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//! # peach-web
//! `peach-web` provides a web interface for monitoring and interacting with the
//! PeachCloud device. This allows administration of the single-board computer
//! (ie. Raspberry Pi) running PeachCloud, as well as the ssb-server and related
//! plugins.
//! ## Design
//! `peach-web` is written primarily in Rust and presents a web interface for
//! interacting with the device. The stack currently consists of Rouille (Rust
//! micro-web-framework), Maud (an HTML template engine for Rust), HTML and
//! CSS.
mod config;
pub mod error;
mod private_router;
mod public_router;
mod routes;
mod templates;
pub mod utils;
use std::{
sync::{Mutex, RwLock},
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::{debug, info};
use peach_lib::{config_manager, config_manager::YAML_PATH as PEACH_CONFIG};
// crate-local dependencies
use config::Config;
use utils::theme::Theme;
// load the application configuration and create the theme switcher
lazy_static! {
static ref CONFIG: Config = Config::new();
static ref THEME: RwLock<Theme> = RwLock::new(Theme::Light);
/// Session data for each authenticated client.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SessionData {
_login: String,
/// Launch the peach-web server.
fn main() {
// initialize logger
// check if /var/lib/peachcloud/config.yml exists
if !std::path::Path::new(PEACH_CONFIG).exists() {
debug!("PeachCloud configuration file not found; loading default values");
// since we're in the intialisation phase, panic if the loading fails
let config =
config_manager::load_peach_config().expect("peachcloud configuration loading failed");
debug!("Saving default PeachCloud configuration values to file");
// this ensures a config file is created if it does not already exist
config_manager::save_peach_config(config).expect("peachcloud configuration saving failed");
// set ip address / hostname and port for the webserver
// defaults to ""
let addr_and_port = format!("{}:{}", CONFIG.addr, CONFIG.port);
// store the session data for each session and a hashmap that associates
// each session id with the data
// note: we are storing this data in memory. all sessions are erased when
// the program is restarted.
let sessions_storage: Mutex<HashMap<String, SessionData>> = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
info!("Launching web server on {}", addr_and_port);
// the `start_server` starts listening forever on the given address
rouille::start_server(addr_and_port, move |request| {
// assign a unique id to each client (appends a cookie to the response
// with a name of "SID" and a duration of one hour (3600 seconds)
rouille::session::session(request, "SID", 3600, |session| {
// if the "DISABLE_AUTH" env var is true, authenticate the session
let mut session_data = if CONFIG.disable_auth {
Some(SessionData {
_login: "success".to_string(),
// if the client already has an identifier from a previous request,
// try to load the existing session data. if successful, make a
// copy of the data in order to avoid locking the session for too
// long
} else if session.client_has_sid() {
} else {
// pass the request to the public router
// the public router includes authentication-related routes which
// do not require the user to be authenticated (ie. login and reset
// password)
// if the user is already authenticated, their request will be
// passed to the private router by public_router::handle_route()
// we pass a mutable reference to the `Option<SessionData>` so that
// the function is free to modify it
let response = public_router::handle_route(request, &mut session_data);
// since the function call to `handle_route` can modify the session
// data, we have to store it back in the `sessions_storage` after
// the request has been handled
if let Some(data) = session_data {
.insert(, data);
} else if session.client_has_sid() {
// if the content of the `Option` was erased (ie. due to
// deauthentication on logout), remove the session from the
// storage. this is only done if the client already has an
// identifier, otherwise calling `` will assign one