
233 lines
6.8 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Package admin implements the dashboard for admins and moderators to change and control aspects of the room.
// Including aliases, allow/deny list managment, invites and settings of the room.
package admin
import (
weberrors "github.com/ssb-ngi-pointer/go-ssb-room/web/errors"
// HTMLTemplates define the list of files the template system should load.
var HTMLTemplates = []string{
// Databases is an option struct that encapsulates the required database services
type Databases struct {
Aliases roomdb.AliasesService
Config roomdb.RoomConfig
DeniedKeys roomdb.DeniedKeysService
Invites roomdb.InvitesService
Notices roomdb.NoticesService
Members roomdb.MembersService
PinnedNotices roomdb.PinnedNoticesService
// Handler supplies the elevated access pages to known users.
// It is not registering on the mux router like other pages to clean up the authorize flow.
func Handler(
domainName string,
r *render.Renderer,
roomState *roomstate.Manager,
fh *weberrors.FlashHelper,
dbs Databases,
) http.Handler {
mux := &http.ServeMux{}
var dashboardHandler = dashboardHandler{
r: r,
dbs: dbs,
roomState: roomState,
mux.HandleFunc("/dashboard", r.HTML("admin/dashboard.tmpl", dashboardHandler.overview))
var sh = settingsHandler{
r: r,
db: dbs.Config,
mux.HandleFunc("/settings", r.HTML("admin/settings.tmpl", sh.overview))
mux.HandleFunc("/settings/set-privacy", sh.setPrivacy)
mux.HandleFunc("/menu", r.HTML("admin/menu.tmpl", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return map[string]interface{}{}, nil
var ah = aliasesHandler{
r: r,
flashes: fh,
db: dbs.Aliases,
mux.HandleFunc("/aliases/revoke/confirm", r.HTML("admin/aliases-revoke-confirm.tmpl", ah.revokeConfirm))
mux.HandleFunc("/aliases/revoke", ah.revoke)
var dh = deniedKeysHandler{
r: r,
flashes: fh,
db: dbs.DeniedKeys,
mux.HandleFunc("/denied", r.HTML("admin/denied-keys.tmpl", dh.overview))
mux.HandleFunc("/denied/add", dh.add)
mux.HandleFunc("/denied/remove/confirm", r.HTML("admin/denied-keys-remove-confirm.tmpl", dh.removeConfirm))
mux.HandleFunc("/denied/remove", dh.remove)
var mh = membersHandler{
r: r,
flashes: fh,
db: dbs.Members,
mux.HandleFunc("/member", r.HTML("admin/member.tmpl", mh.details))
mux.HandleFunc("/members", r.HTML("admin/member-list.tmpl", mh.overview))
mux.HandleFunc("/members/add", mh.add)
mux.HandleFunc("/members/change-role", mh.changeRole)
mux.HandleFunc("/members/remove/confirm", r.HTML("admin/members-remove-confirm.tmpl", mh.removeConfirm))
mux.HandleFunc("/members/remove", mh.remove)
var ih = invitesHandler{
r: r,
flashes: fh,
db: dbs.Invites,
config: dbs.Config,
domainName: domainName,
mux.HandleFunc("/invites", r.HTML("admin/invite-list.tmpl", ih.overview))
mux.HandleFunc("/invites/create", r.HTML("admin/invite-created.tmpl", ih.create))
mux.HandleFunc("/invites/revoke/confirm", r.HTML("admin/invite-revoke-confirm.tmpl", ih.revokeConfirm))
mux.HandleFunc("/invites/revoke", ih.revoke)
var nh = noticeHandler{
r: r,
flashes: fh,
noticeDB: dbs.Notices,
pinnedDB: dbs.PinnedNotices,
mux.HandleFunc("/notice/edit", r.HTML("admin/notice-edit.tmpl", nh.edit))
mux.HandleFunc("/notice/translation/draft", r.HTML("admin/notice-edit.tmpl", nh.draftTranslation))
mux.HandleFunc("/notice/translation/add", nh.addTranslation)
mux.HandleFunc("/notice/save", nh.save)
// path:/ matches everything that isn't registerd (ie. its the "Not Found handler")
mux.HandleFunc("/", http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
r.Error(rw, req, 404, weberrors.ErrNotFound{What: req.URL.Path})
return customStripPrefix("/admin", mux)
// how many elements does a paginated page have by default
const defaultPageSize = 20
// paginate receives the total slice and it's length/count, a URL query for the 'limit' and which 'page'.
// The members of the map are:
// Entries: the paginated slice
// Count: the total number of the whole, unpaginated list
// FirstInView: a bool thats true if you render the first page
// LastInView: a bool thats true if you render the last page
// Paginator and View: helpers for rendering the page accessor (see github.com/vcraescu/go-paginator)
// TODO: we could return a struct instead but then need to re-think how we embedd it into all the pages where we need it.
// Maybe renderData["Pages"] = paginatedData
func paginate(total interface{}, count int, qry url.Values) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
pageSize, err := strconv.Atoi(qry.Get("limit"))
if err != nil {
pageSize = defaultPageSize
page, err := strconv.Atoi(qry.Get("page"))
if err != nil || page < 1 {
page = 1
paginator := paginator.New(adapter.NewSliceAdapter(total), pageSize)
var entries []interface{}
if err = paginator.Results(&entries); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("paginator failed with %w", err)
view := view.New(paginator)
pagesSlice, err := view.Pages()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("paginator view.Pages failed with %w", err)
if len(pagesSlice) == 0 {
pagesSlice = []int{1}
last, err := view.Last()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("paginator view.Last failed with %w", err)
return map[string]interface{}{
"Entries": entries,
"Count": count,
"Paginator": paginator,
"View": view,
"FirstInView": pagesSlice[0] == 1,
"LastInView": pagesSlice[len(pagesSlice)-1] == last,
}, nil
// trim prefix if exists (workaround for named router problem)
func customStripPrefix(prefix string, h http.Handler) http.Handler {
if prefix == "" {
return h
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
p := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, prefix)
rp := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.RawPath, prefix)
if len(p) < len(r.URL.Path) && (r.URL.RawPath == "" || len(rp) < len(r.URL.RawPath)) {
r2 := new(http.Request)
*r2 = *r
r2.URL = new(url.URL)
*r2.URL = *r.URL
r2.URL.Path = p
r2.URL.RawPath = rp
h.ServeHTTP(w, r2)
} else {
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)