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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The NGI Pointer Secure-Scuttlebutt Team of 2020/2021
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Package webassert contains test helpers to the check the rooms web pages for certain aspects.
package webassert
import (
type LocalizedElement struct {
Selector, Label string
// Localized checks that a certain selector has a certain label.
// This relies on the fact that the test code doesn't return a localized version but just the labels
func Localized(t *testing.T, html *goquery.Document, elems []LocalizedElement) {
a := assert.New(t)
for i, pair := range elems {
2021-03-26 08:51:55 +00:00
a.Equal(pair.Label, html.Find(pair.Selector).Text(), "localized pair %d failed (selector: %s)", i+1, pair.Selector)
// CSRFTokenPresent checks a CSRF token is in side the passed selection (ususally a form).
// The function returns a url.Values map with the token, which can be used to craft further requests.
func CSRFTokenPresent(t *testing.T, sel *goquery.Selection) url.Values {
a := assert.New(t)
csrfField := sel.Find("input[name='gorilla.csrf.Token']")
a.EqualValues(1, csrfField.Length(), "no csrf-token input tag")
tipe, ok := csrfField.Attr("type")
a.True(ok, "csrf input has a type")
a.Equal("hidden", tipe, "wrong type on csrf field")
val, ok := csrfField.Attr("value")
a.True(ok, "should have a value")
return url.Values{
"gorilla.csrf.Token": []string{val},
type FormElement struct {
Tag, Name, Value, Type, Placeholder string
// ElementsInForm checks a list of defined elements. It tries to find them by input[name=$name]
// and then proceeds with asserting their value, type or placeholder (if the fields in FormElement are not "")
func ElementsInForm(t *testing.T, form *goquery.Selection, elems []FormElement) {
a := assert.New(t)
for _, e := range elems {
2021-03-16 14:11:13 +00:00
// empty Tag defaults to <input>
if e.Tag == "" {
e.Tag = "input"
2021-03-16 13:05:47 +00:00
elementSelector := form.Find(fmt.Sprintf("%s[name=%s]", e.Tag, e.Name))
ok := a.Equal(1, elementSelector.Length(), "expected to find element with name %s", e.Name)
if !ok {
if e.Value != "" {
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value, has := elementSelector.Attr("value")
a.True(has, "expected value attribute input[name=%s]", e.Name)
a.Equal(e.Value, value, "wrong value attribute on input[name=%s]", e.Name)
if e.Type != "" {
2021-03-16 13:05:47 +00:00
tipe, has := elementSelector.Attr("type")
a.True(has, "expected type attribute input[name=%s]", e.Name)
a.Equal(e.Type, tipe, "wrong type attribute on input[name=%s]", e.Name)
if e.Placeholder != "" {
2021-03-16 13:05:47 +00:00
tipe, has := elementSelector.Attr("placeholder")
a.True(has, "expected placeholder attribute input[name=%s]", e.Name)
a.Equal(e.Placeholder, tipe, "wrong placeholder attribute on input[name=%s]", e.Name)
func HasFlashMessages(t *testing.T, client *tester.Tester, url *url.URL, labels ...string) {
a := assert.New(t)
doc, resp := client.GetHTML(url)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code)
flashes := doc.Find("#flashes-list").Children()
require.Equal(t, len(labels), flashes.Length(), "number of labels is wrong")
flashes.Each(func(idx int, sel *goquery.Selection) {
a.Equal(labels[idx], sel.Text(), "wrong text on label %d", idx)