
46 lines
1.3 KiB

const pull = require('pull-stream')
const path = require("path")
const scriptname = path.basename(__filename)
module.exports = (t, sbot, rpc, exit) => {
// shadow t.comment to include file making the comment
function comment (msg) {
t.comment(`[${scriptname}] ${msg}`)
// this waits for a new incoming connection _after_ the room server is connected already
// so it will be an incomming tunnel client.
// since this calls exit() - if no client connects it will not exit
sbot.on("rpc:connect", (remote, isClient) => {
comment("tunneled connection to simple client!")
// leave after 3 seconds (give the other party time to call `testing.working()`)
setTimeout(() => {
rpc.tunnel.leave((err, ret) => {
t.error(err, 'tunnel.leave')
comment(`tunnel error: ${err}`)
comment(`leave value: ${ret}`)
comment('left, exiting in 3s')
setTimeout(exit, 3000)
}, 1000)
// announce ourselves to the room/tunnel
rpc.tunnel.announce((err, ret) => {
t.error(err, 'tunnel.announce')
comment(`announce error: ${err}`)
comment(`announce value: ${ret}`)
// log all new endpoints
pull.drain(el => {
comment(`from roomsrv: ${el}`)
}, (err) => {
t.comment('endpoints closed', err)