = 0;
t.tx_unit = Some("MB".to_string());
Err(_) => None,
// create a hashmap to combine wlan_list & wlan_scan without repetition
let mut wlan_networks = HashMap::new();
for ap in wlan_scan {
let ssid = ap.ssid.clone();
let rssi = ap.signal_level.clone();
// parse the string to a signed integer (for math)
let rssi_parsed = rssi.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
// perform rssi (dBm) to quality (%) conversion
let quality_percent = 2 * (rssi_parsed + 100);
let ap_detail = AccessPoint {
detail: Some(ap),
state: "Available".to_string(),
signal: Some(quality_percent),
wlan_networks.insert(ssid, ap_detail);
for network in wlan_list {
// avoid repetition by checking that ssid is not already in list
if !wlan_networks.contains_key(&network.ssid) {
let ssid = network.ssid.clone();
let net_detail = AccessPoint {
detail: None,
state: "Not in range".to_string(),
signal: None,
wlan_networks.insert(ssid, net_detail);
NetworkDetailContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
selected: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct NetworkListContext {
pub ap_state: String,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub wlan_networks: HashMap<String, String>,
pub wlan_ssid: String,
impl NetworkListContext {
pub fn build() -> NetworkListContext {
// list of networks saved in the wpa_supplicant.conf
let wlan_list = match network_client::saved_networks() {
Ok(ssids) => {
let networks: Vec<Networks> = serde_json::from_str(ssids.as_str())
.expect("Failed to deserialize scan_list response");
Err(_) => Vec::new(),
// list of networks currently in range (online & accessible)
let wlan_scan = match network_client::available_networks("wlan0") {
Ok(networks) => {
let scan: Vec<Networks> = serde_json::from_str(networks.as_str())
.expect("Failed to deserialize scan_networks response");
Err(_) => Vec::new(),
let wlan_ssid = match network_client::ssid("wlan0") {
Ok(ssid) => ssid,
Err(_) => "Not connected".to_string(),
// create a hashmap to combine wlan_list & wlan_scan without repetition
let mut wlan_networks = HashMap::new();
for ap in wlan_scan {
wlan_networks.insert(ap.ssid, "Available".to_string());
for network in wlan_list {
// insert ssid (with state) only if it doesn't already exist
.or_insert_with(|| "Not in range".to_string());
let ap_state = match network_client::state("ap0") {
Ok(state) => state,
Err(_) => "Interface unavailable".to_string(),
NetworkListContext {
back: None,
flash_msg: None,
flash_name: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct PeerContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl PeerContext {
pub fn build() -> PeerContext {
PeerContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ProfileContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl ProfileContext {
pub fn build() -> ProfileContext {
ProfileContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ShutdownContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl ShutdownContext {
pub fn build() -> ShutdownContext {
ShutdownContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,