
70 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The NGI Pointer Secure-Scuttlebutt Team of 2020/2021
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
const pull = require('pull-stream')
const { readFileSync } = require('fs')
const path = require("path")
const scriptname = path.basename(__filename)
let newConnections = 0
module.exports = (t, client, roomrpc, exit) => {
// shadow t.comment to include file making the comment
function comment (msg) {
t.comment(`[${scriptname}] ${msg}`)
comment(`new connection: ${roomrpc.id}`)
comment(`total connections: ${newConnections}`)
if (newConnections > 1) {
comment('more than two connnections, not doing anything')
// we are now connected to the room server.
// log all new endpoints
pull.drain(el => {
comment(`from roomsrv: ${JSON.stringify(el)}`)
}, (err) => {
t.comment('endpoints closed', err)
// give the room time to start
setTimeout(() => {
// announce ourselves to the room/tunnel
roomrpc.tunnel.announce((err, ret) => {
t.error(err, 'announce on server')
// put there by the go test process
let roomHandle = readFileSync('endpoint_through_room.txt').toString()
comment(`connecting to room handle: ${roomHandle}`)
client.conn.connect(roomHandle, (err, tunneledrpc) => {
t.error(err, 'connect through room')
comment(`got a tunnel to: ${tunneledrpc.id}`)
// check the tunnel connection works
tunneledrpc.testing.working((err, ok) => {
t.error(err, 'testing.working didnt error')
t.true(ok, 'testing.working is true')
// start leaving after 2s
setTimeout(() => {
roomrpc.tunnel.leave((err, ret) => {
t.error(err, 'tunnel.leave')
comment('left room... exiting in 1s')
setTimeout(exit, 1000)
}, 2000)
}, 5000)