
200 lines
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# default localiztion file for english
# generic terms
GenericConfirm = "Yes"
GenericGoBack = "Back"
GenericSave = "Save"
GenericCreate = "Create"
GenericSubmit = "Submit"
GenericPreview = "Preview"
GenericLanguage = "Language"
GenericOpenLink = "Open Link"
PageNotFound = "The requested page was not found."
PubKeyRefPlaceholder = "@ .ed25519"
# roles
RoleMember = "Member"
RoleModerator = "Moderator"
RoleAdmin = "Admin"
# navigation labels (should be single words or as short as possible)
NavAdminLanding = "Home"
NavAdminDashboard = "Dashboard"
NavAdminInvites = "Invites"
NavAdminNotices = "Notices"
# Error messages
ErrorAuthBadLogin = "The supplied authentication credentials seem wrong."
ErrorNotFound = "The database couldn't find the item in question."
ErrorAlreadyAdded = "The public key <strong>{{.Key}}</strong> already is on the list"
ErrorPageNotFound = "The requested page <strong>({{.Path}})</strong> is not there."
ErrorNotAuthorized = "You are not authorized to access this page."
ErrorForbidden = "The request could not be executed because of lacking privileges ({{.Details}})"
ErrorBadRequest = "There was a problem with your Request: {{.Where}} ({{.Details}}"
# TODO: might be obsolete with notices
LandingTitle = "ohai my room"
LandingWelcome = "Landing welcome here"
# authentication
AuthTitle = "Member Authentication"
AuthWelcome = "If you are a member of this room, you can access the internal dashboard. Click on your preferred sign-in method below:"
AuthSignIn = "Sign in"
AuthSignOut = "Sign out"
# auth with ssb
AuthWithSSBTitle = "Sign in with SSB"
AuthWithSSBInstruct = "Easy and secure method, if your SSB app supports it."
AuthWithSSBWelcome = "To sign-in with your SSB identity stored on this device, press the button below which will open a compatible SSB app, if it's installed."
AuthWithSSBInstructQR = "If your SSB app is on another device, you can scan the following QR code to sign-in with that device's SSB identity."
AuthWithSSBError = "Sign-in failed. Please make sure you use an SSB app that supports this method of login, and click the button above within a minute after this page was opened."
# auth with password
AuthFallbackTitle = "Password sign-in"
AuthFallbackWelcome = "Signing in with username and password is only possible if the administrator has given you one, because we do not support user registration."
AuthFallbackInstruct = "This method is an acceptable fallback, if you have a username and password."
# general dashboard stuff
AdminDashboardTitle = "Dashboard"
AdminDashboardWelcome = "Welcome to your dashboard"
# privacy modes
ModeOpen = "Open"
ModeCommunity = "Community"
ModeRestricted = "Restricted"
SetPrivacyModeTitle = "Set Privacy Mode"
PrivacyModesTitle = "Privacy Modes"
RoomsSpecification = "rooms 2 specification"
ExplanationPrivacyModes = "The privacy mode of this room determines who can create invites and who can connect to the room. For more information, see the"
ExplanationOpen = "Open invite codes, anyone may connect"
ExplanationCommunity = "Members can create invites, anyone may connect"
ExplanationRestricted = "Only admins/mods can create invites, only members may connect"
Settings = "Settings"
# banned dashboard
AdminDeniedKeysTitle = "Banned"
AdminDeniedKeysWelcome = "This page can be used to ban SSB IDs so that they can't access the room any more."
AdminDeniedKeysAdd = "Add"
AdminDeniedKeysAdded = "Key was added to the list."
AdminDeniedKeysRemove = "Remove"
AdminDeniedKeysComment = "Comment"
AdminDeniedKeysCommentDescription = "The person who added this ban, added the following comment"
AdminDeniedKeysRemoveConfirmWelcome = "Are you sure you want to remove this ban? They will will be able to access the room again."
AdminDeniedKeysRemoveConfirmTitle = "Confirm member removal"
# members dashboard
AdminMembersTitle = "Members"
AdminMembersWelcome = "Here you can see all the members of the room and ways to add new ones (by their SSB ID) or remove exising ones."
AdminMembersAdd = "Add"
AdminMembersRemoveConfirmTitle = "Confirm member removal"
AdminMembersRemoveConfirmWelcome = "Are you sure you want to remove this member? They will lose their alias, if they have one."
AdminMemberDetailsTitle = "Member details"
AdminMemberDetailsSSBID = "SSB Identifier"
AdminMemberDetailsRole = "Permission level"
AdminMemberDetailsAliases = "Aliases"
AdminMemberDetailsAliasRevoke = "Revoke"
AdminMemberDetailsExclusion = "Exclusion from this room"
AdminMemberDetailsRemove = "Remove member"
AdminMemberAdded = "Member added successfully."
AdminMemberUpdated = "Member updated."
AdminMemberRemoved = "Member removed."
# invite dashboard
AdminInvitesTitle = "Invites"
AdminInvitesWelcome = "Create invite tokens for people who are not yet members of this room. On this page you can also see previously created invites that are still not unclaimed by new members."
AdminInvitesCreate = "Create new invite"
AdminInvitesCreatedAtColumn = "Created at"
AdminInvitesCreatorColumn = "Created by"
AdminInvitesActionColumn = "Action"
AdminInviteRevoke = "Revoke"
AdminInviteRevokeConfirmTitle = "Confirm invite revocation"
AdminInviteRevokeConfirmWelcome = "Are you sure you want to remove this invite? If you already sent it out, they will not be able to use it."
# TODO: add placeholder support to the template helpers (https://github.com/ssb-ngi-pointer/go-ssb-room/issues/60)
AdminInviteCreatedBy = "Created by:"
AdminInviteSuggestedAliasIs = "The suggested alias is:"
AdminInviteSuggestedAliasIsShort = "Alias:"
AdminInviteCreatedTitle = "Invite created successfully!"
AdminInviteCreatedInstruct = "Now, copy the link below and paste it to a friend who you want to invite to this room."
# public invites
InviteFacade = "Join Room"
InviteFacadeTitle = "Join Room"
InviteFacadeWelcome = "You have permission to become a member of this room because someone has shared this invite with you."
InviteFacadeInstruct = "To claim the invite, press the button below which will open a compatible SSB app, if it's installed."
InviteFacadeJoin = "Join this room"
InviteFacadeWaiting = "Opening SSB app"
InviteFacadeFallbackWelcome = "Are you new to SSB? It seems you don't have an SSB app capable of understanding that link. You can install one of these apps:"
InviteFacadeFallbackManyverse = "Install Manyverse"
InviteFacadeFallbackInsertID = "Insert SSB ID"
InviteInsertWelcome = "You can claim your invite by inserting your SSB ID below. After that, you'll be able to connect to the room in your SSB app."
InviteConsumedTitle = "Invite accepted!"
InviteConsumedWelcome = "You are now a member of this room. If you need a multiserver address to connect to the room, you can copy-paste the one below:"
# notices (mini-CMS)
NoticeEditTitle = "Edit Notice"
NoticeList = "Notices"
NoticeListWelcome = "Here you can manage the contents of the landing page and other important documents such as code of conduct and privacy policy."
NoticeAddTranslation = "Add"
NoticeCodeOfConduct = "Code of Conduct"
NoticeNews = "News"
NoticeDescription = "Description"
NoticePrivacyPolicy = "Privacy Policy"
# Plurals
# These need to use this form and get {{.Count}}
# [Label]
# one = "singular"
# other = "{{.Count}} things"
description = "Number of members"
one = "1 member"
other = "{{.Count}} members"
description = "generic list"
one = "There is one item on the List"
other = "There are {{.Count}} items on the List"
description = "The number of people in a room"
one = "There is one person in the Room"
other = "There are {{.Count}} people in the Room"
description = "the number of invites that are not yet claimed"
one = "1 invite still unclaimed"
other = "{{.Count}} invites still unclaimed"