
373 lines
10 KiB

package handlers
import (
refs "go.mindeco.de/ssb-refs"
func TestRestricted(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)
a := assert.New(t)
testURLs := []string{
for _, turl := range testURLs {
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(turl)
a.Equal(http.StatusUnauthorized, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code for %q", turl)
found := html.Find("h1").Text()
a.Equal("Error #401 - Unauthorized", found, "wrong error message code for %q", turl)
func TestLoginForm(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
url, err := ts.Router.Get(router.AuthFallbackSignInForm).URL()
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(url.String())
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AuthFallbackWelcome"},
{"title", "AuthFallbackTitle"},
func TestFallbackAuth(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
// very cheap "browser" client session
jar, err := cookiejar.New(nil)
signInFormURL, err := ts.Router.Get(router.AuthFallbackSignInForm).URL()
signInFormURL.Host = "localhost"
signInFormURL.Scheme = "https"
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(signInFormURL.String())
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code)
csrfCookie := resp.Result().Cookies()
a.Len(csrfCookie, 1, "should have one cookie for CSRF protection validation")
jar.SetCookies(signInFormURL, csrfCookie)
webassert.CSRFTokenPresent(t, doc.Find("form"))
csrfTokenElem := doc.Find("input[type=hidden]")
a.Equal(1, csrfTokenElem.Length())
csrfName, has := csrfTokenElem.Attr("name")
a.True(has, "should have a name attribute")
csrfValue, has := csrfTokenElem.Attr("value")
a.True(has, "should have value attribute")
loginVals := url.Values{
"user": []string{"test"},
"pass": []string{"test"},
csrfName: []string{csrfValue},
ts.AuthFallbackDB.CheckReturns(int64(23), nil)
signInURL, err := ts.Router.Get(router.AuthFallbackSignIn).URL()
signInURL.Host = "localhost"
signInURL.Scheme = "https"
var csrfCookieHeader = http.Header(map[string][]string{})
csrfCookieHeader.Set("Referer", "https://localhost")
cs := jar.Cookies(signInURL)
r.Len(cs, 1, "expecting one cookie for csrf")
theCookie := cs[0].String()
a.NotEqual("", theCookie, "should have a new cookie")
csrfCookieHeader.Set("Cookie", theCookie)
resp = ts.Client.PostForm(signInURL.String(), loginVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusSeeOther, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code for sign in")
a.Equal(1, ts.AuthFallbackDB.CheckCallCount())
sessionCookie := resp.Result().Cookies()
jar.SetCookies(signInURL, sessionCookie)
// now request the protected dashboard page
dashboardURL, err := ts.Router.Get(router.AdminDashboard).URL()
dashboardURL.Host = "localhost"
dashboardURL.Scheme = "https"
var sessionHeader = http.Header(map[string][]string{})
cs = jar.Cookies(dashboardURL)
// TODO: why doesnt this return the csrf cookie?!
// r.Len(cs, 2, "expecting one cookie!")
for _, c := range cs {
theCookie := c.String()
a.NotEqual("", theCookie, "should have a new cookie")
sessionHeader.Add("Cookie", theCookie)
durl := dashboardURL.String()
// update headers
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(durl)
if !a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code for dashboard") {
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AdminDashboardWelcome"},
{"title", "AdminDashboardTitle"},
testRef := refs.FeedRef{Algo: "test", ID: bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, 16)}
ts.RoomState.AddEndpoint(testRef, nil)
html, resp = ts.Client.GetHTML(durl)
if !a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code") {
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AdminDashboardWelcome"},
{"title", "AdminDashboardTitle"},
{"#roomCount", "AdminRoomCountSingular"},
testRef2 := refs.FeedRef{Algo: "test", ID: bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 16)}
ts.RoomState.AddEndpoint(testRef2, nil)
html, resp = ts.Client.GetHTML(durl)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code")
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AdminDashboardWelcome"},
{"title", "AdminDashboardTitle"},
{"#roomCount", "AdminRoomCountPlural"},
func TestAuthWithSSBNotConnected(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
// the client is a member but not connected right now
ts.MembersDB.GetByFeedReturns(roomdb.Member{ID: 1234, Nickname: "test-member"}, nil)
ts.MockedEndpoints.GetEndpointForReturns(nil, false)
client, err := keys.NewKeyPair(nil)
cc := signinwithssb.GenerateChallenge()
urlTo := web.NewURLTo(ts.Router)
signInStartURL := urlTo(router.AuthWithSSBSignIn,
"cid", client.Feed.Ref(),
"challenge", cc,
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(signInStartURL.String())
a.Equal(http.StatusInternalServerError, resp.Code) // TODO: StatusForbidden
webassert.Localized(t, doc, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
// {"#welcome", "AuthWithSSBWelcome"},
// {"title", "AuthWithSSBTitle"},
func TestAuthWithSSBNotAllowed(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
// the client isnt a member
ts.MembersDB.GetByFeedReturns(roomdb.Member{}, roomdb.ErrNotFound)
ts.MockedEndpoints.GetEndpointForReturns(nil, false)
client, err := keys.NewKeyPair(nil)
cc := signinwithssb.GenerateChallenge()
urlTo := web.NewURLTo(ts.Router)
signInStartURL := urlTo(router.AuthWithSSBSignIn,
"cid", client.Feed.Ref(),
"challenge", cc,
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(signInStartURL.String())
a.Equal(http.StatusInternalServerError, resp.Code) // TODO: StatusForbidden
webassert.Localized(t, doc, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
// {"#welcome", "AuthWithSSBWelcome"},
// {"title", "AuthWithSSBTitle"},
func TestAuthWithSSBHasClient(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
// very cheap "browser" client session
jar, err := cookiejar.New(nil)
// the request to be signed later
var req signinwithssb.ClientRequest
req.ServerID = ts.NetworkInfo.RoomID
// the keypair for our client
testMember := roomdb.Member{ID: 1234, Nickname: "test-member"}
client, err := keys.NewKeyPair(nil)
testMember.PubKey = client.Feed
// setup the mocked database
ts.MembersDB.GetByFeedReturns(testMember, nil)
ts.AuthWithSSB.CreateTokenReturns("abcdefgh", nil)
ts.AuthWithSSB.CheckTokenReturns(testMember.ID, nil)
ts.MembersDB.GetByIDReturns(testMember, nil)
// fill the basic infos of the request
req.ClientID = client.Feed
// this is our fake "connected" client
var edp muxrpc.FakeEndpoint
// setup a mocked muxrpc call that asserts the arguments and returns the needed signature
edp.AsyncCalls(func(_ context.Context, ret interface{}, encoding muxrpc.RequestEncoding, method muxrpc.Method, args ...interface{}) error {
a.Equal(muxrpc.TypeString, encoding)
a.Equal("httpAuth.requestSolution", method.String())
r.Len(args, 2, "expected two args")
serverChallenge, ok := args[0].(string)
r.True(ok, "argument[0] is not a string: %T", args[0])
a.NotEqual("", serverChallenge)
// update the challenge
req.ServerChallenge = serverChallenge
clientChallenge, ok := args[1].(string)
r.True(ok, "argument[1] is not a string: %T", args[1])
a.Equal(req.ClientChallenge, clientChallenge)
strptr, ok := ret.(*string)
r.True(ok, "return is not a string pointer: %T", ret)
// sign the request now that we have the sc
clientSig := req.Sign(client.Pair.Secret)
*strptr = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(clientSig)
return nil
// setup the fake client endpoint
ts.MockedEndpoints.GetEndpointForReturns(&edp, true)
cc := signinwithssb.GenerateChallenge()
// update the challenge
req.ClientChallenge = cc
// prepare the url
signInStartURL := web.NewURLTo(ts.Router)(router.AuthWithSSBSignIn,
"cid", client.Feed.Ref(),
"cc", cc,
signInStartURL.Host = "localhost"
signInStartURL.Scheme = "https"
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(signInStartURL.String())
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code)
webassert.Localized(t, doc, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
// {"#welcome", "AuthWithSSBWelcome"},
// {"title", "AuthWithSSBTitle"},
// analyse the endpoints call
a.Equal(1, ts.MockedEndpoints.GetEndpointForCallCount())
edpRef := ts.MockedEndpoints.GetEndpointForArgsForCall(0)
a.Equal(client.Feed.Ref(), edpRef.Ref())
// check the mock was called
a.Equal(1, edp.AsyncCallCount())
// check that we have a new cookie
sessionCookie := resp.Result().Cookies()
r.True(len(sessionCookie) > 0, "expecting one cookie!")
jar.SetCookies(signInStartURL, sessionCookie)
// now request the protected dashboard page
dashboardURL, err := ts.Router.Get(router.AdminDashboard).URL()
dashboardURL.Host = "localhost"
dashboardURL.Scheme = "https"
var sessionHeader = http.Header(map[string][]string{})
cs := jar.Cookies(dashboardURL)
r.True(len(cs) > 0, "expecting one cookie!")
for _, c := range cs {
theCookie := c.String()
a.NotEqual("", theCookie, "should have a new cookie")
sessionHeader.Add("Cookie", theCookie)
durl := dashboardURL.String()
// update headers
html, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(durl)
if !a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code for dashboard") {
webassert.Localized(t, html, []webassert.LocalizedElement{
{"#welcome", "AdminDashboardWelcome"},
{"title", "AdminDashboardTitle"},