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Autonomic is a co-operative<br/>that is owned and run by its workers
We build technologies and infrastructure to empower users to make a positive</br>
impact on the world. All of our services reflect our commitment to our core values:
<ul class="icons major icons--flex">
<span class="icon icon--diamond icon--style3">
<svg viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M1280 704q0-26-19-45t-45-19q-172 0-318 50T639 824t-236 219q-19 21-19 45 0 26 19 45t45 19q24 0 45-19 27-24 74-71t67-66q137-124 269-176t313-52q26 0 45-19t19-45zm512-198q0 95-20 193-46 224-184 383t-358 268q-214 108-438 108-148 0-286-47-15-5-88-42t-96-37q-16 0-39 32t-45 70-53 70-60 32q-43 0-63-17t-46-60l-6-11-5-10-3-9q-2-6-2-14 0-35 31-73t68-66 68-56 31-48q0-4-14-38t-16-44q-9-51-9-104 0-115 44-220t119-184 170-139 204-96q55-18 145-25t180-9 178-6 164-24 113-57l30-29 29-28 27-20 37-16 43-5q39 0 71 46t47 112 24 124 8 96z" /></svg>
<span class="icons__title">Sustainability</span>
<span class="icon icon--diamond icon--style3">
<svg viewBox="0 100 1792 1692"><path d="M1664 960q-152-236-381-353 61 104 61 225 0 185-131 317t-317 131-316-131-132-317q0-121 61-225-229 117-381 353 133 205 334 327t434 121 435-121 333-327zM944 576q0-20-14-34t-34-14q-125 0-214 90t-90 214q0 20 14 34t34 14 34-14 14-34q0-86 61-147t147-61q20 0 34-14t14-34zm848 384q0 34-20 69-140 230-376 369t-500 138-499-139-377-368Q0 994 0 960t20-69q140-229 377-368t499-139 500 139 376 368q20 35 20 69z" /></svg>
<span class="icons__title">Transparency</span>
<span class="icon icon--diamond icon--style3">
<svg viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M640 768h512V576q0-106-75-181t-181-75-181 75-75 181v192zm832 96v576q0 40-28 68t-68 28H416q-40 0-68-28t-28-68V864q0-40 28-68t68-28h32V576q0-184 132-316t316-132 316 132 132 316v192h32q40 0 68 28t28 68z" /></svg>
<span class="icons__title">Privacy</span>