
366 lines
12 KiB

//! Routes for Scuttlebutt related functionality.
use rocket::{
form::{Form, FromForm},
get, post,
response::{Flash, Redirect},
serde::{Deserialize, Serialize},
use rocket_dyn_templates::Template;
use crate::routes::authentication::Authenticated;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct PrivateContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl PrivateContext {
pub fn build() -> PrivateContext {
PrivateContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
/// A private message composition and publication page.
pub fn private(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
let mut context = PrivateContext::build();
context.back = Some("/".to_string());
context.title = Some("Private Messages".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(flash.kind().to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.message().to_string());
Template::render("scuttlebutt/messages", &context)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct PeerContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl PeerContext {
pub fn build() -> PeerContext {
PeerContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
/// A peer menu which allows navigating to lists of friends, follows, followers and blocks.
pub fn peers(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
let mut context = PeerContext::build();
context.back = Some("/".to_string());
context.title = Some("Scuttlebutt Peers".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(flash.kind().to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.message().to_string());
Template::render("scuttlebutt/peers", &context)
// HELPERS AND ROUTES FOR /post/publish
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, FromForm)]
pub struct Post {
pub text: String,
/// Publish a public Scuttlebutt post. Redirects to profile page of the PeachCloud local identity with a flash message describing the outcome of the action (may be successful or unsuccessful).
#[post("/publish", data = "<post>")]
pub fn publish(
post: Form<Post>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let post_text = &post.text;
// perform the sbotcli publish action using post_text
// if successful, redirect to home profile page and flash "success"
// if error, redirect to home profile page and flash "error"
// redirect to the profile template without public key ("home" / local profile)
let pub_key: std::option::Option<&str> = None;
let profile_url = uri!(profile(pub_key));
// consider adding the message reference to the flash message (or render it in the template for
// `profile`
Flash::success(Redirect::to(profile_url), "Published public post")
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, FromForm)]
pub struct PublicKey {
pub key: String,
/// Follow a Scuttlebutt profile specified by the given public key. Redirects to the appropriate profile page with a flash message describing the outcome of the action (may be successful or unsuccessful).
#[post("/follow", data = "<pub_key>")]
pub fn follow(
pub_key: Form<PublicKey>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let public_key = &pub_key.key;
// perform the sbotcli follow action using &pub_key.0
// if successful, redirect to profile page with provided public key and flash "success"
// if error, redirect to profile page with provided public key and flash "error"
// redirect to the profile template with provided public key
let profile_url = uri!(profile(Some(public_key)));
let success_msg = format!("Followed {}", public_key);
Flash::success(Redirect::to(profile_url), success_msg)
/// Unfollow a Scuttlebutt profile specified by the given public key. Redirects to the appropriate profile page with a flash message describing the outcome of the action (may be successful or unsuccessful).
#[post("/unfollow", data = "<pub_key>")]
pub fn unfollow(
pub_key: Form<PublicKey>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let public_key = &pub_key.key;
// perform the sbotcli unfollow action using &pub_key.0
// if successful, redirect to profile page with provided public key and flash "success"
// if error, redirect to profile page with provided public key and flash "error"
// redirect to the profile template with provided public key
let profile_url = uri!(profile(Some(public_key)));
let success_msg = format!("Unfollowed {}", public_key);
Flash::success(Redirect::to(profile_url), success_msg)
/// Block a Scuttlebutt profile specified by the given public key. Redirects to the appropriate profile page with a flash message describing the outcome of the action (may be successful or unsuccessful).
#[post("/block", data = "<pub_key>")]
pub fn block(
pub_key: Form<PublicKey>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let public_key = &pub_key.key;
// perform the sbotcli block action using &pub_key.0
// if successful, redirect to profile page with provided public key and flash "success"
// if error, redirect to profile page with provided public key and flash "error"
// redirect to the profile template with provided public key
let profile_url = uri!(profile(Some(public_key)));
let success_msg = format!("Blocked {}", public_key);
Flash::success(Redirect::to(profile_url), success_msg)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ProfileContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl ProfileContext {
pub fn build() -> ProfileContext {
ProfileContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
/// A Scuttlebutt profile, specified by a public key. It may be our own profile or the profile of a peer. If not public key query parameter is provided, the local profile is displayed (ie. the profile of the public key associated with the local PeachCloud device).
pub fn profile(
pub_key: Option<&str>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Template {
let mut context = ProfileContext::build();
context.back = Some("/".to_string());
context.title = Some("Profile".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(flash.kind().to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.message().to_string());
Template::render("scuttlebutt/profile", &context)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct FriendsContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl FriendsContext {
pub fn build() -> FriendsContext {
FriendsContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
/// A list of friends (mutual follows), with each list item displaying the name, image and public
/// key of the peer.
pub fn friends(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
let mut context = FriendsContext::build();
context.back = Some("/scuttlebutt/peers".to_string());
context.title = Some("Friends".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(flash.kind().to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.message().to_string());
Template::render("scuttlebutt/peers_list", &context)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct FollowsContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl FollowsContext {
pub fn build() -> FollowsContext {
FollowsContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
/// A list of follows (peers we follow who do not follow us), with each list item displaying the name, image and public
/// key of the peer.
pub fn follows(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
let mut context = FollowsContext::build();
context.back = Some("/scuttlebutt/peers".to_string());
context.title = Some("Follows".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(flash.kind().to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.message().to_string());
Template::render("scuttlebutt/peers_list", &context)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct FollowersContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl FollowersContext {
pub fn build() -> FollowersContext {
FollowersContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
/// A list of followers (peers who follow us but who we do not follow), with each list item displaying the name, image and public
/// key of the peer.
pub fn followers(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
let mut context = FollowersContext::build();
context.back = Some("/scuttlebutt/peers".to_string());
context.title = Some("Followers".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(flash.kind().to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.message().to_string());
Template::render("scuttlebutt/peers_list", &context)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct BlocksContext {
pub back: Option<String>,
pub flash_name: Option<String>,
pub flash_msg: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
impl BlocksContext {
pub fn build() -> BlocksContext {
BlocksContext {
back: None,
flash_name: None,
flash_msg: None,
title: None,
/// A list of blocks (peers we've blocked previously), with each list item displaying the name, image and public
/// key of the peer.
pub fn blocks(flash: Option<FlashMessage>, _auth: Authenticated) -> Template {
let mut context = BlocksContext::build();
context.back = Some("/scuttlebutt/peers".to_string());
context.title = Some("Blocks".to_string());
// check to see if there is a flash message to display
if let Some(flash) = flash {
// add flash message contents to the context object
context.flash_name = Some(flash.kind().to_string());
context.flash_msg = Some(flash.message().to_string());
Template::render("scuttlebutt/peers_list", &context)