
177 lines
6.8 KiB

use rocket_contrib::json;
use rocket_contrib::json::{Json, JsonValue};
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use percent_encoding::percent_decode;
use rocket::http::RawStr;
use rocket::request::{FlashMessage, Form};
use rocket::response::{Flash, NamedFile, Redirect};
use rocket::{catch, get, post, uri};
use rocket::request::FromForm;
use rocket::UriDisplayQuery;
use rocket_contrib::templates::Template;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::error::PeachWebError;
use crate::utils::{build_json_response, JsonResponse};
use peach_lib::config_manager;
use peach_lib::config_manager::{load_peach_config};
use peach_lib::dyndns_client;
use peach_lib::dyndns_client::{check_is_new_dyndns_domain, get_full_dynamic_domain};
use peach_lib::dyndns_client::{get_dyndns_subdomain, is_dns_updater_online};
use peach_lib::error::PeachError;
use peach_lib::jsonrpc_client_core::{Error, ErrorKind};
use peach_lib::jsonrpc_core::types::error::ErrorCode;
use peach_lib::password_utils;
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, FromForm)]
pub struct DnsForm {
pub external_domain: String,
pub enable_dyndns: bool,
pub dynamic_domain: String,
pub fn save_dns_configuration(dns_form: DnsForm) -> Result<(), PeachWebError> {
// first save local configurations
// if dynamic dns is enabled and this is a new domain name, then register it
if dns_form.enable_dyndns {
let full_dynamic_domain = get_full_dynamic_domain(&dns_form.dynamic_domain);
// check if this is a new domain or if its already registered
let is_new_domain = check_is_new_dyndns_domain(&full_dynamic_domain);
if is_new_domain {
match dyndns_client::register_domain(&full_dynamic_domain) {
Ok(_) => {
info!("Registered new dyndns domain");
// successful update
Err(err) => {
info!("Failed to register dyndns domain: {:?}", err);
// json response for failed update
let msg: String = match err {
PeachError::JsonRpcClientCore { source } => {
match source {
Error(ErrorKind::JsonRpcError(err), _state) => match err.code {
ErrorCode::ServerError(-32030) => {
format!("Error registering domain: {} was previously registered", full_dynamic_domain)
_ => {
format!("Failed to register dyndns domain {:?}", err)
_ => {
format!("Failed to register dyndns domain: {:?}", source)
_ => "Failed to register dyndns domain".to_string(),
Err(PeachWebError::FailedToRegisterDynDomain { msg })
// if the domain is already registered, then dont re-register, and just return success
else {
} else {
/// # helpers and routes for /network/dns
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ConfigureDNSContext {
pub external_domain: String,
pub dyndns_subdomain: String,
pub enable_dyndns: bool,
pub is_dyndns_online: bool,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
impl ConfigureDNSContext {
pub fn build() -> ConfigureDNSContext {
let peach_config = load_peach_config().unwrap();
let dyndns_fulldomain = peach_config.dyn_domain;
let is_dyndns_online = is_dns_updater_online().unwrap();
let dyndns_subdomain =
ConfigureDNSContext {
external_domain: peach_config.external_domain,
enable_dyndns: peach_config.dyn_enabled,
back: None,
title: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
pub fn configure_dns(flash: Option<FlashMessage>) -> Template {
let mut context = ConfigureDNSContext::build();
// set back icon link to network route
context.back = Some("/network".to_string());
context.title = Some("Configure DNS".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(;
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.msg().to_string());
Template::render("configure_dns", &context)
#[post("/network/dns", data = "<dns>")]
pub fn configure_dns_post(dns: Form<DnsForm>) -> Template {
let result = save_dns_configuration(dns.into_inner());
match result {
Ok(_) => {
let mut context = ConfigureDNSContext::build();
// set back icon link to network route
context.back = Some("/network".to_string());
context.title = Some("Configure DNS".to_string());
context.flash_name = Some("success".to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some("New dynamic dns configuration is now enabled".to_string());
Template::render("configure_dns", &context)
Err(err) => {
let mut context = ConfigureDNSContext::build();
// set back icon link to network route
context.back = Some("/network".to_string());
context.title = Some("Configure DNS".to_string());
context.flash_name = Some("error".to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(format!("Failed to save dns configurations: {}", err));
Template::render("configure_dns", &context)
#[post("/api/v1/dns/configure", data = "<dns_form>")]
pub fn save_dns_configuration_endpoint(dns_form: Json<DnsForm>) -> Json<JsonResponse> {
let result = save_dns_configuration(dns_form.into_inner());
match result {
Ok(_) => {
let status = "success".to_string();
let msg = "New dynamic dns configuration is now enabled".to_string();
Json(build_json_response(status, None, Some(msg)))
Err(err) => {
let status = "error".to_string();
let msg = format!("{}", err);
Json(build_json_response(status, None, Some(msg)))