import TestServer from 'fetch-test-server'; import app from '..'; import { flushdb, sequelize, seed } from '../test/support'; const server = new TestServer(app.callback()); beforeEach(flushdb); afterAll(() => server.close()); afterAll(() => sequelize.close()); describe('#auth.signup', async () => { it('should signup a new user', async () => { const res = await'/api/auth.signup', { body: { username: 'testuser', name: 'Test User', email: '', password: 'test123!', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.ok).toBe(true); expect(; }); it('should require params', async () => { const res = await'/api/auth.signup', { body: { username: 'testuser', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should require valid email', async () => { const res = await'/api/auth.signup', { body: { username: 'testuser', name: 'Test User', email: '', password: 'test123!', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should require unique email', async () => { await seed(); const res = await'/api/auth.signup', { body: { username: 'testuser', name: 'Test User', email: '', password: 'test123!', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should require unique username', async () => { await seed(); const res = await'/api/auth.signup', { body: { username: 'user1', name: 'Test User', email: '', password: 'test123!', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('#auth.login', () => { test('should login with email', async () => { await seed(); const res = await'/api/auth.login', { body: { username: '', password: 'test123!', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.ok).toBe(true); expect(; }); test('should login with username', async () => { await seed(); const res = await'/api/auth.login', { body: { username: 'user1', password: 'test123!', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.ok).toBe(true); expect(; }); test('should validate password', async () => { await seed(); const res = await'/api/auth.login', { body: { email: '', password: 'bad_password', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('should require either username or email', async () => { const res = await'/api/auth.login', { body: { password: 'test123!', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('should require password', async () => { await seed(); const res = await'/api/auth.login', { body: { email: '', }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });