
364 lines
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//! Custom error type for `peach-network`.
use std::io;
use std::num::ParseIntError;
use io::Error as IoError;
use probes::ProbeError;
use regex::Error as RegexError;
use wpactrl::WpaError;
/// Custom error type encapsulating all possible errors when querying
/// network interfaces and modifying their state.
pub enum NetworkError {
/// Failed to add network.
Add {
/// SSID.
ssid: String,
/// Failed to retrieve network state.
NoState {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Underlying error source.
source: IoError,
/// Failed to disable network.
Disable {
/// ID.
id: String,
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to disconnect interface.
Disconnect {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to execute wpa_passphrase command.
GenWpaPassphrase {
/// SSID.
ssid: String,
/// Underlying error source.
source: IoError,
/// Failed to successfully generate wpa passphrase.
GenWpaPassphraseWarning {
/// SSID.
ssid: String,
/// Error message describing context.
err_msg: String,
/// Failed to retrieve ID for the given SSID and interface.
Id {
/// SSID.
ssid: String,
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retrieve IP address.
NoIp {
/// Inteface.
iface: String,
/// Underlying error source.
source: IoError,
/// Failed to retrieve RSSI.
Rssi {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retrieve signal quality (%).
RssiPercent {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retrieve SSID.
Ssid {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retrieve state.
State {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retrieve status.
Status {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retieve network traffic.
Traffic {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// No saved network found for the default interface.
/// No networks found in range.
AvailableNetworks {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to set new password.
Modify {
/// ID.
id: String,
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retrieve IP address.
Ip {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to parse integer from string.
/// Failed to retrieve network traffic measurement.
NoTraffic {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Underlying error source.
source: ProbeError,
/// Failed to reassociate with WiFi network.
Reassociate {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to force reread of wpa_supplicant configuration file.
/// Failed to reconnect with WiFi network.
Reconnect {
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to execute Regex command.
/// Failed to delete network.
Delete {
/// ID.
id: String,
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to retrieve state of wlan0 service.
/// Failed to retrieve connection state of wlan0 interface.
/// Failed to save wpa_supplicant configuration changes to file.
/// Failed to connect to network.
Connect {
/// ID.
id: String,
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to start systemctl service for a network interface.
StartInterface {
/// Underlying error source.
source: IoError,
/// Interface.
iface: String,
/// Failed to execute wpa-ctrl command.
impl std::error::Error for NetworkError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match *self {
NetworkError::Add { .. } => None,
NetworkError::NoState { ref source, .. } => Some(source),
NetworkError::Disable { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Disconnect { .. } => None,
NetworkError::GenWpaPassphrase { ref source, .. } => Some(source),
NetworkError::GenWpaPassphraseWarning { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Id { .. } => None,
NetworkError::NoIp { ref source, .. } => Some(source),
NetworkError::Rssi { .. } => None,
NetworkError::RssiPercent { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Ssid { .. } => None,
NetworkError::State { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Status { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Traffic { .. } => None,
NetworkError::SavedNetworks => None,
NetworkError::AvailableNetworks { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Modify { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Ip { .. } => None,
NetworkError::ParseInt(ref source) => Some(source),
NetworkError::NoTraffic { ref source, .. } => Some(source),
NetworkError::Reassociate { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Reconfigure { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Reconnect { .. } => None,
NetworkError::Regex(ref source) => Some(source),
NetworkError::Delete { .. } => None,
NetworkError::WlanState(ref source) => Some(source),
NetworkError::WlanOperstate(ref source) => Some(source),
NetworkError::Save => None,
NetworkError::Connect { .. } => None,
NetworkError::StartInterface { ref source, .. } => Some(source),
NetworkError::WpaCtrl(ref source) => Some(source),
impl std::fmt::Display for NetworkError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match *self {
NetworkError::Add { ref ssid } => {
write!(f, "Failed to add network for {}", ssid)
NetworkError::NoState { ref iface, .. } => {
write!(f, "Failed to retrieve state for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::Disable { ref id, ref iface } => {
"Failed to disable network {} for interface: {}",
id, iface
NetworkError::Disconnect { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "Failed to disconnect {}", iface)
NetworkError::GenWpaPassphrase { ref ssid, .. } => {
write!(f, "Failed to generate wpa passphrase for {}", ssid)
NetworkError::GenWpaPassphraseWarning {
ref ssid,
ref err_msg,
} => {
"Failed to generate wpa passphrase for {}: {}",
ssid, err_msg
NetworkError::Id {
ref ssid,
ref iface,
} => {
write!(f, "No ID found for {} on interface: {}", ssid, iface)
NetworkError::NoIp { ref iface, .. } => {
write!(f, "Could not access IP address for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::Rssi { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "Could not find RSSI for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::RssiPercent { ref iface } => {
"Could not find signal quality (%) for interface: {}",
NetworkError::Ssid { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "Could not find SSID for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::State { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "No state found for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::Status { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "No status found for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::Traffic { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "Could not find network traffic for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::SavedNetworks => {
write!(f, "No saved networks found for default interface")
NetworkError::AvailableNetworks { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "No networks found in range of interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::Modify { ref id, ref iface } => {
"Failed to set new password for network {} on {}",
id, iface
NetworkError::Ip { ref iface } => {
write!(f, "No IP found for interface: {}", iface)
NetworkError::ParseInt(_) => {
write!(f, "Failed to parse integer from string for RSSI value")
NetworkError::NoTraffic { ref iface, .. } => {
"Failed to retrieve network traffic measurement for {}",
NetworkError::Reassociate { ref iface } => {
"Failed to reassociate with WiFi network for interface: {}",
NetworkError::Reconfigure => {
"Failed to force reread of wpa_supplicant configuration file"
NetworkError::Reconnect { ref iface } => {
"Failed to reconnect with WiFi network for interface: {}",
NetworkError::Regex(_) => write!(f, "Regex command failed"),
NetworkError::Delete { ref id, ref iface } => {
"Failed to delete network {} for interface: {}",
id, iface
NetworkError::WlanState(_) => write!(f, "Failed to retrieve state of wlan0 service"),
NetworkError::WlanOperstate(_) => {
write!(f, "Failed to retrieve connection state of wlan0 interface")
NetworkError::Save => write!(f, "Failed to save configuration changes to file"),
NetworkError::Connect { ref id, ref iface } => {
"Failed to connect to network {} for interface: {}",
id, iface
NetworkError::StartInterface { ref iface, .. } => write!(
"Failed to start systemctl service for {} interface",
NetworkError::WpaCtrl(_) => write!(f, "WpaCtrl command failed"),
impl From<WpaError> for NetworkError {
fn from(err: WpaError) -> Self {
impl From<ParseIntError> for NetworkError {
fn from(err: ParseIntError) -> Self {
impl From<RegexError> for NetworkError {
fn from(err: RegexError) -> Self {