GenericConfirm = "Yes" GenericGoBack = "Back" GenericSave = "Save" GenericCreate = "Create" GenericPreview = "Preview" GenericLanguage = "Language" PageNotFound = "The requested page was not found." LandingTitle = "ohai my room" LandingWelcome = "Landing welcome here" AuthFallbackWelcome = "You really shouldn't be here.... Let's get you through this." AuthFallbackTitle = "The place of last resort" AuthSignIn = "Sign in" AuthSignOut = "Sign out" AdminDashboardWelcome = "Welcome to your dashboard" AdminDashboardTitle = "Room Admin Dashboard" AdminAliasesTitle = "Aliases" AdminAliasesWelcome = "Here you can see and revoke the registered aliases of this room." AdminAliasesRevoke = "Revoke" AdminDeniedKeysTitle = "Denied Public Keys" AdminDeniedKeysWelcome = "This page can be used to ban/block SSB IDs so that they can't access the room any more." AdminDeniedKeysAdd = "Add" AdminDeniedKeysRemove = "Remove" AdminDeniedKeysRemoveConfirmWelcome = "Are you sure you want to remove this member? They will lose their alias, if they have one." AdminDeniedKeysRemoveConfirmTitle = "Confirm member removal" AdminMembersTitle = "Members" AdminMembersWelcome = "Here you can see all the members of the room and ways to add new ones (by their SSB ID) or remove exising ones." AdminMembersAdd = "Add" AdminMembersRemove = "Remove" AdminMembersRemoveConfirmWelcome = "Are you sure you want to remove this member? They will lose their alias, if they have one." AdminMembersRemoveConfirmTitle = "Confirm member removal" AdminInvitesTitle = "Invites" AdminInvitesWelcome = "Create invite tokens for people who are not yet members of this room. At the same time as you create an invite, you can also (optionally) attach an alias to it so that the person who receives the invite can automatically use that claim that alias for themselves." AdminInvitesAliasSuggestion = "(Optional) Alias suggestion" AdminInvitesCreatedAtColumn = "Created at" AdminInvitesCreatorColumn = "Created by" AdminInvitesAliasColumn = "Alias suggestion" AdminInvitesSummaryFrom = "From" AdminInvitesSummaryTo = "to" AdminInviteRevoke = "Revoke" AdminInviteRevokeConfirmTitle = "Confirm invite revocation" AdminInviteRevokeConfirmWelcome = "Are you sure you want to remove this invite? If you already sent it out, they will not be able to use it." # TODO: add placeholder support to the template helpers ( AdminInviteCreatedBy = "Created by:" AdminInviteSuggestedAliasIs = "The suggested alias is:" AdminInviteSuggestedAliasIsShort = "Alias:" AdminInviteCreatedTitle = "Invite created successfully" AdminInviteCreatedWelcome = "Here is the invite you created. Please copy it before closing the page or it will be lost." NavAdminLanding = "Home" NavAdminDashboard = "Dashboard" NavAdminInvites = "Invites" NavAdminNotices = "Notices" InviteAccept = "Accept invite" InviteAcceptTitle = "Accept Invite" InviteAcceptWelcome = "elaborate welcome message for a new member with good words and stuff." InviteAcceptAliasSuggestion = "The persone who created thought you might like this alias:" InviteAcceptPublicKey = "Public Key" InviteConsumedTitle = "Invite accepted!" InviteConsumedWelcome = "Even more elaborate message that the person is now a member of the room!" NoticeEditTitle = "Edit Notice" NoticeList = "Notices" NoticeListWelcome = "Here you can manage the contents of the landing page and other important documents such as code of conduct and privacy policy." NoticeAddTranslation = "Add" NoticeCodeOfConduct = "Code of Conduct" NoticeNews = "News" NoticeDescription = "Description" NoticePrivacyPolicy = "Privacy Policy" [MemberCount] description = "Number of members" one = "1 member" other = "{{.Count}} members" [ListCount] description = "generic list" one = "There is one item on the List" other = "There are {{.Count}} items on the List" [AdminRoomCount] description = "The number of people in a room" one = "There is one person in the Room" other = "There are {{.Count}} people in the Room" [AdminInvitesCount] description = "the number of invites that are not yet claimed" one = "1 invite still unclaimed" other = "{{.Count}} invites still unclaimed"