package admin import ( "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "testing" "" "" "" "" ) // Verifies that the notice.go save handler is like, actually, called. func TestNoticeSaveActuallyCalled(t *testing.T) { ts := newSession(t) a := assert.New(t) id := []string{"1"} title := []string{"SSB Breaking News: This Test Is Great"} content := []string{"Absolutely Thrilling Content"} language := []string{"en-GB"} // POST a correct request to the save handler, and verify that the save was handled using the mock database) u := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeSave) formValues := url.Values{"id": id, "title": title, "content": content, "language": language} resp := ts.Client.PostForm(u, formValues) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "POST should work") a.Equal(1, ts.NoticeDB.SaveCallCount(), "noticedb should have saved after POST completed") } // Verifies that the notices.go:save handler refuses requests missing required parameters func TestNoticeSaveRefusesIncomplete(t *testing.T) { ts := newSession(t) a := assert.New(t) // notice values we are selectively omitting in the tests below id := []string{"1"} title := []string{"SSB Breaking News: This Test Is Great"} content := []string{"Absolutely Thrilling Content"} language := []string{"pt"} /* save without id */ u := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeSave) emptyParams := url.Values{} resp := ts.Client.PostForm(u, emptyParams) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "saving without id should not work") loc := resp.Header().Get("Location") noticesList := ts.URLTo(router.CompleteNoticeList) a.Equal(noticesList.String(), loc) // we should get noticesList here but // due to issue #35 we cant get /notices/list in package admin tests // but it doesn't really matter since the flash messages are rendered on whatever page the client goes to next sigh := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDashboard) webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, sigh, "ErrorBadRequest") /* save without title */ formValues := url.Values{"id": id, "content": content, "language": language} resp = ts.Client.PostForm(u, formValues) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "saving without title should not work") webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, sigh, "ErrorBadRequest") /* save without content */ formValues = url.Values{"id": id, "title": title, "language": language} resp = ts.Client.PostForm(u, formValues) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "saving without content should not work") webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, sigh, "ErrorBadRequest") /* save without language */ formValues = url.Values{"id": id, "title": title, "content": content} resp = ts.Client.PostForm(u, formValues) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "saving without language should not work") webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, sigh, "ErrorBadRequest") a.Equal(0, ts.NoticeDB.SaveCallCount(), "noticedb should never save incomplete requests") } // Verifies that /translation/add only accepts POST requests func TestNoticeAddLanguageOnlyAllowsPost(t *testing.T) { ts := newSession(t) a := assert.New(t) // instantiate the ts.URLTo helper (constructs urls for us!) // verify that a GET request is no bueno u := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeAddTranslation, "name", roomdb.NoticeNews.String()) _, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(u) a.Equal(http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code, "GET should not be allowed for this route") // next up, we verify that a correct POST request actually works: id := []string{"1"} title := []string{"Bom Dia! SSB Breaking News: This Test Is Great"} content := []string{"conteúdo muito bom"} language := []string{"pt"} formValues := url.Values{"name": []string{roomdb.NoticeNews.String()}, "id": id, "title": title, "content": content, "language": language} resp = ts.Client.PostForm(u, formValues) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code) webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, ts.URLTo(router.AdminDashboard), "NoticeUpdated") } // Verifies that the "add a translation" page contains all the required form fields (id/title/content/language) func TestNoticeDraftLanguageIncludesAllFields(t *testing.T) { ts := newSession(t) a := assert.New(t) // instantiate the ts.URLTo helper (constructs urls for us!) // to test translations we first need to add a notice to the notice mockdb notice := roomdb.Notice{ ID: 1, Title: "News", Content: "Breaking News: This Room Has News", Language: "en-GB", } // make sure we return a notice when accessing pinned notices (which are the only notices with translations at writing (2021-03-11) ts.PinnedDB.GetReturns(¬ice, nil) u := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeDraftTranslation, "name", roomdb.NoticeNews.String()) html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(u) form := html.Find("form") a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "Wrong HTTP status code") // FormElement defaults to input if tag omitted webassert.ElementsInForm(t, form, []webassert.FormElement{ {Name: "title"}, {Name: "language"}, {Tag: "textarea", Name: "content"}, }) } func TestNoticeEditFormIncludesAllFields(t *testing.T) { ts := newSession(t) a := assert.New(t) // instantiate the ts.URLTo helper (constructs urls for us!) // Create mock notice data to operate on notice := roomdb.Notice{ ID: 1, Title: "News", Content: "Breaking News: This Room Has News", Language: "en-GB", } ts.NoticeDB.GetByIDReturns(notice, nil) u := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeEdit, "id", 1) html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(u) form := html.Find("form") a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "Wrong HTTP status code") // check for all the form elements & verify their initial contents are set correctly // FormElement defaults to input if tag omitted webassert.ElementsInForm(t, form, []webassert.FormElement{ {Name: "title", Value: notice.Title}, {Name: "language", Value: notice.Language}, {Name: "id", Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", notice.ID), Type: "hidden"}, {Tag: "textarea", Name: "content"}, }) } func TestNoticesRoleRightsEditing(t *testing.T) { ts := newSession(t) dashboardURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDashboard) editURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeEdit, "id", 1) saveURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeSave) formValues := url.Values{ "id": []string{"1"}, "title": []string{"SSB Breaking News: This Test Is Great"}, "content": []string{"Absolutely Thrilling Content"}, "language": []string{"en-GB"}, } canSeeEditForm := func(t *testing.T, shouldWork bool) { a := assert.New(t) doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(editURL) if shouldWork { a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "unexpected status code") form := doc.Find("form") action, has := form.Attr("action") a.True(has, "no action on a form?!") a.Equal(saveURL.String(), action) } else { a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "unexpected status code") webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, dashboardURL, "ErrorNotAuthorized") } } totalSaveCallCount := 0 canSaveNotice := func(t *testing.T, shouldWork bool) { a := assert.New(t) // POST a correct request to the save handler, and verify that the save was handled using the mock database) resp := ts.Client.PostForm(saveURL, formValues) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "should have redirected") var wantLabel string if shouldWork { totalSaveCallCount++ wantLabel = "NoticeUpdated" } else { wantLabel = "ErrorNotAuthorized" } webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, dashboardURL, wantLabel) a.Equal(totalSaveCallCount, ts.NoticeDB.SaveCallCount(), "call count missmatch") } memberUser := roomdb.Member{ ID: 7331, Role: roomdb.RoleMember, PubKey: generatePubKey(), } modUser := roomdb.Member{ ID: 9001, Role: roomdb.RoleModerator, PubKey: generatePubKey(), } adminUser := roomdb.Member{ ID: 1337, Role: roomdb.RoleAdmin, PubKey: generatePubKey(), } /* test invite creation under various restricted mode with the roles member, mod, admin */ for _, mode := range roomdb.AllPrivacyModes { t.Run(mode.String(), func(t *testing.T) { ts.ConfigDB.GetPrivacyModeReturns(mode, nil) // members can only invite in community rooms t.Run("members", func(t *testing.T) { ts.User = memberUser canSeeEditForm(t, mode == roomdb.ModeCommunity) canSaveNotice(t, mode == roomdb.ModeCommunity) }) // mods & admins can always invite t.Run("mods", func(t *testing.T) { ts.User = modUser canSeeEditForm(t, true) canSaveNotice(t, true) }) t.Run("admins", func(t *testing.T) { ts.User = adminUser canSeeEditForm(t, true) canSaveNotice(t, true) }) }) } } func TestNoticesRoleRightsAddingTranslation(t *testing.T) { ts := newSession(t) dashboardURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDashboard) draftTrURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeDraftTranslation, "name", "NoticeNews") addTrURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminNoticeAddTranslation) formValues := url.Values{ "id": []string{"1"}, "title": []string{"SSB Breaking News: This Test Is Great"}, "content": []string{"Absolutely Thrilling Content"}, "language": []string{"en-GB"}, "name": []string{"NoticeNews"}, } canSeeAddTranslationForm := func(t *testing.T, shouldWork bool) { a := assert.New(t) doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(draftTrURL) if shouldWork { a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "unexpected status code") form := doc.Find("form") action, has := form.Attr("action") a.True(has, "no action on a form?!") a.Equal(addTrURL.String(), action) } else { a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "unexpected status code") webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, dashboardURL, "ErrorNotAuthorized") } } totalAddCallCount := 0 canAddNewTranslation := func(t *testing.T, shouldWork bool) { a := assert.New(t) // POST a correct request to the save handler, and verify that the save was handled using the mock database) resp := ts.Client.PostForm(addTrURL, formValues) a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "should have redirected") var wantLabel string if shouldWork { totalAddCallCount++ wantLabel = "NoticeUpdated" } else { wantLabel = "ErrorNotAuthorized" } webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, dashboardURL, wantLabel) a.Equal(totalAddCallCount, ts.PinnedDB.SetCallCount(), "call count missmatch") } memberUser := roomdb.Member{ ID: 7331, Role: roomdb.RoleMember, PubKey: generatePubKey(), } modUser := roomdb.Member{ ID: 9001, Role: roomdb.RoleModerator, PubKey: generatePubKey(), } adminUser := roomdb.Member{ ID: 1337, Role: roomdb.RoleAdmin, PubKey: generatePubKey(), } /* test invite creation under various restricted mode with the roles member, mod, admin */ for _, mode := range roomdb.AllPrivacyModes { t.Run(mode.String(), func(t *testing.T) { ts.ConfigDB.GetPrivacyModeReturns(mode, nil) // members can only invite in community rooms t.Run("members", func(t *testing.T) { ts.User = memberUser canSeeAddTranslationForm(t, mode == roomdb.ModeCommunity) canAddNewTranslation(t, mode == roomdb.ModeCommunity) }) // mods & admins can always invite t.Run("mods", func(t *testing.T) { ts.User = modUser canSeeAddTranslationForm(t, true) canAddNewTranslation(t, true) }) t.Run("admins", func(t *testing.T) { ts.User = adminUser canSeeAddTranslationForm(t, true) canAddNewTranslation(t, true) }) }) } }