version: 2.1 executors: docker-publisher: environment: IMAGE_NAME: outlinewiki/outline docker: - image: circleci/buildpack-deps:stretch jobs: build: working_directory: ~/outline docker: - image: circleci/node:14 - image: circleci/redis:latest - image: circleci/postgres:9.6.5-alpine-ram environment: NODE_ENV: test SECRET_KEY: F0E5AD933D7F6FD8F4DBB3E038C501C052DC0593C686D21ACB30AE205D2F634B DATABASE_URL_TEST: postgres://root@localhost:5432/circle_test DATABASE_URL: postgres://root@localhost:5432/circle_test URL: http://localhost:3000 SMTP_FROM_EMAIL: AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_URL: AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME: outline-circle steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - run: name: install-deps command: yarn install --pure-lockfile - save_cache: key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "package.json" }} paths: - ./node_modules - run: name: migrate command: ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate --url $DATABASE_URL_TEST - run: name: lint command: yarn lint - run: name: flow command: yarn flow check --max-workers 4 - run: name: test command: yarn test - run: name: build-webpack command: yarn build:webpack build-image: executor: docker-publisher steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker: version: 20.10.6 - run: name: Build Docker image command: docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME:latest . - run: name: Archive Docker image command: docker save -o image.tar $IMAGE_NAME - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - ./image.tar publish-latest: executor: docker-publisher steps: - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - setup_remote_docker: version: 20.10.6 - run: name: Load archived Docker image command: docker load -i /tmp/workspace/image.tar - run: name: Publish Docker Image to Docker Hub command: | echo "$DOCKERHUB_PASS" | docker login -u "$DOCKERHUB_USERNAME" --password-stdin IMAGE_TAG=${CIRCLE_TAG/v/''} docker tag $IMAGE_NAME:latest $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG docker push $IMAGE_NAME:latest docker push $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG publish-tag: executor: docker-publisher steps: - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - setup_remote_docker: version: 20.10.6 - run: name: Load archived Docker image command: docker load -i /tmp/workspace/image.tar - run: name: Publish Docker Image to Docker Hub command: | echo "$DOCKERHUB_PASS" | docker login -u "$DOCKERHUB_USERNAME" --password-stdin IMAGE_TAG=${CIRCLE_TAG/v/''} docker tag $IMAGE_NAME:latest $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG docker push $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG workflows: version: 2 build-and-test: jobs: - build: filters: tags: ignore: /^v.*/ build-docker: jobs: - build-image: filters: tags: only: /^v.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ - publish-latest: requires: - build-image filters: tags: only: /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ branches: ignore: /.*/ - publish-tag: requires: - build-image filters: tags: only: /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-.*$/ branches: ignore: /.*/