103 lines
2.5 KiB
103 lines
2.5 KiB
package main
import (
tc "github.com/barnacs/compy/transcoder"
var (
host = flag.String("host", ":9999", "<host:port>")
cert = flag.String("cert", "", "proxy cert path")
key = flag.String("key", "", "proxy cert key path")
ca = flag.String("ca", "", "CA path")
caKey = flag.String("cakey", "", "CA key path")
user = flag.String("user", "", "proxy user name")
pass = flag.String("pass", "", "proxy password")
brotli = flag.Int("brotli", 6, "Brotli compression level (0-11)")
jpeg = flag.Int("jpeg", 50, "jpeg quality (1-100, 0 to disable)")
gif = flag.Bool("gif", true, "transcode gifs into static images")
gzip = flag.Int("gzip", 6, "gzip compression level (0-9)")
png = flag.Bool("png", true, "transcode png")
minify = flag.Bool("minify", false, "minify css/html/js - WARNING: tends to break the web")
func main() {
p := proxy.New(*host, *cert)
if (*ca == "") != (*caKey == "") {
log.Fatalln("must specify both CA certificate and key")
if (*cert == "") != (*key == "") {
log.Fatalln("must specify both certificate and key")
if *ca != "" {
if err := p.EnableMitm(*ca, *caKey); err != nil {
fmt.Println("not using mitm:", err)
// TODO: require cert and key?
if (*user == "") != (*pass == "") {
log.Fatalln("must specify both user and pass")
} else {
p.SetAuthentication(*user, *pass)
if *jpeg != 0 {
p.AddTranscoder("image/jpeg", tc.NewJpeg(*jpeg))
if *gif {
p.AddTranscoder("image/gif", &tc.Gif{})
if *png {
p.AddTranscoder("image/png", &tc.Png{})
var ttc proxy.Transcoder
if *minify {
ttc = &tc.Zip{tc.NewMinifier(), *brotli, *gzip, false}
} else {
ttc = &tc.Zip{&tc.Identity{}, *brotli, *gzip, true}
p.AddTranscoder("text/css", ttc)
p.AddTranscoder("text/html", ttc)
p.AddTranscoder("text/javascript", ttc)
p.AddTranscoder("application/javascript", ttc)
p.AddTranscoder("application/x-javascript", ttc)
c := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
go func() {
for range c {
read := atomic.LoadUint64(&p.ReadCount)
written := atomic.LoadUint64(&p.WriteCount)
log.Printf("compy exiting, total transcoded: %d -> %d (%3.1f%%)",
read, written, float64(written)/float64(read)*100)
log.Printf("compy listening on %s", *host)
var err error
if *cert != "" {
err = p.StartTLS(*host, *cert, *key)
} else {
err = p.Start(*host)