
74 lines
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use maud::{html, PreEscaped};
use peach_lib::config_manager;
use rouille::Request;
use crate::{templates, utils::flash::FlashRequest};
/// Administrator settings menu template builder.
pub fn build_template(request: &Request) -> PreEscaped<String> {
// check for flash cookies; will be (None, None) if no flash cookies are found
let (mut flash_name, mut flash_msg) = request.retrieve_flash();
// attempt to load peachcloud config file
let ssb_admins = match config_manager::load_peach_config() {
Ok(config) => Some(config.ssb_admin_ids),
// note: this will overwrite any received flash cookie values
// TODO: find a way to include the `err` in the flash_msg
// currently produces an error because we end up with Some(String)
// instead of Some(str)
Err(_err) => {
flash_name = Some("flash_name=error");
flash_msg = Some("flash_msg=Failed to read PeachCloud configuration file");
let menu_template = html! {
(PreEscaped("<!-- CONFIGURE ADMIN PAGE -->"))
div class="card center" {
div class="capsule capsule-profile center-text font-normal border-info" style="font-family: var(--sans-serif); font-size: var(--font-size-6); margin-bottom: 1.5rem;" {
"Administrators are identified and added by their Scuttlebutt public keys. These accounts will be sent private messages on Scuttlebutt when a password reset is requested."
@if let Some(ref ssb_admin_ids) = ssb_admins {
@for admin in ssb_admin_ids {
form class="center" action="/settings/admin/delete" method="post" {
div class="center" style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;" {
input type="hidden" name="ssb_id" value=(admin);
p class="label-small label-ellipsis font-gray" style="user-select: all;" { (admin) }
input style="width: 30%;" type="submit" class="button button-warning" value="Delete" title="Delete SSB administrator";
} @else {
div class="card-text" {
"There are no currently configured admins."
form id="addAdmin" class="center" style="margin-top: 2rem;" action="/settings/admin/add" method="post" {
div class="center" style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; margin-bottom: 2rem;" title="Public key (ID) of a desired administrator" {
label for="publicKey" class="label-small font-gray" { "PUBLIC KEY" }
input type="text" id="publicKey" name="ssb_id" placeholder="@xYz...=.ed25519" autofocus;
(PreEscaped("<!-- BUTTONS -->"))
input class="button button-primary center" type="submit" title="Add SSB administrator" value="Add Admin";
// render flash message if cookies were found in the request
@if let (Some(name), Some(msg)) = (flash_name, flash_msg) {
(PreEscaped("<!-- FLASH MESSAGE -->"))
(templates::flash::build_template(name, &msg))
// wrap the nav bars around the settings menu template content
// parameters are template, title and back url
let body = templates::nav::build_template(
"Configure Administrators",
// render the base template with the provided body