## Development notes To get started, you need a recent version of [Go](https://golang.org). v1.17 and onward should be sufficient. Also, if you want to develop the CSS and HTML on the website, you need Node.js v14 in order to compile Tailwind. To build the server and see a list of its options: ```bash cd cmd/server go build ./server -h Usage of ./server: -aliases-as-subdomains needs to be disabled if a wildcard certificate for the room is not available. (default true) -dbg string listen addr for metrics and pprof HTTP server (default "localhost:6078") -https-domain string which domain to use for TLS and AllowedHosts checks -lishttp string address to listen on for HTTP requests (default ":3000") -lismux string address to listen on for secret-handshake+muxrpc (default ":8008") -logs string where to write debug output to (default is just stderr) -mode value the privacy mode (values: open, community, restricted) determining room access controls -nounixsock disable the UNIX socket RPC interface -repo string where to put the log and indexes (default "~/.ssb-go-room") -shscap string secret-handshake app-key or capability; should likely not be changed as this makes you part of a different network (default "1KHLiKZvAvjbY1ziZEHMXawbCEIM6qwjCDm3VYRan/s=") -version print version number and build date ``` If you want to view the development server in your browser: ```sh # change to the root of the project (e.g. cd go-ssb-room) and generate the frontend's styling; requires npm go generate -tags dev ./... # now let's build & run the development server cd cmd/server && go build -tags dev && ./server # and visit http://localhost:3000 ``` This can be useful if you are working on: * the sqlite migrations, * html templates, * styling elements using [tailwind](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/) * _if you don't run generate with `-tags dev`, the bundled css will only contain the tailwind classes found in *.tmpl at the time of generation!_ * or website templates or assets like JavaScript files, the favicon or other images that are used inside the HTML. This way, the build won't use the assets embedded in the binary, but instead read them directly from the local filesystem. Once you are done with your changes and want to update the embedded assets to the production versions: ```sh # cd to the root of the folder, and then run go generate go generate ./... # now build the server without the development mode cd cmd/server && go build && ./server -htts-domain=my.room.example ``` ## Tooling ### Mocks [`counterfeiter`](https://github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter) enables generating mocks for defined interfaces. To update the mocks, run `go generate` in package roomdb. ### Database schema This project uses [sql-migrate](https://github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate) to upgrade the sqlite database when necessary. To upgrade, create a new file in `admindb/sqlite/migrations` with your changes. **Note**: similar to the web assets, you need to use `go test -tags dev` to test them. Afterwards run, `go generate` to embed the assets in the code and thus the resulting server binary. ### No ORM We use [sqlboiler](github.com/volatiletech/sqlboiler) to generate type-safe Go code directly from SQL statements and table definitions. This approach suits the programming language much more then classical ORM approaches, which usually rely havily on reflection for (un)packing structs. To generate them run the following commands. This will populate `admindb/sqlite/models`: * (TODO: automate this with `go generate`) ```bash # also included as generate_models.sh cd admindb/sqlite go test sqlboiler sqlite3 --wipe ``` The generated package `admindb/sqlite/models` is then used to implemente the custom logic of the different services in `admindb/sqlite`. Aside: I would have used `sqlc` since it's a bit more minimal and uses hand written SQL queries instead of generic query builders but it [currently doesn't support sqlite](https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc/issues/161). ### Development user creation `cmd/insert-user` contains code to create a fallback user. Build it and point it to your database with a username: ```bash cd cmd/insert-user go build # optional step: run a script to generate a valid ssb id @.ed25519, useful for trying things out quickly ./generate-fake-id.sh ./insert-user <@pubkey.ed25519> ``` Then repeat your password twice and you are all set for development. Run `insert-user` without any flags to see all the options. ## Architecture For a few high-level overviews and diagrams of how the codebase works, read [architecture.md](./architecture.md). ## Testing See the [testing.md](./testing.md) for a thorough walkthorugh of the different testing approaches. ## Release packaging Because of [issue #79](https://github.com/ssbc/go-ssb-room/issues/79) we can't simply create binaries for all platforms independantly. Therefore binaries for re-distributions need to be created on the relevant distributions themselvs. We currently do this for debian. The process is as follows: 1) Install a recent debian stable version onto a dedicated machine or VM for instance (docker might also be possible). 2) Install [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install). 3) Install a C compiler (`sudo apt install gcc` for instance) for the CGo based sqlite dependency. 4) Install [GoReleaser](https://goreleaser.com/install/). 5) Create a version tag in git. 6) run `goreleaser release` at the root of the repo to create the `dist/` folder with the `.deb` file. 7) Upload the built packages.