
48 lines
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Confirm = "Confirm"
Save = "Save"
Preview = "Preview"
PageNotFound = "The requested page was not found."
LandingTitle = "ohai my room"
LandingWelcome = "Landing welcome here"
NewsWelcome = "so, what happend (recently)"
NewsTitle = "News"
NewsOverview = "News - Overview"
AuthFallbackWelcome = "You really shouldn't be here.... Let's get you through this."
AuthFallbackTitle = "The place of last resort"
AuthSignIn = "Sign in"
AuthSignOut = "Sign out"
GenericConfirm = "Yes"
GenericGoBack = "Back"
AdminDashboardWelcome = "Welcome to your dashboard"
AdminDashboardTitle = "Room Admin Dashboard"
AdminAllowListTitle = "Members"
AdminAllowListWelcome = "Here you can see all the members of the room and ways to add new ones (by their SSB ID) or remove exising ones."
AdminAllowListAdd = "Add"
AdminAllowListRemove = "Remove"
AdminAllowListRemoveConfirmWelcome = "Are you sure you want to remove this member? They will lose their alias, if they have one."
AdminAllowListRemoveConfirmTitle = "Confirm member removal"
NavAdminDashboard = "Dashboard"
description = "Number of members"
one = "1 member"
other = "{{.Count}} members"
NoticeEditTitle = "Edit Notice"
description = "generic list"
one = "There is one item on the List"
other = "There are {{.Count}} items on the List"
description = "The number of people in a room"
one = "There is one person in the Room"
other = "There are {{.Count}} people in the Room"