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//! Systemd go-sbot process statistics retrieval functions and associated data types.
use std::{process::Command, str};
use crate::StatsError;
/// go-sbot process statistics.
pub struct SbotStat {
/// Current process state.
state: String,
/// Current process memory usage in bytes.
memory: Option<u32>,
/// Uptime for the process (if state is `active`).
uptime: Option<String>,
/// Downtime for the process (if state is `inactive`).
downtime: Option<String>,
impl SbotStat {
/// Default builder for `SbotStat`.
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
state: String::new(),
memory: None,
uptime: None,
downtime: None,
/// Retrieve statistics for the go-sbot systemd process by querying `systemctl`.
pub fn sbot_stats() -> Result<SbotStat, StatsError> {
let mut status = SbotStat::default();
let info_output = Command::new("/usr/bin/systemctl")
let service_info = std::str::from_utf8(&info_output.stdout).map_err(StatsError::Utf8String)?;
for line in service_info.lines() {
if line.starts_with("ActiveState=") {
if let Some(state) = line.strip_prefix("ActiveState=") {
status.state = state.to_string()
} else if line.starts_with("MemoryCurrent=") {
if let Some(memory) = line.strip_prefix("MemoryCurrent=") {
status.memory = memory.parse().ok()
let status_output = Command::new("/usr/bin/systemctl")
let service_status = str::from_utf8(&status_output.stdout).map_err(StatsError::Utf8String)?;
// example of the output line we're looking for:
// `Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-01-24 16:22:51 SAST; 4min 14s ago`
for line in service_status.lines() {
if line.contains("Active:") {
let before_time = line.find(';');
let after_time = line.find(" ago");
if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (before_time, after_time) {
// extract the uptime / downtime from the `Active: ...` line
// using the index of ';' + 2 and the index of " ago"
let time = Some(&line[start + 2..end]);
// if service is active then the `time` reading is uptime
if status.state == "active" {
status.uptime =|t| t.to_string())
// if service is inactive then the `time` reading is downtime
} else if status.state == "inactive" {
status.downtime =|t| t.to_string())