docs: federation docs are alive

This commit is contained in:
decentral1se 2023-04-18 14:08:53 +02:00
parent 5f3fb2b391
commit 7b1e8f6735
Signed by untrusted user: decentral1se
GPG Key ID: 03789458B3D0C410
16 changed files with 596 additions and 8 deletions

docs/federation/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title: FAQ
## What is the Co-op Cloud Federation?
> We're still working things out, here's what know so far!
* It's membership based
* It's operates democratically
* It's about mutualising resources and sharing
* We want to do nice things together
## How many votes makes quorom for a Large Decision?
According to [Resolution 001](/federation/resolutions/passed/001), large decisions can pass when:
> more than 50% of total number of federation members :+1: votes
Please see [the membership docs](/federation/membership) to get the up-to-date membership listing and find the final count for quorom.
## How do I join the federation?
According to [Resolution 002](/federation/resolutions/passed/002):
> To join the federation an existing member must create a large decision to approve of the new member (paid or solidarity).
So, please [get in touch](/intro/contact) if you'd like to join!

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
title: Finance
> If you have any questions or run into problems, please chat with us on
> ``
### Overview of financial machinery
It's slightly complicated because Money but here's how it works. There are two moving parts:
* The Co-op Cloud Open Collective
* The Autonomic Wise account
Autonomic is [the fiscal host]( for the Co-op Cloud Open Collective (OC).
OC helps us make all expenses and transfers transparent to the Federation. No actual money is handled via the OC interface. All payments are done via the Autonomic [Wise]( account. The total sum of the available funds shows on the OC page is the actual amount that is held in the Autonomic Wise account.
Autonomic Co-op members commit to support the federation by doing the financial adminstration work for the time being. Autonomic is publicy registered, has a bank account, files taxes etc. All financial comings/goings are kept on the books internally at Autonomic. This could be further mutualised or another collective could pick this up in the future.
Autonomic does not eat the transfer costs from the Wise account when paying out expense for members. That is charged to the Federation common fund.
### How to get paid via Open Collective
* [Create an account on Open Collective](
* Go to the [Co-op Cloud Open Collective](
**Important** Please include bank details in your expense so that we can make a bank transfer. We do not currently support payments via Paypal and other platforms.
If you urgently need the money, please let us know on the Co-op Cloud Finance channel.
Finally, please let us know what your username/email is for your Open Collective account so we can add you to the team. This helps us build up the view of our community from the perspective of our Open Collective page.
### How to pay someone via Wise
> **Note**: only Autonomic Co-op members can do this
* First off, be wary of two things: 1) the currency conversion 2) the transaction fees of Wise. For 1) we have the complicating factor that the OC represents the common fund in GBP but our internal Wise jar is EUR. Then you're getting deeper into trouble if someone wants to get paid in e.g. USD.
* In order to cover the transaction fee, you need to fake do the transfer to see what you'll be charged and then add that to what you withdraw from the jar. This is because Autonomic does not eat the cost of the transfer from Wise, that is charged to the Federation.
* First step is to withdraw cash from the Co-op Cloud jar. It will automatically be transferred to the general EUR jar because the Co-op Cloud jar is also in EUR.
* To transfer to USD, you don't have to use USD, you can use GBP/EUR directly. It's easier to make the direct payment from the jar you transferred it to. This is purely because it is easier to follow it in the accounting bookkeeping later on.
* When making the payment, do the following:
* Select international transfer, choose your requird `$currency`
* Put correct amount in "recipient gets exactly" to get Wise to figure out the correct amount
* Open the invoice in Open Collective and look for the expense number, e.g. "Expense #132373" and put this in the reference number of the payment
* Note how long the transfer will take (Wise should tell you)
* Mark the expense as paid in Open Collective. Use the "manual" method.
* Let the member know the payment is on the way and how long it will take (if you have time).
#### FAQ
##### Where are the bank details of federation members?
Please see the internal Federation wiki, ``.
##### What transfer type do we use for USD?
`ACH`. If you see `Abartn`, that is the `ACH routing number`.
### Tiers on Open Collective
* Infrastructure Sustainability: Folks who are making use of Co-op Cloud digital infrastructure (e.g. []( and want to help out with maintenance costs. All recurring donations are spent directly on running costs and system adminstration labour. Thanks for considering!
* Federation Membership: Dues paid by members of the Co-op Cloud Federation. Please see "Resolution 002: Membership/Dues 2023-03-22" for more information. There may be further decisions made around dues, please refer to the Federation documentation on [](

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@ -2,4 +2,13 @@
title: Federation
The Co-op Cloud Federation is still bootstrapping... More Coming Soon ™
Welcome to the Co-op Cloud Federation documentation!
This is the public facing page where we publish all things federation in the open.
- [FAQ](/federation/faq): Take a look if you're curious about the Federation is about 🤓
- [Resolutions](/federation/resolutions): All draft, in-progress and passed resolutions ✊
- [Finance](/federation/finances): How we deal with money 💸
- [Membership](/federation/membership): See who's already joined in 🥰
- [Minutes](/federation/minutes): All minutes from our meetings 📒
- [Digital tools](/federation/tools): Tools we use to organise online 🔌

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Membership
> Are you also interested in joining the federation? Please see [Resolution
> 002](/federation/resolutions/passed/) for our process on how to join. If you have any questions, [drop us a
> line](/intro/contact/) with us for a chat
| Name | Dues paid up? | Notes | Contact |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |-------- |
| Agaric | - | - | `` |
| Flancia | - | - | `` |
| Autonomic | - | - | `@3wc` `@cas` `@decentral1se` `@knoflook` `@travvy` |
| Bonfire | - | - | `` + Ivan (``) |
| | - | - | `` |
| Local IT | - | - | Philipp (``) + `` |
| ruangrupa | - | - | Henry `` |
| UTAW | - | - | `` |
| ??? | - | - | `` |

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@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
title: 2022-03-03
## Co-op Cloud Federation Bootstrapping
_Please add any suggested agenda items here. We'll add meeting notes to this page after the meeting has happened_
## Metadata
* Time / date: March 3 @ 1500-1630 UTC
* Location:
* Real-time note taking will happen at: (and be migrated here after the meeting)
## Agenda
(All times UTC, as sharp as possible)
| Start | End | Topic | Time |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| 1500 | - | Meeting opens | - |
| 1500 | 1510 | introductions | 10m |
| 1510 | 1520 | confirming the agenda | 10m |
| 1520 | 1540 | decision-making process | 20m |
| 1540 | 1450 | break | 10m |
| 1450 | 1610 | small-group discussions | 20m |
| 1610 | 1630 | report-back / next steps | 20m |
Suggested topics for small-group discussions:
1. What software tools do we want to use for our organising?
2. How should the finances of the federation work?
3. Where else can we promote Co-op Cloud?
4. Development priorities
## Meeting notes
# Co-op cloud federation meeting notes
## 2023-03-03 1500-1600 UTC
- [Breakout Room #1: What software tools do we want to use for our organising?](
- [Breakout Room #2: How should the finances of the federation work?](
- [Breakout Room #3: Developmeny priorities](
- [Breakout Room #4: Membership](
## Agenda
(All times UTC, as sharp as possible)
| Start | End | Topic | Time |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| 1500 | - | Meeting opens | - |
| 1500 | 1510 | introductions | 10m |
| 1510 | 1520 | confirming the agenda | 10m |
| 1520 | 1540 | decision-making process | 20m |
| 1540 | 1450 | break | 10m |
| 1450 | 1610 | small-group discussions | 20m |
| 1610 | 1630 | report-back / next steps | 20m |
Suggested topics for small-group discussions:
1. What software tools do we want to use for our organising?
2. How should the finances of the federation work?
3. Where else can we promote Co-op Cloud?
4. Development priorities
## Introductions
- name
- pronouns
- co-op you're part of
- favorite natural place
* Trav (Autonomic) [facilitation]
* dc1 (Autonomic)
* Phillip (Local-IT)
* kawaiipunk (Autonomic)
* V (Flancia [coop] - [software platform])
* Cas (Autonomic) [main notes]
* Josef (Doop-Coop)
* Wolcen (Agaric)
* Ivan (Bonfire)
* Mayel (Bonfire)
* Calix (Autonomic) [facilitation]
* Jamie (FarmOS)
* Mirsal
## Confirming Agenda
- V: Question about overall objective.
- Calix: Any suggested answers?
- dc1: To see who wants to come with on setting up the fed. Getting going making descisions together. Also how people see themselves participating on an ongoing basis.
- Calix: Any other intentions?
[Mirsal joins]
- How to make Decisions
- Wolcen: Is there an existing org or is this the start?
- Trav: This is the kick off. We start here.
- dc1: Points to proposal. Mostly from Autonomic's viewpoint, which we hope to build on.
- V: Asking about transcription bots.
- Calix: Suggests that we table for now for later discussion.
## decision-making process
- Trav: We adapted an old proposal for descision making process.
- Trav: We consider this an important step in group formation. Summary: Proposal is written up and posted on channel, voting occurs via emoji reactions and after a time period it is passed.
- dc1: Context: Autonomic has been initiating the project heretofor and has made all descisions, but we want the community to have that power rather than Autonomic.
- Calix: We are in bootstraps as far as descision making so we have hope we can do it ad hoc this time.
- V: Question about using Loomio.
- kawaiipunk: Loomio while it is good seems to have a lot of bloat to it and the complexity of the forum functionality. Proposes we try to the most minimal mechanics possible. Autonomic uses this process.
Calix: We don't have SSO for Coopcloud that we all have access. Gitea is a good platform for bootstrapping since it has its own accounts and almost everyone already has accounts on it for functional reasons.
Wolcen: keeping things in as few places as possible seems better.
- dc1: +1 for minimal. We are at the start, and all things are vague so we perhaps just do the minimal possible and keep going with what we have
- V: As a member of not autonomic lacking context. tnx to dc1 for clarifying.
- Wolcen: Asks about technology for automating the gitea+wiki->matrix crossover.
- dc1: No automation current we can always change that later
- kawaiipunk: Would the voting proposal come into effect after this meeting. Propose that it should. - Explanation that we operate more on a consent basis than exactly a consensus and this proposal continues that.
- Wolcen: Asks about how to determine the magnitude of a descision and when the proposal can be acted on based on votes.
- dc1: General descions are made as more than one person. This informs how to do the calculation for the magnitude.
- kawaiipunk: Medium descisions can pass without everyone interacting with them. Good descisions are transparent and reversable. Controversial things generally have more than one blocker.
## break time
## Roundup about breakouts
## Checking on qualified yes answers on poll about descision making
1 qualified yes. Giving space for the qualifications. No takers.
- V: Suggests that Autonomic lead that choice.
- kawaiipunk: Agrees. If we're following consensus, unless anyone blocks it passes.
**We pass the descision making process.**
## Breakouts
Calix: Suggestions for other breakout topics?
Wolcen: 1 & 4 seem closely tied and should be merged.
dc1: Membership should be a topic.
We vote on poll now.
## Breakout 1 + 3 (technology and technology)
We summarized where we're at, what technologies are being used for organizing, what are the dependencies for coop cloud, and what is being developed.
A couple of little things that are interesting from the perspective of development priorities:
- debug / entrypoint tools
- catalog normalization
## Breakout 2 (finances)
Summary: Federation model has tried and failed several times. Priority should be getting some money in. Give what you can should be the main thing and we can see if we need to tweak that.
## Breakout 4 (membership)
Broke down what membership means. Three classes of membership and what their powers are.
- Community member (individual level)
- Recipe maintainer
- Federation members - which is the main descion making member.
Discussed the processes involved in creating members, as in notes.
MVP is protection from capital interest. Existing members vote on new members? Minimal and lean.
## We vote on next meeting time
## Checkout process
- How do you feel?
- What about future?
Calix: Feeling inspired. Topics would love to talk about: Working groups? What comms channels are needed?
V: Feeling amazing. In one month?
dc1: Feeling great, very productive. Looking forward to future.
Trav: Great! THink this works well. Good that we can actually make descisions. Excited and optimistic for future.
Mayel: Feel good about meeting. Really good to see energies. Great awesome keep going.
Wolcen: Feels great. Good to see it making progress. Missed meeting pad - having official links for future meetings would be nice to have.
Cas: Great. Looking forward to nitty gritty stuff.
kawaiipunk: Tired, but good. Good discussions. Excited to have it open up to other people. Maybe we could hack on technical stuff. Interested in recipes and doing more formal organization.
Phillipp: Excited this was really great. Language barrier made it a little challenging. Next meeting has a lot of questions and things to do.
## Poll
* 1 month wins for next meeting.
## Breakout room #1
We have a rambling discussion about things related to software.
List of technologies currently in use:
- gitea [wiki, source repo, kanban?]
- matrix [chat, community organization]
Technologies under development/coop cloud
- Abra
- Recipes
- Recipe catalog
Technology dependencies
- Docker + swarm
Technology decision considerations
- What about using other 'containers', 'virtual instances', etc?
- Part of the value proposition is that it operates on current standards.
Development priorities
- Standardizing recipe catalog acquisition
- Debug/other hooks/entrypoints
## Breakout room #2
Breakout Room #2: How should the finances of the federation work?
Trav, Mayel, yksflip, d1, V
trav taking notes
d1: want to map what we're already doing. At first unpaid then back-paid. Grant money is gone. Now asking clients to contribute 50% of fee towards Co-op Cloud development. Have not dumped money into OC yet.
V: why tell clients? Transparency?
d1: yeah transparency, helps get paid out and helps groups understand what they're contributing to.
m: some part of revenue goes back to maintain commons. we know theres more than the config, we have admin, meetings, more services/tools/etc. besides membership dues, I would draft some suggestions/templates for how hosters can split revenue between infra/config/upstream project development...
yksflip: contribute time to co-op cloud atm. but happy to shuffle money directly to open collective. main funding is public funding, funders need to see who is working on what, transparency/overview stuff. they also have money to give to freelancers. could we have ways to say we give % of the project to the open collective of the fedi. still trying to make local-it sustainable. funding until july and then open question how to go on sustainably.
t: concern on finances is, having enough. paying for meetings is noble but we'll lose money fast. having a prioritisation of where money goes would be great. then as we have cash we put it where we want.
d1: contribute comensurate to number of members in co-op? what would be a practical model? do we attach it to membership (dues?).
v: dues and per-x contribution? are these two differen things?
d1: 2 approaches, end goal is the same, have members contribute to the project
V: we are amalgum, hard to quantify member #s
yksflip: best to start with something easy. Co-ops of this size/# of instance, guidelines. Try it and then discuss again in a few months. Compensating meetings is great but maybe some things are more urgent.
V: how does Autonomic do this currently?
d1: simpler for us as 1 org vs fed. All funds into 1 pot. Tricky to get right. Did call with Co-op Cycle, bike delivery. Start with financial contribution from the start. Money makes things happen.
## Breakout #3 did not happen
## Breakout #4: Membership
Jamie (facilitating), Kawaiipunk, Calix (notes)
## What are we hoping to learn / decide?
kp: 3 levels of membership:
- community member
- maintainers of recipes
- federation members
question: boundaries around co-operativeness. open to organisations / individuals? what org. structures permitted for members. co-ops only? worker co-ops only? allied orgs? capitalist orgs? do we allow co-ops
calix: Q: what is the process for deciding any of above questions? new members, dues, etc.
j: is there a way for e.g. corporate members to be community members? any previous steps towards decision-making with co-op cloud?
Calix: Cooperative Technologists [...] when someone wants to joing it's a network-wide process, case-by-case, open to anyone to in the group; then w/ Autonomic, it's a 2-step process where someone joins provisionally, then as full member after a period of time.
j: B-Corp, somewhat controversial category at this point as to whether it means anything or not. Consideration to take network approach to avoid "legalistic" approach, strict "by the books".
kp: might also be a problem of assessing what counts as a cooperative for international members, different legal formations around the world.
c: Proposal: the 3 cats, fed-members should be cooperatively run, and aligned with values of the federation. Large decision among federation members to add a new one.
J: Like it. Open it as a question.
c: Could use our new decision making process? Ask for comments before it goes live.
kp: Seems quite fundamental. Best to keep simple and iterate.
calix: should there be a federation members only matrix channel to discuss federation decisions?
kp: guess there'd have to be under current plans. or does it set up too much of an "in group"? proposals could be posted publicly, voting could be in secret, results public? emoji voting in a private channel. transparency = positive.
jamie: public "who voted how"
kp: maybe literally just collecting of voting

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title: Minutes

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title: Drafts

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title: In progress

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title: Resolutions

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@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
title: Decisions
title: "Proposal 001: Decision Making Process - 2023-03-03"
## Proposal 001 - Desiscion Making Process - 2023-03-03
- Deadline: 2023-03-03 (live voting)
- Size: large

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: "Resolution 002: Membership/Dues - 2023-03-22"
* Deadline: 2023-04-11
* Passed on 2023-04-13
* Size: Large
### Summary
1. Set membership dues for the Co-op Cloud Federation at EUR 10/month, to be reviewed in 6 months time, in October 2023.
2. Approval of new members requires a Large decision
3. Groups who had a member attend the first federation meeting are all founding members (are already in the federation, do not require a decision to be added)
### Details
Obviously this plan is not long-term financially sustainable. The idea is to use Autonomics remaining funds for the federation to collectivise the process of working this out over the next few months.
#### Dues
Members are required to make a minimum monthly EUR 10 (or EUR 60/year) donation through Open Collective. Members who are able are encouraged to donate more. Individuals/groups wanting to join Co-op Cloud who arent able to make a financial contribution may request a solidarity free membership.
#### Membership
To join the federation an existing member must create a large decision to approve of the new member (paid or solidarity). All collectives who attended the first federation meeting are already granted membership and are asked to setup recurring donations as soon as possible.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: "Resolution 003: Paid work - 2023-03-22"
* Deadline: 2023-04-11
* Passed on 2023-04-13
* Size: Large
### Summary
1. Set the wage for Co-op Cloud Federation work at €20/h. Review these numbers in 6 months time, in October 2023.
### Details
Work is paid at EUR 20/hour. This may be increased via future decisions if so desired by the collective.
Members must do their own taxes for wages earned. To get paid, worker members must invoice via the Co-op Cloud Open Collective. Invoices need to include times and descriptions.

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: "Resolution 004: Budgeting - 2023-03-22"
* Deadline: 2023-04-11
* Passed on 2023-04-13
* Size: Large
### Summary
1. All paid work must be within a Budget
2. The first Budget as 8 hours / month, for member groups participation in organising meetings
### Details
All paid work must be within a Budget, agreed using a Large Decision. Budgets are ideally clumped as much as possible to reduce decision fatigue. Budgets include “who will do the work”. The agreed person can give the task to another Federation member.
Participation in organising meetings is paid for up to one person per member organisation. Additional people are welcome to attend; we encourage member organisations to pay for their additional attendees time themselves, if possible.
#### Budget: Monthly meetings
> **Budget amount:** EUR 960
> **Who will implement this:** Up to 1 person from each member organisation
> **When will the money be spent:** Over the next 6 months, until the meeting in October 2023.
> **What is the money for:** Paying attendees of monthly organising meetings
#### Budget template:
**Budget name:** Buying ponies
**Budget amount:** EUR 100,000
**Who will implement this:** Ade from
**When will the work happen:** Tomorrow
**What is the money for:: Buying one pony for each member organisation

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: "Resolution 005: Public federation membership, notes and decisions - 2023-04-14"
* Deadline: 2023-04-17
* Passed: 2023-04-18
* Size: medium
### Summary
The following federation info will be made public on [``](
- Federation membership
- Meeting minutes
- Decisions which have passed
### Details
This will make the process of documenting easier to mutualise and increase transparency for those interested in joining. The [``]( wiki can still be used for storing private details such as bank account information. If members do not want to be listed, they can do so even when this decision passes.

docs/federation/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: Digital tools
- [Public documentation](
- [Organising repository (private)](
- [Wiki (private)](
- [Git hosting](
- [Matrix Space](
- [Website](
- [Drone CI/CD](

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@ -71,7 +71,26 @@ nav:
- get-involved/
- "Federation":
- federation/
- "Decisions": federation/
- "FAQ": federation/
- "Resolutions":
- federation/resolutions/
- "Passed":
- federation/resolutions/passed/
- federation/resolutions/passed/
- federation/resolutions/passed/
- federation/resolutions/passed/
- federation/resolutions/passed/
- "In progress":
- federation/resolutions/in-progress/
- "Draft":
- federation/resolutions/drafts/
- "Finance": federation/
- "Membership": federation/
- "Minutes":
- federation/minutes/
- "2022":
- federation/minutes/
- "Digital tools": federation/
- "Glossary":
- glossary/