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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The NGI Pointer Secure-Scuttlebutt Team of 2020/2021
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package admin
import (
func TestSettingsOverview(t *testing.T) {
ts := newSession(t)
a := assert.New(t)
/* First: make sure everything renders correctly for admins */
ts.User = roomdb.Member{
ID: 1234,
Role: roomdb.RoleAdmin,
ts.ConfigDB.GetPrivacyModeReturns(roomdb.ModeCommunity, nil)
ts.ConfigDB.GetDefaultLanguageReturns("en", nil)
settingsURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminSettings)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(settingsURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
// the privacy mode form & its summary/details container should exist
privacyFormContainer := html.Find("#change-privacy")
a.Equal(1, privacyFormContainer.Length())
a.Equal(1, privacyFormContainer.Find("summary").Length())
// chosen privacy mode is ModeCommunity (english translation will only be the name of the label, due to testing suite is set up atm)
a.Equal("ModeCommunity", strings.TrimSpace(privacyFormContainer.Find("summary").Text()))
// details-dropdown should have two forms, one for each of the other two privacy modes
// that can be selected (ModeOpen, ModeRestricted)
a.Equal(2, privacyFormContainer.Find("form").Length())
// and one span, showing the selected mode
a.Equal(1, privacyFormContainer.Find("#selected-mode").Length())
inputs := privacyFormContainer.Find("input")
// verify none of the privacy mode container's inputs are disabled
inputs.Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
_, exists := el.Attr("disabled")
// verify that the change language form exists & is enabled
languageFormContainer := html.Find("#change-language-container")
a.Equal(1, languageFormContainer.Length())
a.Equal(1, languageFormContainer.Find("summary").Length())
// (english translation will only be the name of the label, due to testing suite is set up atm)
a.Equal("LanguageName", strings.TrimSpace(languageFormContainer.Find("summary").Text()))
testDisabledBehaviour := func() {
settingsURL := ts.URLTo(router.AdminSettings)
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(settingsURL)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
// we do not have the summary/details hack if the forms are hidden
privacyFormContainer := html.Find("#change-privacy")
a.Equal(0, privacyFormContainer.Length())
// the should still be the parent container, however
privacyContainer := html.Find("#privacy-mode-container")
a.Equal(1, privacyContainer.Length())
// there should only be one input in the privacy mode container now
inputs := privacyContainer.Find("input")
a.Equal(1, inputs.Length())
// the input should be disabled
_, disabled := inputs.Attr("disabled")
// next, verify that the change language setting is disabled
languageContainer := html.Find("#change-language-container")
a.Equal(1, languageContainer.Length())
// there should only be one input in the language mode container now
inputs = languageContainer.Find("input")
a.Equal(1, inputs.Length())
// the input should be disabled
_, disabled = inputs.Attr("disabled")
/* Now: verify that moderators cannot make room settings changes */
ts.User = roomdb.Member{
ID: 7331,
Role: roomdb.RoleModerator,
/* Finally: verify that members cannot make room settings changes */
ts.User = roomdb.Member{
ID: 9001,
Role: roomdb.RoleMember,