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2020-12-01 03:09:41 +00:00
commit_message: "fix: New %language% translations from Crowdin [ci skip]"
append_commit_message: false
feat: I18n (#1653) * feat: i18n * Changing language single source of truth from TEAM to USER * Changes according to @tommoor comments on PR * Changed package.json for build:i18n and translation label * Finished 1st MVP of i18n for outline * new translation labels & Portuguese from Portugal translation * Fixes from PR request * Described language dropdown as an experimental feature * Set keySeparator to false in order to cowork with html keys * Added useTranslation to Breadcrumb * Repositioned <strong> element * Removed extra space from TemplatesMenu * Fortified the test suite for i18n * Fixed trans component problematic * Check if selected language is available * Update yarn.lock * Removed unused Trans * Removing debug variable from i18n init * Removed debug variable * test: update snapshots * flow: Remove decorator usage to get proper flow typing It's a shame, but hopefully we'll move to Typescript in the next 6 months and we can forget this whole Flow mistake ever happened * translate: Drafts * More translatable strings * Mo translation strings * translation: Search * async translations loading * cache translations in client * Revert "cache translations in client" This reverts commit 08fb61ce36384ff90a704faffe4761eccfb76da1. * Revert localStorage cache for cache headers * Update Crowdin configuration file * Moved translation files to locales folder and fixed english text * Added CONTRIBUTING File for CrowdIn * chore: Move translations again to please CrowdIn * fix: loading paths chore: Add strings for editor * fix: Improve validation on documents.import endpoint * test: mock bull * fix: Unknown mimetype should fallback to Markdown parsing if markdown extension (#1678) * closes #1675 * Update CONTRIBUTING * chore: Add link to translation portal from app UI * refactor: Centralize language config * fix: Ensure creation of i18n directory in build * feat: Add language prompt * chore: Improve contributing guidelines, add link from README * chore: Normalize tab header casing * chore: More string externalization * fix: Language prompt in dark mode Co-authored-by: André Glatzl <>
2020-11-30 04:04:58 +00:00
- source: /shared/i18n/locales/en_US/translation.json
translation: /shared/i18n/locales/%locale_with_underscore%/translation.json