// @flow import ArrowKeyNavigation from "boundless-arrow-key-navigation"; import { isEqual } from "lodash"; import { observable, action } from "mobx"; import { observer } from "mobx-react"; import * as React from "react"; import { Waypoint } from "react-waypoint"; import { DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT } from "stores/BaseStore"; import DelayedMount from "components/DelayedMount"; import { ListPlaceholder } from "components/LoadingPlaceholder"; type Props = { fetch?: (options: ?Object) => Promise, options?: Object, heading?: React.Node, empty?: React.Node, items: any[], renderItem: (any) => React.Node, }; @observer class PaginatedList extends React.Component { isInitiallyLoaded: boolean = false; @observable isLoaded: boolean = false; @observable isFetchingMore: boolean = false; @observable isFetching: boolean = false; @observable renderCount: number = DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT; @observable offset: number = 0; @observable allowLoadMore: boolean = true; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.isInitiallyLoaded = this.props.items.length > 0; } componentDidMount() { this.fetchResults(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { if ( prevProps.fetch !== this.props.fetch || !isEqual(prevProps.options, this.props.options) ) { this.reset(); this.fetchResults(); } } reset = () => { this.offset = 0; this.allowLoadMore = true; this.renderCount = DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT; this.isFetching = false; this.isFetchingMore = false; this.isLoaded = false; }; fetchResults = async () => { if (!this.props.fetch) return; this.isFetching = true; const limit = DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT; const results = await this.props.fetch({ limit, offset: this.offset, ...this.props.options, }); if (results && (results.length === 0 || results.length < limit)) { this.allowLoadMore = false; } else { this.offset += limit; } this.renderCount += limit; this.isLoaded = true; this.isFetching = false; this.isFetchingMore = false; }; @action loadMoreResults = async () => { // Don't paginate if there aren't more results or we’re currently fetching if (!this.allowLoadMore || this.isFetching) return; // If there are already cached results that we haven't yet rendered because // of lazy rendering then show another page. const leftToRender = this.props.items.length - this.renderCount; if (leftToRender > 1) { this.renderCount += DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT; } // If there are less than a pages results in the cache go ahead and fetch // another page from the server if (leftToRender <= DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT) { this.isFetchingMore = true; await this.fetchResults(); } }; render() { const { items, heading, empty } = this.props; const showLoading = this.isFetching && !this.isFetchingMore && !this.isInitiallyLoaded; const showEmpty = !items.length && !showLoading; const showList = (this.isLoaded || this.isInitiallyLoaded) && !showLoading && !showEmpty; return ( <> {showEmpty && empty} {showList && ( <> {heading} {items.slice(0, this.renderCount).map(this.props.renderItem)} {this.allowLoadMore && ( )} )} {showLoading && ( )} ); } } export default PaginatedList;