
32 lines
940 B

//! Define the configuration parameters for the web application.
//! These configs are loaded using peach-lib::config_manager which checks config keys from
//! three sources:
//! 1. from environmental variables
//! 2. from a configuration file
//! 3. from default values
use crate::error::PeachWebError;
use peach_lib::config_manager::get_config_value;
pub struct ServerConfig {
pub standalone_mode: bool,
pub disable_auth: bool,
pub addr: String,
pub port: String,
impl ServerConfig {
pub fn new() -> Result<ServerConfig, PeachWebError> {
// define default config values
let config = ServerConfig {
standalone_mode: get_config_value("STANDALONE_MODE")?.as_str() == "true",
disable_auth: get_config_value("DISABLE_AUTH")?.as_str() == "true",
addr: get_config_value("ADDR")?,
port: get_config_value("PORT")?,