<i>An open, extensible, wiki for your team built using React and Node.js.<br/>Try out Outline using our hosted version at <ahref="https://www.getoutline.com">www.getoutline.com</a>.</i>
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This is the source code that runs [**Outline**](https://www.getoutline.com) and all the associated services. If you want to use Outline then you don't need to run this code, we offer a hosted version of the app at [getoutline.com](https://www.getoutline.com).
Outline is composed of separate backend and frontend application which are both driven by the same Node process. As both are written in Javascript, they share some code but are mostly separate. We utilize latest language features, including `async`/`await`, and [Flow](https://flow.org/) typing. Prettier and ESLint are ran as pre-commit hooks.
Outline's frontend is a React application compiled with [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/). It uses [Mobx](https://mobx.js.org/) for state management and [Styled Components](https://www.styled-components.com/) for component styles. Unless global, state logic and styles are always co-located with React components together with their subcomponents to make the component tree easier to manage. The editor is driven by [Slate](https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate) with several plugins.
Backend is driven by [Koa](http://koajs.com/) (API, web server), [Sequelize](http://docs.sequelizejs.com/) (database) and React for public pages and emails.
-`server/api` - API endpoints
-`server/emails` - React rendered email templates
-`server/models` - Database models (Sequelize)
-`server/pages` - Server-side rendered public pages (React)
-`server/presenters` - API responses for database models
-`shared` - Code shared between frontend and backend applications
We aim to have sufficient test coverage for critical parts of the application and aren't aiming for 100% unit test coverage. All API endpoints and anything authentication related should be thoroughly tested, and it's generally good to add tests for backend features and code.
Outline is still built and maintained by a small team – we'd love your help to fix bugs and add features!
However, before working on a pull request please let the core team know by creating or commenting in an issue on [GitHub](https://www.github.com/outline/outline/issues), and we'd also love to hear from you in our [Spectrum community](https://spectrum.chat/outline). This way we can ensure that an approach is agreed on before code is written and will hopefully help to get your contributions integrated faster!
If you're looking for ways to get started, here's a list of ways to help us improve Outline: