Merge branch 'MTRNord/fdroid-nightlies' into 'main'

ci: Add fdroid nightlies upload task

See merge request famedly/fluffychat!367
This commit is contained in:
Krille Fear 2021-02-02 13:11:20 +00:00
commit 31b36947c4
7 changed files with 198 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -114,6 +114,28 @@ upload-fdroid:
- tags
stage: release
- 'which ssh-agent || (sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install openssh-client -y )'
- 'which rsync || (sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install rsync -y )'
- 'which pcregrep || (sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install pcregrep -y )'
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
- ssh-keyscan -t rsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- cd build/android/
- export UPDATE_VERSION=$(pcregrep -o1 'version:\s([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)\+[0-9]*' ../../pubspec.yaml) && mv app-release.apk "${UPDATE_VERSION}_$(date +%s).apk"
- rsync -rav -e ssh ./
- ssh -t '/bin/bash -i -l -c "cd /opt/fdroid/fluffychat-nightly && fdroid update --verbose"'
needs: ["build_android_apk"]
resource_group: playstore_release
allow_failure: true
- main
stage: deploy
image: ruby:latest

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: default
title: F-Droid Paketquelle
lang: de
# F-Droid Repository
# F-Droid Paketquelle
## Paketquelle zu F-Droid hinzufügen
@ -28,6 +28,35 @@ Falls es weitherhin nicht funktioniert folge den nächsten Schritten:
4. Drücke auf das Plus Symbol in der oberen Leiste
5. Trag in das erste Feld `` und in das zweite Feld `8E2637AEF6697CC6DD486AF044A6EE45B1A742AE3EF56566E748CDE8BC65C1FB` ein
## Wie lautet der Fingerabdruck?
## Wie lautet der Fingerabdruck der stabilen Paketquelle?
Der Fingerabdruck dieser Paketquelle ist: `8E2637AEF6697CC6DD486AF044A6EE45B1A742AE3EF56566E748CDE8BC65C1FB`
# Nightly Paketquelle
## Paketquelle zu F-Droid hinzufügen
Alternativ kann man auch eine nightly Version genutzt werden. Diese kann instabil sein und ist aktualisiert bei jeder Änderung in der Gitlab Repository.
<a href="fdroidrepos://" >
<img src="{{site.assets}}/images/qr-code-nightly.svg" width="300" height="300"/>
### Wenn der QR-Code nicht funktioniert:
Zuerst prüf ob du die F-Droid App installiert hast. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein kannst du die App auf []( runterladen.
Nachdem du sichergegangen bist, dass die App installiert ist und F-Droid nicht zuvor installiert war prüf ob der QR-Code nun funktioniert.
Falls es weitherhin nicht funktioniert folge den nächsten Schritten:
1. Öffne die F-Droid App
2. Gehe zum `Optionen` Tab in der unteren Leiste
3. Klicke auf `Paketquellen`
4. Drücke auf das Plus Symbol in der oberen Leiste
5. Trag in das erste Feld `` und in das zweite Feld `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D` ein
## Wie lautet der Fingerabdruck der stabilen Paketquelle?
Der Fingerabdruck dieser Paketquelle ist: `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D`

View File

@ -31,3 +31,32 @@ If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `8E2637AEF6697CC6DD486AF044A6EE45B1A742AE3EF56566E748CDE8BC65C1FB`
# Nightly Repository
## Add Repository to F-Droid
Easiest way to add the Repository is to either scan the QR-Code or if you are on your phone directly click it.
<a href="fdroidrepos://" >
<img src="{{site.assets}}/images/qr-code-nightly.svg" width="300" height="300"/>
### If the QR-Code doesn't work:
First check if you have f-droid installed. If not you can get it from: [](
After you made sure you installed it and you didn't have it installed before you can try again the QR-Code.
If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
1. Open the f-droid App
2. Go to the `Settings` Tab in the Bottom bar
3. Click the `Repositories` Action
4. Click on the plus sign at the top.
5. Fill in `` into the top field and `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D` in the bottom field.
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D`

View File

@ -31,3 +31,32 @@ If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `8E2637AEF6697CC6DD486AF044A6EE45B1A742AE3EF56566E748CDE8BC65C1FB`
# Nightly Repository
## Add Repository to F-Droid
Easiest way to add the Repository is to either scan the QR-Code or if you are on your phone directly click it.
<a href="fdroidrepos://" >
<img src="{{site.assets}}/images/qr-code-nightly.svg" width="300" height="300"/>
### If the QR-Code doesn't work:
First check if you have f-droid installed. If not you can get it from: [](
After you made sure you installed it and you didn't have it installed before you can try again the QR-Code.
If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
1. Open the f-droid App
2. Go to the `Settings` Tab in the Bottom bar
3. Click the `Repositories` Action
4. Click on the plus sign at the top.
5. Fill in `` into the top field and `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D` in the bottom field.
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D`

View File

@ -31,3 +31,32 @@ If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `8E2637AEF6697CC6DD486AF044A6EE45B1A742AE3EF56566E748CDE8BC65C1FB`
# Nightly Repository
## Add Repository to F-Droid
Easiest way to add the Repository is to either scan the QR-Code or if you are on your phone directly click it.
<a href="fdroidrepos://" >
<img src="{{site.assets}}/images/qr-code-nightly.svg" width="300" height="300"/>
### If the QR-Code doesn't work:
First check if you have f-droid installed. If not you can get it from: [](
After you made sure you installed it and you didn't have it installed before you can try again the QR-Code.
If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
1. Open the f-droid App
2. Go to the `Settings` Tab in the Bottom bar
3. Click the `Repositories` Action
4. Click on the plus sign at the top.
5. Fill in `` into the top field and `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D` in the bottom field.
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D`

View File

@ -31,3 +31,32 @@ If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `8E2637AEF6697CC6DD486AF044A6EE45B1A742AE3EF56566E748CDE8BC65C1FB`
# Nightly Repository
## Add Repository to F-Droid
Easiest way to add the Repository is to either scan the QR-Code or if you are on your phone directly click it.
<a href="fdroidrepos://" >
<img src="{{site.assets}}/images/qr-code-nightly.svg" width="300" height="300"/>
### If the QR-Code doesn't work:
First check if you have f-droid installed. If not you can get it from: [](
After you made sure you installed it and you didn't have it installed before you can try again the QR-Code.
If this still isn't working follow the next steps:
1. Open the f-droid App
2. Go to the `Settings` Tab in the Bottom bar
3. Click the `Repositories` Action
4. Click on the plus sign at the top.
5. Fill in `` into the top field and `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D` in the bottom field.
## What is the fingerprint?
The fingerprint of the Repository is: `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D`

View File

@ -31,3 +31,32 @@ Hâlâ çalışmıyorsa, aşağıdaki adımları izleyin:
## Parmak izi ne?
Deponun parmak izi: `8E2637AEF6697CC6DD486AF044A6EE45B1A742AE3EF56566E748CDE8BC65C1FB`
# Nightly Deposu
## Depoyu F-Droid'e Ekleyin
Depoyu eklemenin en kolay yolu, QR kodunu taramak veya telefonunuzdaysanız doğrudan ona tıklamaktır.
<a href="fdroidrepos://" >
<img src="{{site.assets}}/images/qr-code-nightly.svg" width="300" height="300"/>
### QR kodu çalışmazsa:
Önce F-Droid'in kurulu olup olmadığına bakın. Eğer değilse şuradan edinebilirsiniz: [](
Daha önce olmadığından ve artık kurduğunuzdan emin olduktan sonra QR kodunu tekrar deneyebilirsiniz.
Hâlâ çalışmıyorsa, aşağıdaki adımları izleyin:
1. F-Droid uygulamasınıın.
2. Alt çubuktaki `Ayarlar` sekmesine gidin.
3. `Depolar` bölümüne tıklayın.
4. Üstteki artı işaretine tıklayın.
5. Üstteki alana `` ve alttaki alana `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D` yazın.
## Parmak izi ne?
Deponun parmak izi: `21A469657300576478B623DF99D8EB889A80BCD939ACA60A4074741BEAEC397D`