FROM drupal:9.5.0-php8.1-apache-bullseye # RUN apk add --no-cache git RUN apt update; \ apt install -y --no-install-recommends git wget; \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN set -eux; \ rm -rf /opt/drupal/ WORKDIR /opt/drupal # NOTE(3wc): drutopia/drutopia_template currently references out-of-date URLs, # so we download composer.{json,lock} from drutopia_platform/build_source # instead. # # additionally, gitlab doesn't support cloning anonymously over SSH (maybe they # can pick up more work with border cops to be able to implement that 5-year-old "feature # request"[0] 🙄) so we need to switch to HTTPS URIs; in theory we could do this # selectively for gitlab, but doing it across the board means not needing to run # ssh-keyscan, or install an SSH client in the image. # # [0]: RUN set -eux; \ export COMPOSER_HOME="$(mktemp -d)"; \ wget; \ wget; \ sed -i 's,git@\([^:]*\):,https://\1/,g' composer.json; \ sed -i 's,git@\([^:]*\):,https://\1/,g' composer.lock; \ composer install; \ rm -rf "$COMPOSER_HOME"; \ chown -R www-data:www-data web/sites web/modules web/themes WORKDIR /opt/drupal/web # composer create-project drutopia/drutopia_template:dev-master --no-interaction ./; \ # composer-pin-apply web/profiles/contrib/drutopia/bin/; \