
140 lines
4.6 KiB

use rocket::{
form::{Form, FromForm},
get, post,
response::{Flash, Redirect},
use rocket_dyn_templates::{tera::Context, Template};
use peach_lib::config_manager;
use crate::error::PeachWebError;
use crate::routes::authentication::Authenticated;
use crate::utils;
// HELPERS AND ROUTES FOR /settings/admin
/// Administrator settings menu.
pub fn admin_menu(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
// retrieve current ui theme
let theme = utils::get_theme();
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("theme", &theme);
context.insert("back", &Some("/settings".to_string()));
context.insert("title", &Some("Administrator Settings".to_string()));
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
context.insert("flash_name", &Some(flash.kind().to_string()));
context.insert("flash_msg", &Some(flash.message().to_string()));
Template::render("settings/admin/menu", &context.into_json())
// HELPERS AND ROUTES FOR /settings/admin/configure
/// View and delete currently configured admin.
pub fn configure_admin(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
// retrieve current ui theme
let theme = utils::get_theme();
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("theme", &theme);
context.insert("back", &Some("/settings/admin".to_string()));
context.insert("title", &Some("Configure Admin".to_string()));
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
context.insert("flash_name", &Some(flash.kind().to_string()));
context.insert("flash_msg", &Some(flash.message().to_string()));
// load the peach configuration vector
match config_manager::load_peach_config() {
Ok(config) => {
// retrieve the vector of ssb admin ids
let ssb_admin_ids = config.ssb_admin_ids;
context.insert("ssb_admin_ids", &ssb_admin_ids);
// if load fails, overwrite the flash_name and flash_msg
Err(e) => {
context.insert("flash_name", &Some("error".to_string()));
&Some(format!("Failed to load Peach config: {}", e)),
Template::render("settings/admin/configure_admin", &context.into_json())
// HELPERS AND ROUTES FOR /settings/admin/add
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, FromForm)]
pub struct AddAdminForm {
pub ssb_id: String,
pub fn save_add_admin_form(admin_form: AddAdminForm) -> Result<(), PeachWebError> {
let _result = config_manager::add_ssb_admin_id(&admin_form.ssb_id)?;
// if the previous line didn't throw an error then it was a success
pub fn add_admin(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
// retrieve current ui theme
let theme = utils::get_theme();
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("theme", &theme);
context.insert("back", &Some("/settings/admin/configure".to_string()));
context.insert("title", &Some("Add Admin".to_string()));
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
context.insert("flash_name", &Some(flash.kind().to_string()));
context.insert("flash_msg", &Some(flash.message().to_string()));
// template_dir is set in Rocket.toml
Template::render("settings/admin/add_admin", &context.into_json())
#[post("/add", data = "<add_admin_form>")]
pub fn add_admin_post(add_admin_form: Form<AddAdminForm>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let result = save_add_admin_form(add_admin_form.into_inner());
let url = uri!("/settings/admin/configure");
match result {
Ok(_) => Flash::success(Redirect::to(url), "Successfully added new admin"),
Err(_) => Flash::error(Redirect::to(url), "Failed to add new admin"),
// HELPERS AND ROUTES FOR /settings/admin/delete
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, FromForm)]
pub struct DeleteAdminForm {
pub ssb_id: String,
#[post("/delete", data = "<delete_admin_form>")]
pub fn delete_admin_post(
delete_admin_form: Form<DeleteAdminForm>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let result = config_manager::delete_ssb_admin_id(&delete_admin_form.ssb_id);
let url = uri!(configure_admin);
match result {
Ok(_) => Flash::success(Redirect::to(url), "Successfully removed admin id"),
Err(_) => Flash::error(Redirect::to(url), "Failed to remove admin id"),