
459 lines
14 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The NGI Pointer Secure-Scuttlebutt Team of 2020/2021
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package admin
import (
refs "github.com/ssbc/go-ssb-refs"
func TestDeniedKeysEmpty(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
url := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(url)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AdminDeniedKeysWelcome"},
{"title", "AdminDeniedKeysTitle"},
{"#DeniedKeysCount", "MemberCountPlural"},
func TestDeniedKeysAddDisabledInterface(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
ts.ConfigDB.GetPrivacyModeReturns(roomdb.ModeRestricted, nil)
listURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
ts.User = roomdb.Member{
ID: 1234,
Role: roomdb.RoleAdmin,
// check basic form
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(listURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
formSelection := html.Find("form#add-entry")
a.EqualValues(1, formSelection.Length())
method, ok := formSelection.Attr("method")
a.True(ok, "form has method set")
a.Equal("POST", method)
action, ok := formSelection.Attr("action")
a.True(ok, "form has action set")
addURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysAdd)
a.Equal(addURL.String(), action)
webassert.ElementsInForm(t, formSelection, []webassert.FormElement{
{Name: "pub_key", Type: "text"},
{Name: "comment", Type: "text"},
// create assertion helpers
newKey := "@x7iOLUcq3o+sjGeAnipvWeGzfuYgrXl8L4LYlxIhwDc=.ed25519"
addVals := url.Values{"comment": []string{"some comment"}, "pub_key": []string{newKey}}
totalAddCallCount := 0
checkCanPostNewEntry := func(t *testing.T, shouldWork bool) {
a := assert.New(t)
r := require.New(t)
rec := ts.Client.PostForm(addURL, addVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, rec.Code)
a.Equal(listURL.Path, rec.Header().Get("Location"))
var wantedLabel = "ErrorNotAuthorized"
if shouldWork {
wantedLabel = "AdminDeniedKeysAdded"
// require call count to not panic
r.Equal(totalAddCallCount, ts.DeniedKeysDB.AddCallCount())
_, addedKey, addedComment := ts.DeniedKeysDB.AddArgsForCall(totalAddCallCount - 1)
a.Equal(newKey, addedKey.String())
a.Equal("some comment", addedComment)
} else {
r.Equal(totalAddCallCount, ts.DeniedKeysDB.AddCallCount())
webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, listURL, wantedLabel)
/* Verify that the inputs are visible/hidden depending on user roles */
checkInputsAreDisabled := func(t *testing.T, shouldBeDisabled bool) {
a := assert.New(t)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(listURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
inputContainer := html.Find("#denied-keys-input-container")
a.Equal(1, inputContainer.Length())
inputs := inputContainer.Find("input")
// pubkey, comment, submit button
a.Equal(3, inputs.Length())
inputs.Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
_, disabled := el.Attr("disabled")
name, _ := el.Attr("name")
a.Equal(shouldBeDisabled, disabled, "found diabled tag on element %q", name)
/* test various restricted mode with the roles member, mod, admin */
for _, mode := range roomdb.AllPrivacyModes {
t.Run(mode.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
ts.ConfigDB.GetPrivacyModeReturns(mode, nil)
t.Run("role:member", func(t *testing.T) {
ts.User = roomdb.Member{
ID: 7331,
Role: roomdb.RoleMember,
checkInputsAreDisabled(t, mode != roomdb.ModeCommunity)
checkCanPostNewEntry(t, mode == roomdb.ModeCommunity)
t.Run("role:moderator", func(t *testing.T) {
ts.User = roomdb.Member{
ID: 9001,
Role: roomdb.RoleModerator,
checkInputsAreDisabled(t, false)
checkCanPostNewEntry(t, true)
t.Run("role:admin", func(t *testing.T) {
ts.User = roomdb.Member{
ID: 1234,
Role: roomdb.RoleAdmin,
checkInputsAreDisabled(t, false)
checkCanPostNewEntry(t, true)
func TestDeniedKeysAdd(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
listURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(listURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
formSelection := html.Find("form#add-entry")
a.EqualValues(1, formSelection.Length())
method, ok := formSelection.Attr("method")
a.True(ok, "form has method set")
a.Equal("POST", method)
action, ok := formSelection.Attr("action")
a.True(ok, "form has action set")
addURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysAdd)
a.Equal(addURL.String(), action)
webassert.ElementsInForm(t, formSelection, []webassert.FormElement{
{Name: "pub_key", Type: "text"},
{Name: "comment", Type: "text"},
newKey := "@x7iOLUcq3o+sjGeAnipvWeGzfuYgrXl8L4LYlxIhwDc=.ed25519"
addVals := url.Values{
"comment": []string{"some comment"},
// just any key that looks valid
"pub_key": []string{newKey},
rec := ts.Client.PostForm(addURL, addVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, rec.Code)
overview := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
a.Equal(overview.Path, rec.Header().Get("Location"))
webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, overview, "AdminDeniedKeysAdded")
a.Equal(1, ts.DeniedKeysDB.AddCallCount())
_, addedKey, addedComment := ts.DeniedKeysDB.AddArgsForCall(0)
a.Equal(newKey, addedKey.String())
a.Equal("some comment", addedComment)
func TestDeniedKeysDontAddInvalid(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
addURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysAdd)
newKey := "@some-garbage"
addVals := url.Values{
"comment": []string{"some-comment"},
"pub_key": []string{newKey},
rec := ts.Client.PostForm(addURL, addVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, rec.Code)
a.Equal(0, ts.DeniedKeysDB.AddCallCount(), "did not call add")
listURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
res := rec.Result()
a.Equal(listURL.Path, res.Header.Get("Location"), "redirecting to overview")
a.True(len(res.Cookies()) > 0, "got a cookie (flash msg)")
webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, listURL, "ErrorBadRequest")
func TestDeniedKeys(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
fakeFeed, err := refs.NewFeedRefFromBytes(bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, 32), refs.RefAlgoFeedSSB1)
if err != nil {
oneThreeOneTwoFeed, err := refs.NewFeedRefFromBytes(bytes.Repeat([]byte("1312"), 8), refs.RefAlgoFeedSSB1)
if err != nil {
acabFeed, err := refs.NewFeedRefFromBytes(bytes.Repeat([]byte("acab"), 8), refs.RefAlgoFeedSSB1)
if err != nil {
lst := []roomdb.ListEntry{
{ID: 1, PubKey: fakeFeed},
{ID: 2, PubKey: oneThreeOneTwoFeed},
{ID: 3, PubKey: acabFeed},
ts.DeniedKeysDB.ListReturns(lst, nil)
deniedOverviewURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(deniedOverviewURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AdminDeniedKeysWelcome"},
{"title", "AdminDeniedKeysTitle"},
{"#DeniedKeysCount", "MemberCountPlural"},
a.EqualValues(html.Find("#theList li").Length(), 3)
feed, err := refs.NewFeedRefFromBytes(bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 32), refs.RefAlgoFeedSSB1)
if err != nil {
lst = []roomdb.ListEntry{
{ID: 666, PubKey: feed},
ts.DeniedKeysDB.ListReturns(lst, nil)
html, resp = ts.Client.GetHTML(deniedOverviewURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AdminDeniedKeysWelcome"},
{"title", "AdminDeniedKeysTitle"},
{"#DeniedKeysCount", "MemberCountSingular"},
elems := html.Find("#theList li")
a.EqualValues(elems.Length(), 1)
// check for link to remove confirm link
link, yes := elems.ContentsFiltered("a").Attr("href")
a.True(yes, "a-tag has href attribute")
wantLink := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysRemoveConfirm, "id", 666)
a.Equal(wantLink.String(), link)
func TestDeniedKeysRemoveConfirmation(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
testKey, err := refs.ParseFeedRef("@x7iOLUcq3o+sjGeAnipvWeGzfuYgrXl8L4LYlxIhwDc=.ed25519")
testEntry := roomdb.ListEntry{ID: 666, PubKey: testKey}
ts.DeniedKeysDB.GetByIDReturns(testEntry, nil)
urlRemoveConfirm := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysRemoveConfirm, "id", 3)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(urlRemoveConfirm)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
a.Equal(testKey.String(), html.Find("pre#verify").Text(), "has the key for verification")
form := html.Find("form#confirm")
method, ok := form.Attr("method")
a.True(ok, "form has method set")
a.Equal("POST", method)
action, ok := form.Attr("action")
a.True(ok, "form has action set")
addURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysRemove)
a.Equal(addURL.String(), action)
webassert.ElementsInForm(t, form, []webassert.FormElement{
{Name: "id", Type: "hidden", Value: "666"},
func TestDeniedKeysRemove(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
urlRemove := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysRemove)
addVals := url.Values{"id": []string{"666"}}
rec := ts.Client.PostForm(urlRemove, addVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, rec.Code)
overview := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
a.Equal(overview.Path, rec.Header().Get("Location"))
webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, overview, "AdminDeniedKeysRemoved")
a.Equal(1, ts.DeniedKeysDB.RemoveIDCallCount())
_, theID := ts.DeniedKeysDB.RemoveIDArgsForCall(0)
a.EqualValues(666, theID)
// now for unknown ID
addVals = url.Values{"id": []string{"667"}}
rec = ts.Client.PostForm(urlRemove, addVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, rec.Code)
a.Equal(overview.Path, rec.Header().Get("Location"))
webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, overview, "ErrorNotFound")
func TestDeniedKeysRemovalRights(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
// check disabled remove button on list page
pubKey, err := generatePubKey()
if err != nil {
{ID: 666, PubKey: pubKey, Comment: "test-entry"},
}, nil)
urlRemoveConfirm := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysRemoveConfirm, "id", "666").String()
listURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysOverview)
listShouldShowTheRemoveButtonAsWorking := func(shouldWork bool) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
a := assert.New(t)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(listURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
linktToConfirm := html.Find("#theList li a")
a.Equal(1, linktToConfirm.Length())
// pubkey, comment, submit button
linkText, has := linktToConfirm.Attr("href")
a.True(has, "anchor should have a href in any case")
if shouldWork {
a.Equal(urlRemoveConfirm, linkText)
} else {
a.True(linktToConfirm.HasClass("line-through"), "should have strikethrogh class")
a.Equal("#", linkText)
// check who can actually remove
urlRemove := ts.URLTo(router.AdminDeniedKeysRemove)
removeVals := url.Values{"id": []string{"666"}}
totalRemoveCallCount := 0
removeFromListShouldWork := func(works bool) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
a := assert.New(t)
r := require.New(t)
rec := ts.Client.PostForm(urlRemove, removeVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, rec.Code, "unexpected exit code %s", rec.Result().Status)
if works {
_, userID := ts.DeniedKeysDB.RemoveIDArgsForCall(totalRemoveCallCount - 1)
a.EqualValues(666, userID)
webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, listURL, "AdminDeniedKeysRemoved")
} else {
webassert.HasFlashMessages(t, ts.Client, listURL, "ErrorNotAuthorized")
r.Equal(totalRemoveCallCount, ts.DeniedKeysDB.RemoveIDCallCount())
memKey, err := generatePubKey()
if err != nil {
modKey, err := generatePubKey()
if err != nil {
adminKey, err := generatePubKey()
if err != nil {
// the users who will execute the action
memberUser := roomdb.Member{
ID: 7331,
Role: roomdb.RoleMember,
PubKey: memKey,
modUser := roomdb.Member{
ID: 9001,
Role: roomdb.RoleModerator,
PubKey: modKey,
adminUser := roomdb.Member{
ID: 1337,
Role: roomdb.RoleAdmin,
PubKey: adminKey,
/* test various restricted mode with the roles member, mod, admin */
for _, mode := range roomdb.AllPrivacyModes {
ts.ConfigDB.GetPrivacyModeReturns(mode, nil)
// members can remove entries only in community mode
ts.User = memberUser
t.Run(mode.String()+" member sees link working", listShouldShowTheRemoveButtonAsWorking(mode == roomdb.ModeCommunity))
t.Run(mode.String()+" member can actually remove", removeFromListShouldWork(mode == roomdb.ModeCommunity))
// mods & admins can always invite
ts.User = modUser
t.Run(mode.String()+" mod sees link working", listShouldShowTheRemoveButtonAsWorking(true))
t.Run(mode.String()+" mod can actually remove", removeFromListShouldWork(true))
ts.User = adminUser
t.Run(mode.String()+" admin sees link working", listShouldShowTheRemoveButtonAsWorking(true))
t.Run(mode.String()+" admin sees link working", removeFromListShouldWork(true))